Another year flies bye, but for better or worse time marches on.
Thank you for reading these posts and hopefully enjoying what i put here.
May you're new year be a great one.
Happy New Year 🎆👻🎇
Another year flies bye, but for better or worse time marches on.
Thank you for reading these posts and hopefully enjoying what i put here.
May you're new year be a great one.
Happy New Year 🎆👻🎇
We all know of Santa and his workshop of elves, but we're did this story comes from what are the origins of the jolly fat man's helpers?
The modern elf folklore come from Norse/Scandinavian mythology, the Nisse or house gnome and the álfar, also called huldufólk or hildafolk 'hidden folk'.
Sweden's gift giver before Santa was the Tomten and the Yule Goat though by 1891, the Good old St Nick had merged with Tomten, who was originally an elf or gnome like farm guardian (like the Nisse). following the work of Jenny Nyström, this new combination of old and new Christmas figures became the Jultomten.
In Nordic countries, Nisse are the closest thing you could consider as Christmas Elves even though nisse are not actually elves and they will usually only wear red instead of the green and red outfits that elves are known for in most western countries.
Several Norse legend were likely combined with other Scandinavian and Celtic legends and myths about these small magic beings.
All kinds of stories about elves, fairies nature spirits and even gnomes can be found from multiple regions through Europe there are also similar supernatural beings that could be connected to elves, such as kobolds or duende from Germany Mexico and South America or the Scottish house spirits called brownies. In Medieval Europe, elves were seen as tricksters and were often linked to demons especially after the christianization of Europe most things of a supernatural or otherworldly nature where considered evil.
The modern Christmas elf + working in Santa's workshop) appeared in literature as early as 1850 when Louisa May Alcott (Little Women ) completed, but never published a book called Christmas Elves.
Though a earlier reference to Christmas elf's can be found In the 1823 poem A Visit from St. Nicholas ( 'Twas the Night Before Christmas), by Clement Clarke Moore, Santa Claus himself is described in line 45: "He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf".
The image of the elves in the workshop was also popularized by Godey's Lady's Book, with a front cover illustration for its 1873 Christmas issue showing Santa surrounded by toys and elves with the caption "Here we have an idea of the preparations that are made to supply the young folks with toys at Christmas time".
During this time, Godey's was a very influential figure to the birth of some of our Christmas traditions, having shown the first widely circulated picture of a modern Christmas tree on the front cover of its 1850 Christmas issue. Additional recognition was also given in Austin Thompson's 1876 work "The House of Santa Claus, a Christmas Fairy Show (Christmas play) for Sunday Schools"
A few other versions of elf's or helpers are
Ded Moroz (father Frost / Grandfather Frost ) and his grand daughter Snegurochka (Frost Maiden) from Russia ⛄🎁
Knecht Ruprecht from Germany.🍻🎅
The Hoesecker in Luxembourg.🦌
Zwarte Piet (Black Peter) In the Netherlands and Belgium who accompany Saint Nicholas on his global gift giving.🎄
And lastly the modern Christmas tradition involving that ever watchful snitch The Elf on the Shelf .🧝♂️👀
Hopefully none of you are on the naughty list, this year 🙂
Have a great Christmas and happy New Year.
Last Post for the year, thanks for stopping by and have an awesome 2025🎆🎇
The Kallikantzaroi is a goblin like creature from Greek folklore.
They live underground most of the year and spend their time sawing away at the world tree trying to bring it down and the world with it, only coming out during the twelve days of Christmas, from December 25th to January 6th.
They are small creatures most often described as goblins or tiny demons with tails, long, shaggy hair and hooves for feet.
Despite their monstrous appearance, they are mostly prankster not good, but not entirely evil, however their mischievous behavior during the Christmas season can be troublesome similar to the pranks played by the Yule lad's.
They're pranks usually involve stealing peoples belongings, and messing with food.
There are several customs and rituals to keep them away, including leaving a fire burning in the hearth throughout the night to prevent the Kallikantzaroi from entering through the chimney, hanging holly and garlic, and placing a colander on the doorstep are some methods believed to keep the Kallikantzaroi at bay.
They're pranks will continue until the Feast of the Epiphany, celebrated on January 6th. As the waters are blessed during the Epiphany service, the Christmas goblins return to they're underground home only to resurface the following year when the holiday season arrives once again.
⛄Merry Christmas 🎄
Happy New Year
This Yokai is the physical manifestation of human regret, hunger and death.
The Gashadokuro is a towering monstrous skeleton formed from the grudge and regret of those that have died on the battle field or from starvation. It's body is made from the Bones of countless dead individuals.
The earliest record of a gashadokuro goes back over 1000 years to a bloody rebellion against the central government by a samurai named Taira no Masakado.
His daughter Takiyasha hime was a famous sorceress. When Masako was eventually killed for his revolt, his daughter continued his cause. Using her dark magic, she summoned a massive skeleton from the bodies of dead soldiers to attack the city of Kyōto. Her monster is depicted in a famous print by Utagawa Kuniyoshi.
. .
In another vision of the story the Gashadokuro is formed from soldiers whose bodies are left to rot in the fields and victims of famine who die unknown in the villages or off in the wilderness and don't receive a proper funeral, unable to pass on, their souls linger as vengeful spirits these people die with anger and pain in their hearts.
That energy remains long after their flesh has rotted away, As their bodies decay, their anger ferments into a grudge against the living, which twists them into a supernatural force. When the bones of hundreds or thousands of victims gather together into one mass, they form the giant, skeletal monster. This Yokai existence will last for however the rage and regret in the bone s it's made of still lingers. They are most often found around graveyards mass Graves or battlefields where there are a large mass of dead bodies or death.
This Yokai wanders around the countryside in the late hours of the night. Their teeth chatter and bones rattle with the “gachi gachi” sound.
However they aren't always noisy. If they spot a human out late on the roads, the gashadokuro will silently sneak up and catch their victims, crushing them in their hands or biting off their head.
Be careful of you're next night walk you definitely don't want to run into one of these guy's... 💀👻
.. ......
Gashadokuro in anime.
Eyewitness Dogman sighting in Boulder Wyoming..
My name is Ken, 8 years ago my brother Jon was heading home from his girlfriends house off a county road outside of Boulder 11 miles south of Pinedale Wyoming.
It was around 1 or 2 am when he saw what he said was a huge dog traverse down the slope on the south side of the road and commense to run along side his pickup.
He was driving a 69-70 Ford F150 highboy which came from the factory lifted. The dogman was running with him at 35-40 mph.
Theres a 2-3ft barrow ditch running along the road and the dogmans head was level with his as he was driving so Jon puts its height at 7 to 8 ft.
It was dark in color with grey or white on its muzzle running from its nose to under its eyes which were amber in color.
He sped up to 45 and the dogman kept up with him often looking inside the pickup. He said at around 50mph he lost it and thats all he would tell me.
The pooka (or púca) are some of the most feared shapshifting creatures in Irish mythology.
They were believed to bring either good or bad luck to those who
see them and were especially feared around times of harvest. As a good or bad harvest could mean the difference between life and death during a hard winter.
They often take the form of a wild dog, with red sulfurous eyes, but could also take the form of a goblin or human with animal features. According to Celtic mythology, they are often written as evil and devilish.
However, there are also tales of them warning humans of accidents or being called on for protection.
A similar fairy entity appears in the mythology of Scotland, Wales, Cornwall, the Channel Islands.
Often thought of as an animal spirit, some accounts believe it gets its name from Poc, meaning he-goat in Irish. In fact, Pooka is a changeling and can take an animal or human form; like a horse, donkey, cat, dog, bull, young man, or even a voluptuous young woman. The animal Pooka is usually jet black with fiery golden or red eyes. Some associate it with the devil!
They live deep in the mountains and hillside. Depending on the part of Ireland your in, Pooka was either helpful or harmful. It's been known to help farmers for example, but it can also wreak havoc in a farm.
Though in general an encounter with y a poika usually seen as a bad oman.
Poika is know for it's intelligence and deceptive nature and it's ability to lie convincingly to it's target. It is also considered a fertility spirit in some regions since it has the power to create or destroy. Another one of it's abilities is human speech, it is a gifted prophesier.
November is the month of Pooka. In Ireland essentially at Halloween, children went out dressed as pooka and collected treats or played pranks(early truck or treating) but others stayed indoors, fearful of stories they had heard of what Pooka did to children. The Pooka is considered a bogeyman in some places throughout Ireland.
This fay is also documented in the classic literature of Ireland and Britain. Irish poet and playwright W. B. Yeats depicts Pooka as an eagle, while Irish novelist and playwright Brian O’Nolan, who wrote under the pseudonym Flann O’Brien, was also so inspired. O’Brien’s masterpiece, At Swim-Two-Birds, features a character called Pooka MacPhillemey, a “member of devil class”. In William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Puck is a mischievous and quick-witted sprite responsible for setting many of the play’s events in motion through his magic.
Often appearing as a horse, Pooka sometimes gallops across the countryside knocking down fences and gates and destroying crops. In this form, he likes to take a rider, usually a drunkard, on a wild ride all night and shake him off in the early morning. This person, already heavily inebriated, is also under the spell and has no recollection of what happened usually. This often accounts for why some people who, having gotten very drunk, report that they have no idea what happened the previous night.
The only man to ever successfully ride a Pooka was High King of Ireland and founder of O’Brien dynasty, Brian Boruma Mac Cennetig (941-1014), or more commonly known as Brian Boru. Brian managed to control the magic of the creature by using a special bridle that used three hairs of Pooka’s tail. Brian’s physical prowess meant he was able to stay on its back until it was exhausted Pooka then surrendered to Brian.
The king forced it to agree to two promises. First, it no longer tormented Christian people and ruined their property, and second it would never again attack an Irishman, except those who were drunk or were abroad with evil intent. Although Pooka agreed, it appears to have forgotten its promises over the years.
There have been hundreds of pooka sightings all over the country throughout the centuries but the most famous story is an animal spirit that gave its name to Poulaphuca (Hole of Pooka) at the boundary of River Liffey between counties Kildare and Wicklow.
Now a site of a hydroelectric power station, where the river flows through a narrow gorge before plunging 150 feet (46 meters) in three stages. Under the second drop there is a pool, and this is called Hole of Pooka. Irish author Padraig O’Farrell (1932-2004) tells a story which was inspired by the written account of an anonymous Kildare man. The writer also has an interesting postscript at the end:
In November 1813, Kildare Hunt known as Killing Kildares set out. Having
indulged in traditional stirrup cup at Tipper crossroads, near Naas,
hunt failed to raise a fox until it was approaching Tipperkevin, north
of Ballymore Eustace, county Kildare. Here a large fox appeared and led a
course towards Liffey. Simultaneously, an un-mounted black horse
appeared, that did not belong to any of riders. It was Pooka!
terrain was difficult and fox ran fast, so that near Liffey, only one
of members of hunt, a man named Grennan, and horse, who was really
Pooka, remained with pack. The gorge was in full spate but hounds were
gaining on their quarry and started to pick their way across rocks.
Seeing danger, Grennan attempted to recall hounds, but Pooka ahead of
them was tempting them onwards. The fox headed for ledge on narrow part
of gorge then, seeing Pooka’s red eyes spitting fire, fox jumped. It
missed ledge, falling into turbulent waters below. The Pooka easily
leaped across gorge, disappearing into woodlands, but pack of hounds
hard on scent of fox went headlong into pool.
"Looking down, Grennan saw fox and hounds trying desperately to swim to safety through swirling swell; other hounds dashed against rocks were yelping in pain and dying. He wept as most of pack went under. Suddenly his sorrow give way to terror, he heard a diabolical neighing, like an animal laughing – from woods opposite. Grennan knew then it was Pooka."
The writer of the original story describes how in the 1930s, as he stood above the valleys of Liffey and King’s River, a sudden sadness came over him and he wept at the sight of so many humble homes that would soon be submerged forever by Blessington Lakes, created to supply water for a power station at Poulaphuca.
Between 1938 and 1940 seventy-six houses were demolished and bridges at Humphreystown, Baltyboys, and Burgage were blown up before the entire valley was flooded for the hydroelectric power station. A Protestant church, St. Mark’s, built in 1682 was also submerged. To this day there have been many claims of people hearing bells tolling beneath the waters of lakes.
A kejōrō’s / keyuro is a Yokai that's most often seen around the red light district near brothels.
The name literally means Hair hooker / hairy prostitute..
Hair(ke) Hooker(joro)
Sometimes spelled yuro..
Her victims are the men who frequent brothels.
As the story goes,.... A man will see a woman from behind, he approaches her but when she turns around, her face and body are covered in thick hair, hiding her face.
Once her victim is shocked by the sight before him, she takes this moment to attack, tangling him up in her hair and using it to slice and cut him up. Though kejōrō-related fatalities are very rare despite the many cuts.
Though her appearance to humans may be somewhat frightening, male Yokai find her very attractive.
In fact she is so popular that male yokai will Often fight for her affection.
Kejōrō sometimes return this devotion by cutting off some of her hair and sending it to her lover (human or yokai), or tattoo his name into her skin to prove her love to him.
The earliest records of a kejōrō go back to Toriyama Sekien’s “One Hundred Demons of the Past and Present.” There is some debate over his original description as to whether the kejōrō has a normal face under the matte of hair, or whether she is a faceless monster, related to the nopperabō or the ohaguro-bettari, with various yokai researches weighing in on either side of the question.
In the original stories she's a prostitute whose face and body are hidden behind a curtain of long, black hair. She appears in red-light districts and brothels. In most stories, its only the hair on her head that is abnormally thick and long, but in other versions, her whole body is covered in thick hair, like an animal.
Her appearance is still disputed some say she's a woman with a lot of hair that drapes over her body, others claim she's a strange creature made entirely of hair with no body underneath . She has been depicted both ways, largely at the personal preference of the artist .
The most common telling of the story and the earliest records of the kejōrō go back to Toriyama Sekien’s “One Hundred Demons of the Past and Present
A man is venturing into the Yoshiwara red light district one evening, when he sees a prostitute walking down the street. From the rear, he recognizes her as one of his favorites, and so rushes up to claim her. When she turns around, she reveals her entire body is made up of hair, with no skin visible. “
Toriyama may have been influenced by a similar monster from Chinese mythology, called the Hair Woman (毛女). The Hair Woman is also made up entirely of hair, although she does not have the same connection to the red light district and prostitution. She comes from an old Chinese book投轄録 (Tou Xia Lu-Yu Zhao Xin Zhi; A Grand View of Literary Sketchbooks in the Past Dynasties) and it is not know if Toriayama was familiar with her or not when creating the Kejoro.
More likely Toriyama was making some sort of commentary on the red light district, or playing word games with popular slang of the time. On the adjacent page to the Kejoro of the Konjaku Gazu Zoku Hyakki is another prostitute-turned-yokai, the Aonyobu (青女房; Blue Wife). “Blue Wife” was a derogatory term for a woman who had contracted the kidney disease jinkyo (腎虚; renal ischemia), and it is possible that “Kejoro” was a similar insult that Toriyama turned into Yokai.
Round about the cauldron go.
From Macbeth by Shakespeare.
The three witches, casting a spell
Round about the cauldron go;
In the poison’d entrails throw.
Toad, that under cold stone
Days and nights hast thirty one
Swelter’d venom sleeping got,
Boil thou first i’ the charmed pot.
Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and cauldron bubble.
Fillet of a fenny snake,
In the cauldron boil and bake;
Eye of newt, and toe of frog,
Wool of bat, and tongue of dog,
Adder’s fork, and blind-worm’s sting,
Lizard’s leg, and howlet’s wing,
For a charm of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.
Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and cauldron bubble.
Scale of dragon, tooth of wolf,
Witches’ mummy, maw and gulf
Of the ravin’d salt-sea shark,
Root of hemlock digg’d i’ the dark,
Liver of blaspheming Jew,
Gall of goat, and slips of yew
Sliver’d in the moon’s eclipse,
Nose of Turk, and Tartar’s lips,
Finger of birth-strangled babe
Ditch-deliver’d by a drab,
Make the gruel thick and slab:
Add thereto a tiger’s chaudron,
For the ingredients of our cauldron.
Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and cauldron bubble
🦇The Houston Batman.🦇
2:30 am on a humid Texas evening on June 18th 1953.
A young woman named Hilda Walker was sitting on the porch of her home on East Third Street, along with her neighbors Judy Meyer, age 14, and Howard Phillips, age 33, it was a normal night like any other though humid as Texas tends to be..... but what happened next would shock the trio...
Walker described what they witnessed: “25 feet away, I saw a huge shadow across the lawn. I thought at first it was the magnified reflection of a big moth caught in the nearby streetlight. Then the shadow seem to bounce upward into a pecan tree. We all looked up. And that’s when we saw it.”
A man-like form stood 6 1/2 feet tall with bat wings on its back. A strange yellow glow surrounded the Batman.
He appeared to be dressed in gray or black, tight-fitting clothes. The witnesses were stunned. They watched for 30 seconds while the Batman swayed on the tree branch, and then light began to fade and the figure vanished. Judy Meyer let out an ear-piercing scream.
Immediately afterwards, Walker said, “we heard a loud swoosh over the housetops across the street. It was like the white flash of a torpedo-shaped object. I’ve heard so much about flying saucer stories. I thought all those people telling the stories were crazy. But now I don’t know what to believe. I may be nuts, but I saw it, whatever it was. I sat there, stupefied. I was amazed.”
Meyer said: “I saw it, and nobody can say I didn’t.”
Phillips stated: “We looked across the street and saw a flash of light rise from another tree and take off like a jet.”
The next morning, Walker made a police report of the terrifying encounter.
Another man, Mr Roomer age 71 also claimed to have seen a strange shadowy figure in the trees that night, but says he just went in any went to bed.
The Roanoke Werewolf
Does a werewolf hunt the forests of the Roanoke ?
There have been sightings of a wolf like creature in and around the area for decades.
One of the most recent and unnerving encounters happened to a couple on vacation in rural North Carolina.
The couple, David and Lisa, were camping near Roanoke when they encountered a creature they believe to be the Roanoke Werewolf.
David went out to investigate noises around the camper when he spotted what he initially thought was a large dog, only to see the creature stand up on its hind lag's accompanied by an odd popping sound of the joints shifting as it stood.
David, armed with a .357 magnum, claims to have shot the roughly 7-foot tall glowing eyes beast at close range, hitting it in the shoulder only for the bullets to barely faze it seemingly annoying it more the hurting it
However the arrival of a second creature in the woodline growing at them quickly convinced the couple it was time to go.
They fled to their vehicle and sped away, later corroborating their story with a local hunter who claimed to have seen a similar bipedal creature in the area.
Stories of strange creatures in the woods of North Carolina date back centuries, no one really knows for sure what hunts the forest waiting for a chance to strike.
Cats are often associated with superstitions especially black cats (thought to bring bad luck) though they are just as sweet as any other cat.
Another superstition about cats is they cause fire .
For example, if you let a cat sleep near the fireplace, your house will burn down. An old belief is that the sparks from the fireplace would light the cat’s tail, and then the flaming cat would run around the house igniting everything it touched. Although Sekien does not mention it, the flames on gotoku neko’s tails might be a reference to this superstition.
This fire cat is a type of nekomata A large yōkai cat or (monster cat) with two tails. They wear an upside-down iron trivet on their heads like a hat and the tips of their twin tails burn like firey torches.
This fiery feline enjoys it's time around the fireplaces. It uses bamboo pipes to blow air on the fire and stoke the flames they also enjoy warming themselves by the fireplace like any normal cats would.
The first literary reference to the Gotoku neko was by Toriyama Sekien in his book Hyakki tsurezure bukuro (“An Idle Bag of One Hundred Vessels”). Its name comes from the gotoku–or trivet–that this yōkai wears like a hat. A gotoku is an iron ring with three or four legs used to hold a tea kettle or pot in a fireplace. It heats vessels while keeping them out of the ashes. Gotoku have occult connections of their own: a famous curse in Japan is known as the shrine visit at the hour of the ox , it requires wearing a gotoku upside-down on your head.
Gotoku also refers to the five virtues of Confucianism: benevolence, honesty, knowledge, integrity, and propriety. It is somewhat odd for a yōkai to be associated with virtues, but Sekien makes a joke of it by referring to a story from Tsurezure gusa (“Essays in Idleness”).
There was once a nobleman named Shinano no Zenji Yukinaga, who was set to perform shichitoku no mai (“the dance of seven virtues”). Though, as he danced before the court, he forgot two of the virtues. As a result, he jokingly became known around the court for his dance of five virtues (gotoku). Sekien connects this wordplay to the yōkai by explaining that gotoku neko are often forgetful.
Next time you see a kitty all warm and cozy by the fireplace it may more then it seems..
..The NASA Gargoyle..
Frank Shaw - a NASA archivist at Houston's Johnson Space Center - claimed to have had a terrifying night time encounter with an ominous creature .
There is very little information available for this encounter, however Shaw's daughter, Desiree, would eventually reveal details of her father's sighting to author Nick Redfern in 2004. Desiree testified that she first realized that something was dreadfully wrong when her father returned home late one night after working at the space center. While neither Desiree, nor her mother, were particularly alarmed by Shaw's tardiness - as he often was required to work into the wee hours - they were both dismayed by his alarmingly apprehensive demeanor. The pair attempted to comfort Shaw, who was eventually able to compose himself enough to regale them with a terrifying tale of his brush with the unknown. ...
... ........
The Interview..
April 9 2004..
Redfern interview with Desiree Shaw, Frank’s daughter. According to Desiree, her father (who was an archivist, not an engineer), saw the gargoyle in 1986. Redfern described the encounter in his book based on Desiree’s recollections of her deceased father’s tale.
While walking to his car that night, he had seen, to his complete and utter horror; perched on a nearby building, a large man-like figure that was utterly black in color, and that seemed to have a large cape draped across its shoulders and back, with two huge wing-like appendages sticking out of the cape. Looking more bat-like than bird-like, the wings made a cracking noise as they slowly flapped in the strong howling wind. The creature . . . had clearly realized it had been seen. Not only that, Shaw gained the very distinct impression that the beast was actually relishing that it had been noticed, and was even seemingly deriving pleasure from the fact that it had struck terror into the heart of Shaw.
Thought not surprisingly NASA claims to know nothing about this sighting..
...Sorry, never heard of it, and I’ve been here 37 years (since 1986),” read the one-sentence reply from Kelly O. Humphries, Johnson Space Center News Chief....
As Frank crossed the parking lot on the way to his car when he happened to throw a glance at one of the nearby buildings. Sitting on top of the building was a monstrous creature which Shaw could only describe as resembling one of the gargoyles which adorn many churches and other buildings dating from Europe’s medieval period. Shaw quickly realised that the gargoyle was staring directly at him, and had the distinct impression that it was taking great pleasure in the terror that it had instilled in him.
After a few moments of staring at each other, the gargoyle began to slowly unfurl its large wings with a sound like dried paper; this act seemed to break the almost hypnotic state that Shaw had been in, and he ran to his car and fled the scean.
Although initially reluctant to report what he had seen to his superiors, the effect of this encounter on Shaw began to get the better of him, and he eventually told his story to one of his supervisors. Though to his surprise, he was informed that the gargoyle had been sighted by other employees at the Johnson facility, and was in fact believed to have been behind the brutal mutilation and exsanguination of a pair of the bases’ German Shepherd guard dogs. He was also told that a secret file had been opened on the entity, but if such a document exists it has never been made available to the public.
After making his report and moving on with his daily life,he believing this to be the end of his ordeal, So it came as a surprise when he was called in for a Talk with "NASA security people flown in from somewhere in Arizona,” who proceeded to interrogate him intensively on his experience and make it very clear that he and his family would do well to keep the matter to themselves (see "Men in Black"). This may be the reason why this encounter has taken so long to come to public attention.
To this day, NASA have neither confirmed nor denied the existence of the creature sighted by Shaw and the other employees.
Kamchatka Paranormal event / Time Travel .
On November 8th 1997 a navel officer disappeared in Kamchatka, the last time he as seen was two hours before the end of his watch and he was listed as AWL with a weapon
The officer was found in the mountains two months later and was just a skeleton but there was no sighs of bite marks on the bone's from wild animals.. and the uniform
he was wearing just looked old but was not damaged or torn the remains were taken to Petropavlovsk Kamchatsky for an autopsy / examination....
Apparently Radio Carbon dating said the bone's and the uniform belonged to a 30 year old man but that he had died at least 160 years ago....
The case is still unsolved and unexplained, and is one of the more well know cases of possible Time Travel...
..Yeti DNA..
There's a lot of Yeti sightings in Russia, and one famous possible attack took place in the 1950's called the Dyatlov Pass incident all the hiker's/ skiers
were found dead ...killed in a brutal fashion but no one knows what actually killed them..
In 2012 lab's in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Idaho analyzed DNA from a clump of fur that had been found in the Azass Cave in Mount Shoriya and confirmed that
the hair samples from the cave belonged an unknown spices neither ape or man. Possible Yeti dna...
The Valley of Death on the western slope of Kikhpinych volcano in Kamchatka where the volcano releases carbon dioxide and cyanide.
There are a lot of UFO sightings in Russia, and the Siberian Explosion in 1916, (One of the largest explosions in history comparable to a nuclear blast )
and it's still unknown what cased it...
Also there are large tunnels in the Medveditskaya Ridge and in Zhirnovsk District of Volgograd Region.
Another interesting place is Bolshoy Zayatski Island it has series of ancient Labyrinths that are believed to date back as far as 30,000 B.C. or roughly 32, 000 years ago the island is on the far North west region of Russian not too far from Scandinavia...
New post Monday and Friday 🎃
US, Paranormal law's.
law #1
Louisiana has a Long history with vampires...
Louisiana has a law that states that vampires cannot bite their victims without permission, and that they should "please ask before you bite.
Law #2
In San Francisco, you can practice necromancy, or communicating with the dead by reanimating flesh, if you have a fortunetelling permit from the police department. California also has laws about becoming a licensed necromancer.
Law #3
Selling haunted houses 👻🏚️
Most states follow a "buyer beware" approach and don't require sellers to disclose paranormal activity in their homes. However, some states do have laws that address this:
New York: The only state that requires some form of disclosure to prospective buyers. In the 1991 case of Stambovsky v. Ackley, a buyer sued the seller and realtor for not disclosing the house's ghostly reputation. The appeals court ruled that the house was haunted as a matter of law because of the widespread reports of its haunted status, and that the reputation would impair the property's value.
New Jersey: Sellers must truthfully tell a buyer if their property is haunted if asked.
Massachusetts and Minnesota: These states consider paranormal activity to be a "psychologically affected" attribute that doesn't need to be disclosed.
Other states also have a supernatural “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” laws on the books. Mississippi, Florida, Texas, Maryland, and Georgia all say that a seller and/or his or her agent is not liable and doesn’t have to disclose a death on the property. It follows then, that they also have no obligation to disclose the presence of spirits.
Law #4
Voodoo 💀😈
In New Orleans, there are restrictions on the practice of Voodoo and the supernatural, including advertising for fortune telling to settle lovers' quarrels and bringing people together to effect marriages.
Other Louisiana laws ..
fortunetelling (chronology, phrenology, astrology, palmistry), telling or pretending to tell fortunes, either with cards, hands, water, letters or other methods is unlawful. But this doesn’t apply to medical science or to “any religious worship.” But Louisiana Voodoo is “a set of spiritual beliefs and practices developed from the traditions of the African diaspora in Louisiana.
Law #5
Witchcraft 🧹🧙♀️
A Massachusetts law dating back to the early days of the state, and leading up to the Salem witch trials.
The primary English law about witchcraft was the so-called Witchcraft Act of 1604, actually An Act against Conjuration, Witchcraft and Dealing with Evil and Wicked Spirits.
The law makes witchcraft felony. A witch convicted of a minor offense could be imprisoned for a year; a witch found guilty twice was sentenced to death....
Massachusetts witch laws were based on the English Witchcraft Act of 1604, which made witchcraft a felony. The laws were also influenced by the Puritans' religious beliefs, which were central to their legal system. In 1641, the Massachusetts Bay Colony's General Court established the Body of Liberties, the first legal code in New England, which included a law that made witchcraft the second capital crime in the colony. The law stated, "If any man or woman be a witch, that is, hath or consulteth with a familiar spirit, they shall be put to death". The law also included passages from the Bible, such as Exodus 22:18, Leviticus 20:27, and Deuteronomy 18:10-11.
During the Salem Witch Trials of 1692, the accused could file defamation charges against their accusers, but they usually lost. Some accused people also admitted guilt to avoid execution, after being told they would receive mercy if they confessed. In 1693, the new Superior Court of Judicature began hearing the remaining witch trials, and the governor instructed the judges not to accept spectral evidence as proof of guilt. As a result, most of the remaining trials ended in acquittals, and the governor pardoned the rest
Did the Soviet Union discover strange lake monster .
Lake Baikal is the deepest rift lake in the world. It is located in southern Siberia, it's home to all I ngs of aquatic life thriving in it's chilly waters.
But what else could possibly be lurking in the depth of the vast lake?
Lake Baikal is often called the “Galapagos of Russia,” and for a good reason. Thousands of species of animals and plants can only be found in this lake or the surrounding area.
The Swimmers...
According to the legend, in 1982 a team of Russian Navy divers set out to explore Lake Baikal when, to their surprise and amazement, they encounter large, humanoid beings possibly as tall as nine feet in hight.
They procided to try and capture them with nets! This deadly ecounter would eventually be known as The Swimmers of Lake Baikal.
In 1982. During a regular military dive exercise and working at a depth of 50 meters (164 feet), the divers noticed something strange in the water with them.
The divers reported sightings of humanoid-shaped creatures that had bodies that stretched out 3 meters (9ft) in length..
The divers described these beings as having silver silhouettes, and some had transparent spheres on their heads. These spheres have also been described as looking like an open umbrella being held over the creatures’ heads.
Once the divers surfaced, they reported the sighting to a commander who ordered the men, back into the ice cold lake and told them to catch one of these strange swimmers.
Seven divers reentered the water and again encountered the Swimmers, which forcefully threw the soviet divers to the lake’s surface.
There were not enough decompression chambers on the shore for all seven of the divers, and three unlucky divers were left to die from the caisson disease, aka decompression sickness or “the bends”. The attempt to contact the Lake Baikal Swimmers had turned deadly.
First telling..
The story of the Swimmers first appeared in a book written by Soviet/Russian UFOlogist named Vladimir Azhazha. He has been studying UFOlogy for decades but is also know for making alleged false claims about aliens in Russia.
Many people especially those in the government claim this story is nothing more then an urban legend.
The city of Severobaikalsky, near the port of Baikal, did have a special base where dives were conducted by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
However managers of the base have all said the story of the swimmers is utter nonsense and that there has never been a single death of a diver at the base, and the town of Severobaikalsky formally became a town in 1984, two years after the supposed navy exercise in the story occurred.
Though if the military had actually encountered otherworldly creatures at the bottom of the lake especially one's that killed some of their personal, do you really think they would admit it?
So what do you think, are the swimmers real or just a cool urban legend?
Happy October 1st 🎃
For centuries people have seen odd lights from the swamps or marsh. Though the name may very the most well known term is will o the wisp. Other names, for this phenomena including jack-o'-lantern, friar's lantern, and hinkypunk it is one of the more well know legends throughout Europe. Other names include the Paulding Light in Upper Peninsula of Michigan, and the Hessdalen light in Norway or the Spooklight in Southwestern Missouri and Northeastern Oklahoma, the Naga fireballs on the Mekong in Thailand, and St. Louis Light in Saskatchewa.
The Bridgewater Triangle, a swampy area of Massachusetts has local folklore of ghostly orbs of light, and there have been modern observations of these ghost-lights in this area as well.
The fifollet (or feu-follet) of Louisiana derives from the French settler's according to legends the fifollet is a soul sent back from the dead to do God's penance, but instead attacks people for vengeance. While it mostly takes part in harmless mischievous acts, the fifollet sometimes sucked the blood of children. Some legends say that it was the soul of a child who died before baptism.
In Mexico they are believed to be witches that transformed into lights. Another explanation refers to the lights as indicators to places where gold or hidden treasures are buried which can be found only with the help of children. This version is called luces del dinero (money lights) or luces del tesoro (treasure lights).
The light of a will o the wisp is said to mislead travellers by resembling a flickering lamp or lantern.
In literature, will-o'-the-wisp metaphorically refers to a hope or goal that leads one on, but is impossible to reach, or something one finds strange or sinister.
For the most part the Wills-o'-the-wisp is a strange erie light usually seen around a forest, swamp, marsh or even grave yards often witnessed by travelers.
The most common belief is that these lights are a type of fairies, ghosts or elemental spirits. Modern explorations for the light is that it's a natural phenomena most likely some kind of bioluminescent swamp gas or possibly ball lightning.
When we look up at night we often expect to see stars, meteor showers or the occasional commit passing by. But every now and then we witness a truly bizarre event occurring right before our eyes.
Strange crafts, (UFOS) or other odd sightings.
This seemed to be the case in South Korea in 2022...
On Halloween night in 2022 a strange phenomenon was spotted over the sky's of Jeju City.
Dozens of glowing pillars of light hanging over the city were photographed by citizens, many took to reddit to describe what they had seen.
One photo even received of 18,000 upvotes
Explanations ranged from UFO's or Ghosts to simply odd weather conditions.
The official explanation..
The lights occur when tiny crystals of ice, averaging about 0.02 mm (0.0008 inch), form in the sky and remain suspended in the atmosphere, close to the Earth's surface.
The suspended ice crystals are great reflectors, beaming city lights back down to your eyes or camera lens," Usually, these are plate-shaped ice crystals, which form at temperatures of 14 to -40 Fahrenheit.
the weather needs to be cold. The ideal conditions for this to occur are on a frigid winter night–often subzero temperatures–with high humidity and little to no wind,
"It is not too common to see light pillars because the weather conditions must be just right."
Whether this was a truly rare natural phenomena or something more supernatural, either way it would be very cool to see in person..