Thursday, October 10, 2024

The NASA Gargoyle


..The NASA Gargoyle..

Frank Shaw - a NASA archivist at Houston's Johnson Space Center - claimed to have had a terrifying night time encounter with an ominous creature . 

 There is very little information available for this encounter, however Shaw's daughter, Desiree, would eventually reveal  details of her father's sighting  to author Nick Redfern in 2004. Desiree testified that she first realized that something was dreadfully wrong when her father returned home late one night after working at the space center. While neither Desiree, nor her mother, were particularly alarmed by Shaw's tardiness - as he often was required to work into the wee hours - they were both dismayed by his alarmingly apprehensive demeanor. The pair attempted to comfort Shaw, who was eventually able to compose himself enough to regale them with a terrifying tale of his brush with the unknown. ...

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The Interview..

April  9 2004..

Redfern interview with  Desiree Shaw, Frank’s daughter. According to Desiree, her father (who was an archivist, not an engineer), saw the gargoyle in 1986. Redfern described the encounter in his book based on Desiree’s recollections of her deceased father’s tale.

While walking to his car that night, he had seen, to his complete and utter horror; perched on a nearby building, a large man-like figure that was utterly black in color, and that seemed to have a large cape draped across its shoulders and back, with two huge wing-like appendages sticking out of the cape. Looking more bat-like than bird-like, the wings made a cracking noise as they slowly flapped in the strong howling wind. The creature . . . had clearly realized it had been seen. Not only that, Shaw gained the very distinct impression that the beast was actually relishing that it had been noticed, and was even seemingly deriving pleasure from the fact that it had struck terror into the heart of Shaw.

Thought not surprisingly NASA claims to know nothing about this sighting..

...Sorry, never heard of it, and I’ve been here 37 years (since 1986),” read the one-sentence reply from Kelly O. Humphries, Johnson Space Center News Chief....

As Frank crossed the parking lot on the way to his car when he happened to throw a glance at one of the nearby buildings. Sitting on top of the building was a monstrous creature which Shaw could only describe as resembling one of the gargoyles which adorn many churches and other buildings dating from Europe’s medieval period. Shaw quickly realised that the gargoyle was staring directly at him, and had the distinct impression that it was taking great pleasure in the terror that it had instilled in him.

After a few moments of staring at each other, the gargoyle began to slowly unfurl its large wings with a sound like dried paper; this act seemed to break the almost hypnotic state that Shaw had been in, and he ran to his car and fled the scean.

Although initially reluctant to report what he had seen to his superiors, the effect of this encounter on Shaw began to get the better of him, and he eventually told  his story to one of his supervisors. Though to his surprise, he  was informed that the gargoyle had been sighted by other employees at the Johnson facility, and was in fact believed to have been behind the brutal mutilation and exsanguination of a pair of the bases’ German Shepherd guard dogs. He was also told that a secret file had been opened on the entity, but if such a document exists it has never been made available to the public.

After making his report and moving on with his daily life,he believing this to be the end of his ordeal, So it came as a surprise when he was called  in for a Talk with "NASA security people flown in from somewhere in Arizona,” who proceeded to interrogate him intensively on his experience and make it very clear that he and his family would do well to keep the matter to themselves (see "Men in Black"). This may be the reason why this encounter has taken so long to come to public attention.

To this day, NASA have neither confirmed nor denied the existence of the creature sighted by Shaw and the other employees.

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