Saturday, September 28, 2019

American Cryptid: Evil Gnomes

                              ==========Evil Gnomes===============

Today we take a trip to sunny California, beach's sun tans and surfing.

But California is also home to some odd and sometimes not so friendly cryptids, we all know of Bigfoot and a lot of you have probably heard of the Fresno Night Walkers(strange alien like cryptids with very small body's and really long legs - post on them soon)

But what's the first thing you think of when you hear the word Gnome?

For most of us it's those strange little men on your neighbors front lawn keeping a watchful eye on the garden.

But what if that creepy little figure wasn't so inanimate, what if by some slim chance, you happen too see it move....or even worst it tries to attack you.

Gnome's much like fairy's have been seen all over the world in some form or another, there were a few videos from Mexico that appear to show a gnome (duende) or at least a diminutive human like creature, You can still find them on  youtube.



Gnome's are thought to dwell deep within the forests and mountains, making there homes underground or in caves and abandon mine shafts.

Though they have been known to frequent old abandon homes and buildings.

Most are thought of as kind or at least reclusive enough not to be a threat to humans, but just like humans there are good and bad gnomes.

==========================================================================================English Legend's about a vicious and even murderous gnome called a red cap, (They are Very similar to Goblins) this is a gnome you definitely don't want too meet!In the midelages  they would make there homes in old abandon castles and towers and would kill anyone that entered there territory.

They look like a little old man. Are short in stature like all gnomes, have red eyes, sharp teeth and long finger nails and of course a long pointy red hat. the hat's are red because this  vicious  little creature has a nasty habit of dyeing there hats with the blood of there victims.American Indianans speak of legends involving a small and fierce tribe of little people.

                                                ===The Redcaps Gnome-===

A burial site unearthed in Tennessee was said too contain at least 100,000, yes -- One Hundred Thousand, full grown body's no more the 3 feet or so in height.

                                            ===Tennessee Fairy Remains===


There have been several sightings along the Tully river in California.

These creatures for the most part seem too be some what foul tempered or even malevolent.

One California family experienced this terror first hand.

In 1999 a woman named Tammy Thomas and her family moved into an old farm house with an old unused shed in the back,at one point she began to notice a few of her duck's and other small animals go missing.

She believed there was something in the old shed, but never approached it out of fear of what was possibly inside.

Then one night after returning home from  a trip to the store with her grandson, she was terrified too see what she describes as an "Evil Garden Gnome" cackling in the dark.she grabbed her grandson and and ran to the house, once inside she could still hear noises on the porch and when she opened the curtains and to her horror the creature was staring back at her.

This incident frightened her, and fearing for the safety of herself and her grandchildren she eventually moved to a new home.

However people in that area still claim too see this odd little man from time to time, he is sometimes spotted moving lawn ornaments around in peoples yards, or catching and eating fish from the river or local ponds.

Some even say they hear him singing late at night. Another evil gnome like creature in California is called a Water Baby, it's a water dwelling creature, gnome like in appearance and if angered will sneak into your home and smother you.

They are said to live in the Tully river.California also has sightings of small hairy human like creatures that have been seen running across the road at night, So the next time you take a scenic hike through the forest of the golden state just remember Bigfoot may not be the only cryptid roaming the woods


On a side note California has one of the largest clusters of missing people in the country, Yosemite national park seems to be a real active location for disappearance, stay safe and hike/camp responsibly and always ALWAY's let some one know were you are planning on going. For more information on the strange disappearance check out The Missing 411 series by David Palides, very informative and well researched

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

American Cryptids: Oklahoma Octopus

American lakes and river's seems to be full of odd creatures...

From serpent's to aquatic humanoids, but is it possible that there my in fact be an octopus
or at least an octopus like creature stalking it's prey in Oklahoma..

Sounds far fetched i know, but is it really more outlandish then people claiming  that there are sharks
in the Mississippi river or lake Michigan (There actually is)

Bull sharks have been 'know to swim up river from the golf of mexico and some smaller one's have even be caught in Lake Michigan.

When you mention the word Giant octopus most people probably thing of The Kraken, but the Oklahoma octopus is often described as being roughly the size of a horse, that may not exactly be a giant but its still a very large predator.

Its said to have  a thick reddish brown leather like skin.



                                    ----The Legendary Giant octopus.--- The Kraken------


The beast seems to be very reclusive, and is rarely seen, People do go missing in state parks and lake's but keep in mind there are some very large alligators in lakes and rivers in the south that could contribute to at least some of the missing or drown swimmers....

As far as cryptids go the Oklahoma Octopus is not all that remarkable, it's basically just a very large octopus.

Similar to the Lusca or monster of the blue holes in the Caribbean. normally octopus in that area only grow to  around three feet, however in 2011, the body of what appeared  to be a giant octopus was found washed ashore on Grand Bahama Island in the Bahamas.  if fully intact would have been over twenty feet long, many times the average length of a Caribbean octopus.

                                              .... Lusca home the Caribbean Blue Holes....


The Oklahoma Octopus according to legend can be found in these tree lakes....

Lake Tenkiller, Lake Thunderbird, and  Lake Oolagah, which are all fresh water man-made lakes . But  they also seem to have a high number of drawing deaths for some reason....


In 2003 a man named John Mazurek captured a live octopus at the Lake Conway Dam just outside of Mayflower Arkansas.

Well not as large as it's Oklahoma cousin is reported to be, it's at the very least proof that there was a  smaller variations living near the area....


Next time you visit Oklahoma keep a watchful eye on the water alligators may not  be the only thing you have to worry about...

Monday, September 23, 2019

Fairy Myths: The Dullahan

This will by my last Fay/ Fairy post for now, my next post will be Paranormal..Cryptid's and Monsters at least until  Halloween. anyway Enjoy :)

                                            monster musume - lala by angellmoonlight on Deviantart

                                                  The Dullahan: Ireland's Headless Rider.

The Dullahan  is a type of fay from Irish Mythology it's  often seen as a harbinger of death.

This creature is depicted as a headless rider usually on a black horse or is some versions riding in a black horse drawn coach. The Dullahan is also refered to as Gan Ceann which means "Without a Head".

The headless rider is known too carries their own head under one arm. typically the Dullahan  is described as male, but there are some female versions.

The Dullahan has limited  speech capability's.

Its disembodied head is permitted to speak just once on each journey it undertakes, after that it only the ability to call the name of the person whose death it heralds.

A dullahan will stop its snorting horse at  the door of a house and shout the name of the person about to die, drawing forth the soul at the call.

 He may also stop at the very spot where a person will die.

On nights of Irish feast days, it is advisable to stay at home with the curtains drawn; particularly around the end of August or early September when the festival of Crom Dubh reputedly took place. If you have to be abroad at this time, be sure to keep some gold object close to hand.

The origins of the dullahan are unkown, but he is thought to be the embodiment of an ancient Celtic god, Crom Dubh, or Black Crom.

Black Crom was worshiped by the prehistoric king, Tighermas, who ruled in Ireland about fifteen hundred years ago and practiced human sacrifice.

Unlike the banshee, the dullahan does not follow specific families and its call is a summoning of the soul of the dying,  rather than a death warning.

 There is no real defense against the dullahan because he is death's herald. However, an charm or trinket made of gold may frighten him away.

 The  Dullahan's mouth is usually seen  in a sinister or hideous  grin that stretches from ear to ear. Its eyes are constantly moving about and can see across the countryside even during the darkest nights.

The flesh of the head is said to have the color and consistency of moldy cheese.

In some tales the Dullahan is believed to use the spine of a human corpse for a whip, and it's ghostly wagon is adorned with funeral objects: it has candles in skulls to light the way, the spokes of the wheels are made from thigh bones  and the wagon's covering is made from a worm-chewed pall or dried human skin.

The ancient Irish believed that where the Dullahan stops riding, a person is going  to die.

 The Dullahan calls out the person's name, drawing away the soul of his victim, at which point the person immediately drops dead.

Some legend's say that golden objects can force the Dullahan to disappear.These tales are coming from ancient times, where gold was very valuable and most commoner's / villagers did not have it.

It was thought that by .leaving  behind the gold as a sort of sacrifice  the soul could be spared.


Dullahans have also been main charterers in modern anime and manga's...

Durarara, Interviews with Monster Girls and Monster Musume to name a few.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Fairy Myth: The Banshee

                                              ~~~~Scarah Screams by ashiori_chan ~~~~

                                                          Banshee from Monster High..

The Banshee / Bean Si or Wailing Woman is seen as a harbinger of death, and is often said too haunt specific Irish family's though this is not always the case.

The legends  of the banshee can be traced back at least  as far as the early eighth century.

These story's  were based on an old Irish tradition where a women would sing a lament to signify a persons death.

In Scottish Mythology there is also a similar creature it's known as a the Bean nighe or ban nigheachain (little washerwoman) or nigheag na h-àth (little washer at the ford).

In Welsh mythology, She is  called the Hag of the mist.


There are even stories of banshee's or banshee like creature in  America dating back to as early as the late 18th century.

 The most common area for the American Banshee is the Tar River in Edgecombe County, North Carolina .

Though unlike her Celtic counterpart,  this version of  the banshee is more like  a ghoul, as opposed to a spirit or messenger of death.

In one version of this legend a man named Dave Warnen was killed by the British and on his final breath cured them, as the  legend goes a banshee soon appeared and lead his killers tohe river were they drowned. She is said to still haunt the area.

Another version of the American  Banshee can be found in the badlands area of South Dakota, where  people claim to hear a banshee's wail from a hill near Watch Dog Butte.
                                                            Banshee of the Badlands

Many people in our modern time see the myth of the banshees as little more then entertaining Folk lore, something akin to campfire tales  while others believe wholeheartedly  in their existence.

Do Banshee's cause  death or simply foretell it, there have been reports of heart attacks or drowning and other sudden deaths of otherwise healthy individuals within  weeks following what was thought to be the sound of a banshee’s cry.

One of the most famous example of this is King James I of Scotland who was murdered soon after he reported having been approached by a strange Irish seer. 

---King James 1 Banshee encounter------
 In 1437,King James 1 of Scotland was approached by an Irish seer or fortune teller who was later identified as a banshee She foretold his murder at the instigation of the Earl of Atholl.

There are records of several prophets believed to be physical  incarnations of  banshees attending the great houses of Ireland and the courts of local Irish kings.

-----Family said to be haunted by a Banshee----------------

A banshee’s cry is often believed to predicts the death of a member of one of Ireland’s five major families: the O’Grady’s, the O’Neills, the O’Briens, the O’Connors or the Kavanaghs. Over time as families blended, it was said that most Irish families had their own banshee.

It is also said that the banshees followed their families as they emigrated from Ireland to other places across the globe, though some stayed behind to grieve at the original family estate.


The Banshee that haunt's the O'Brians Family's was believed too be go by the name of Eevul, and was the apparently the leader of of at least  25 other banshees who would always be at her attendance. .

In later versions, the banshee might appear before the death and warn the family by wailing.

When several banshees appeared at once, it would  indicated the death of someone great or holy.


In some versions a Banshee is a type of fairy,  in other story's she  was a ghost, often of a specific woman that had been murdered, or a mother who died during childbirth.

Banshees are usually described as dressed in white or grey, often having long, pale hair which they brush with a silver comb, a detail scholar Patricia Lysaght attributes to confusion with local mermaid myths. This comb detail is also related to the centuries-old traditional romantic Irish story that, if you ever see a comb lying on the ground in Ireland, you must never pick it up, or the banshees, having placed it there to lure unsuspecting humans, will spirit  you away.

Other stories describe the banshees as being dressed in green, red, or black and often with a grey or dark cloak.

In traditional Scottish Gaelic mythology, the banshee is known as the bean sìth or bean nighe and can be  seen washing the bloodstained clothes or armor of those who are about to die. Similar beings are also found in Norse, and Welsh mythology.

..Other Media ...

The America paranormal drama Teen Wolf

                                               Teen Wolf --  Lydia Martin the Banshee

Monster High resident banshee named Scarha Screams..


 and another well know charter the villain know as Silver Banshee from DC Comics


Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers had a banshee in the Episode called "The Last Leprechaun"



Tiny Toon Adventures had an ep featuring a banshee as well . "Pluck of the Irish"

Hope you all enjoy these post's, starting next week i will be doing mostly Cryptid/ monster post  until Halloween or a little after. Happy early Halloween lol

Friday, September 20, 2019

Fairy Myth : Leanansidhe - the vampier fairy

                                          ~~Irish Myths and Legends...The Leanansidhe~~

The Leanansidhe

Leanansidhe (Lhiannanshee) Leanan Sidhe: The Lhiannan Shee of the Isle of Man is said to be a vampir like  fairy who attached herself to one man, to whom she appeared irresistibly beautiful, but invisible to everyone else. If he yielded to her, he was ruined body and soul.

She is both a muse and a demon of sorts,  In Celtic lore the Leanan Sidhe is one of Ireland’s mythological vampires.

The fairy was a beautiful woman who was said to give inspiration to poets and musicians – but at the price of their lives.

She can often be found around wells or natural springs.

According to some legends she would make an artist her lover, sharing with them her intelligence, creativity and magic, but when she left, the men would be so depressed, they'd die. Leanan Sidhe would then take her dead lovers back to her lair.

Rather than directly suck the blood of her victims, Leanan Sidhe got creative, and collected their blood in a giant red cauldron, which was the source of her beauty, youth and artistic inspiration.

In other versions of this myth she takes is energy, like a type of energy vampier, ether way he die's..

As with Dearg-due, to prevent the undead Leanan Sidhe from rising, one must put a cairn of stones over her resting place.

The Irish Leanan Sidhe is known as the inspiration of poets and minstrels. She would roam the night, searching for romantic men to inspire with eloquence of word and beautiful music while in her embrace, and would draw from their life force until he would die.

Both names mean "fairy Sweetheart". In Scotland, the Leannan Sith was a term used to denote a fairy lover of either sex. In fact, the translators of the Bible into Scots Gaelic used this term, and the Scots took this as Biblical proof of the existence of fairies.

The Lhiannan Shee of Ballfletcher was the tutrelary fairy of the Fletchers, and gave them the fairy cup, which was drank from every Christmas in her honor.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Blessed Mabon..


Well the fall leaves are starting to show in some place more the others Autumn is upon us..

Blessed Mabon..

Maybon begins Seoptember 21st and ends September 29th this year.

For those of you unfamiliar Mabon is a wiccan holiday in celebration of the Autumn Equinox.

Mabon celebrates  the autumnal equinox,  think of it as a sort of  wiccan thanksgiving

Mabon also called Meán Fómhair or Alban Elfed  is a Neo Druid tradition, it hones the harvest and the bounty it bestows on us with the  fruits of the earth and a recognition of the need to share them to secure the blessings of the Goddess and the God during the coming winter months.

 The name Mabon was first coined by Aidan Kelly around 1970 as a reference to Mabon ap Modron, from Welsh mythology.

 Mabon ap Modron is a prominent figure from mythology and ties into the Legend of King Arthur  Mabon was said to by  the son of Modron  and a member of Arthur's  war band.

                                        Arthur's court at Celliwig, 1881

Both he and his mother were likely deities in origin.

 His name is also related to the Romano-British god Mapanos, whose name means "Great Son"

To modern Wiccan / Withes  who follow the cycle of the seasons it is a way of combining , both ancient and modern triditions.

Contemporary Pagan festivals that rely on the Wheel are based to varying degrees on Folk traditions  from many different pagan and Celtic custumes regardless of actual historical pagan practices.

Among modern witches, each festival is also referred to as a sabbat.

Among the sabbats Mabon, is the second of the three Pagan harvest festivals, preceded by Lammas or Lughnasadh and followed by Samhian or Halloween,..

The third and final harvest festival "Samhain" is a Gaelic festival marking the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter or the "darker half" of the year. Traditionally, it is celebrated from 31 October to November 1st. it is also a time when the vail between the living world and the spirit world is thinnest, it is the time of the year to honer the spirits and your ancestors.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Fairy Myth: Brownies


A brownie is a type of house elf.

In Scottish folklore brownies  are small human like, benevolent fairies (pronounced broony).

They appear to humans as small dwarve like beings  with dark black eyes.

There clothes are usually colored with different  earth tone colors.

They have pointed ears, big eyes, and long fingers.

They often explore a village finding homes of good, honest, and humble people.

 Once they find a good person's house, they set about, cleaning it, organizing it, and even adding new things. They don't like cats, and won't clean houses that have them.

If one were to leave food (preferably milk, honey, ale, porridge, and cake), that person would have a greater chance of receiving a nighttime visit from the Brownies.

Brownies despise liars, murderers, crooks, or any other immoral person, and will actively prank them, steal things from, or just mess up the person's house. Sometimes, a brownie will like a particular house, and will decide to stay there. They will probably stay in the attic, cellar, or woodshed.

They will only work during the nighttime hours, because they don't like to be seen.

Brownies do not like to be referred to as fairies, and may cause physical harm if someone where call them fairies.

All Brownies sometimes have meetings to catch up and discuss things (kind of like family reunions), usually on a rocky cliff or someplace really desolate  out of human sight.

 Brownies have been seen in modern day movies and games as well.

The card game Magic: The Gathering has a couple cards that are brownies, the Flyndhorn Brownie, and the Shelkin Brownie

 In the book Dragon Rider, there were brownies throughout the story, the main one was named Sorrel


Probably the most well know house elf, Dobby from Harry Potter was based off of Brownies..

There is another type of brownie called the ùruisg or urisk.

 It is usualy seen near streams and waterfalls, not houses. And while it's still kind and sociable, it won't help out with the chores.

During spring and summer, it's somewhat  reclusive, but around the end of the harvest season, it opens up and will actually talk to humans.

It likes dairy products, and was said too  pesters milkmaids into giving him more milk.

 It's always seen carrying a walking stick with it, they have  long yellow hair, and sometimes wears a blue bonnet.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Fairy Myth: The Kelpie

                       ===============The Kelpie=================

The Kelpie, is a Dark Fay or Evil water spirit of Scottish folklore.

The Kelpie is most often described as a strong horse.

Its hide was black in most versions of the legend, though in a few stories it was white, and appeared as a lost horse, but even in this form it could be identified by its dripping mane.

 Its skin was said to be similar too that of a seal, smooth but as cold to the touched.

Other accounts of this legend state that Kelpies also had the ability to transform it's appearance into a human form most of the time it would resemble a handsome man, But it could also take the form of a beautiful women as well. In some versions of the story the Kelpie still has hooves in human form other versions it dose not... They also created illusions to keep themselves hidden in he water, Only their eyes would remain above the water to scout the surface for potential victims.

Kelpie legends vary by region there are legend's of them throughout Scotland associated with almost every loch.

In some versions of the myth the Kelpie is described as green as grass with a black mane and tail that curves over its back like a wheel or that, even in human form, they are always dripping wet and/or have water weeds in their hair.

It's most common form is a horse. the Kelpie, uses this form to lure humans, especially children,
into the water to drown and later eat them.

The water horse would encourage children to ride on its back,
once its victims fell into its trap, it's skin would become adhesive and
the horse would carry the children into the water, dragging them to the bottom of the water and devouring them.

 Sometimes it just attacks people riding by and kills them with it powerful arms.

One of the most common Scottish tale is the story of nine children lured onto a Kelpie's back,
while a tenth kept his distance.

The Kelpie chased the tenth child, but he escaped.

In a darker variation of this tale the tenth child simply hit the Kelpie's nose but, when his hand stuck to it, he took a knife from his pocket and cut off his own hand, cauterizing it with wood from a camp fire.

The child saves himself but is unable to help his friends, as they are pulled underwater with the Kelpie.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Fairy Myth: The Clurichaun

                                                        ~~~~~The Clurichaun~~~~~~

The Clurichaun closely related to the Leprechaun  they along with the other wee folk have inhabited Ireland even  before the Celts arrived – around 500 BC.

Other sources suggest that the word Leprechaun may have derived from the Irish versions of “leath mhrogan [shoemaker], still others would say its origins lie in the Irish word luacharma’n [pygmy or pixy].

There are many derivative names for the  Leprechaun  [Irish word leipreachán] – and a definition of this by Patrick Dinneen, for example, is that the Leprechaun is a “pygmy, a pixi, or sprite” and would suggest that the word Leprechaun is a corruption of middle Irish, and attests to the early influences of ecclesiastical Latin. Other sources would suggest that the earliest recorded instance of the word ‘Leaprachaun’ in the English language was in 1604, in  the comedy play ‘The Honest Whore‘ [Part 2] had a scene in it which reads: As for your Irish lubrican that spirit/ whom by preposterous charm thy lust hath rais'd/ in a wrong circle."

Lubrican and Logherymans  are other derivatives of Leprechaun. David Russell McAnally would suggest that the leprechaun is the son of an (evil spirit )and a  (degenerate fairy)  and is not  entirely  good nor completely evil.

The Clurichaun: (Klooreekahn) is said to be a wine loving House Faery.

He looks very similar to the leprechaun and is usually  solitary like him.

 He wears a red hat often made of a plants. He is a cheerful fellow, but short tempered and often
 very drunk.

He usually chooses a home with a wine cellar or a large basement with a reasonable amount of booze in it. He loves wine and will guard it from thieves. He keeps the wine from spoiling and can help it achieve a better taste.

But  if he feels offended by someone or something the Clurichaun will cause your wine to spoil and he will make a mess of your wine cellar or basement. If he feels disrespected enough  he will leave your home  never return and no other will be lured to your home afterwards .

Clurichaun are said to be always drunk, and are very surly. Many tales suggest that they go out at night wreaking havoc on the farmer and on the whole countryside, by tormenting the sheep and the dogs, riding them bareback and causing mayhem.

If clurichaun are mistreated in any way — they will wreak havoc on your home and wine-cellar. Born hypocrites, they are said to steal everything in sight, but if they see a dishonest servant or a human drunkard, they will torment them for there wicked ways.


 Scholars of folklore, however, disagree as to whether or not the Clurichaun is a distinct species, or a faerie, or if it is in fact  just a VERY drunk Leprechaun .

In the county of Cork, for example, the Clurichaun would appear to have haunted the cellar of a Quaker man  named Mr. Harris. Apparently, the cook would leave a meal for the Clurichaun, and, for this service, the Clurichaun would manage the cellar.

On one particular night , after an exhausting day, the cook only left a small amount of meat and some potatoes. So enraged was the Clurichaun that he marched upstairs and took the bewildered cook out of her bed, dragging her downstairs and beat her. Mr. Harris was so enraged about this that he was determined that he would rid the household of the Clurichaun once and for all.

Having been told that if he moved beyond a running stream, the household would be rid of the Clurichaun, Mr. Harris attempted to do just that by moving all the household furniture and cellar barrels and wines. However, the wily Clurichaun, knowing what was happening, wedged himself into one of the beer barrels and, as Mr. Harris began to move with his wagon-load of goods, he heard a noise. The wily Clurichaun called out, “Here we go, Master! Here we go all together!  “What,” shouted Mr. Harris; “dost thou go also?” – “Yes to be sure, master. Here we go, alt together.” “In that case,” replied Mr. Harris, “let the carts be unloaded, we are just as well where we are.” Mr. Harris died soon afterwards. It is said, however, that the Clurichand still haunts the Harris family.

In 1963 – John A. Costello, taoiseach from 1948 to 1951 and from 1954 to 1957, addressed Oireachtas [Ireland’s national Parliament] by delivering a scathing attack on all of the myths regarding Ireland’s tourist industry. “For many years, we have been afflicted with the miserable trivialities of our tourist advertising. Sometimes, it  has descended to the lowest depths, to the caubeen and the shillelagh, not to speak of the leprechaun and the clurichaun. … No more.”


The 19th century folklorist Nicholas O’Kearney,  in 1855 describes the Clurichaun as “… another being of the same class: He is jolly, red-faced, a drunken little fellow, and was ever found in the cellars of the debauchee, Bacchus-like [Bacchus is a comics character created by Eddie Campbell and based upon the Roman god of wine] astride of the wine butt, with a brimful tankard of wine in his hand, drinking and singing away merrily. Any wine-cellar known to be haunted by this sprite was doomed to bring its owner to speedy ruin.”

Monday, September 9, 2019

Fairy Lore: The Moss People

                                                 Fairy Lore: The Moss People

Fairy, Faerie, Fay, Wee Folk Sprit, Pixie or whatever you choose too call them
The little people seem too  come in all shapes and sizes and just as numerous as the stars
above us.

Today's post is about the Moss People..

Deep in forest's of Germany and Switzerland live tiny butterfly like beings

Throughout  history  people have claimed to see small winged creatures human like in appearance but
minuscule and sporting  a pair of small butterfly like wings, these are the Moss People. a similar
creature has also been seen in  Africa and Polynesia.

They are beings of nature not elemental, but still very close too the land in which they inhabit
there favorite season's, or at least the one's they seem too be most active are spring and summer.

They are very curious, but also cautious and tend to shy away from people for the most part, but

 this was not always the case.

According to legend, these little people would occasionally borrow items from people or ask for help but would always compensate the owners generously, often with either good advice or bread. It was, however, easy to anger such wood-sprites, either by spurning their gifts (which might be the compensations named above) or by giving them caraway bread – of which they had a particular hatred, often being heard to utter the doggerel rhyme "Kümmelbrot, unser Tod!" ("Caraway bread, our death!").

In certain myths, the moss people  would ask humans for breast milk to feed their young,  or steal  human children This also ties into some myths surrounding Changelings (Where a Fairy kidnaps a human child and leave s an infant fay in its place....

Moss people, especially the females, are said too posses the ability to send plagues with one hand, and  too cure someone of the plague with the other hand.

During out breaks the Holzfräulein ("Wood ladies") would emerge from the forest to show the people which medicinal herbs could cure or ward off the plague.

They were often but not always the target of the "Wild Hunt ".

 According to folklore, in order to escape the hunt they would enter the trees that woodsmen have marked with a cross, the one's slated to be cute down

The moss people are similar to Hamadryads

Their lives are linked with trees; if  the inner bark of a tree is  loosened or damaged  a Wood-woman dies.

According to Jacob Grimm co author of "Grimm's Fairy Tails"  aka The Brothers Grimm...
"Between Leidhecken and Dauernheim in the Wetterau stands the high mountain, and on it a stone, der welle fra gestoil (the wild woman's chairs); there is an impression on the rock, as of the limbs of human sitters. The people say the wild folk lived there 'wei di schtan noch mell warn,' while the stones were still soft; afterwards, being persecuted, the man ran away, the wife and child remained in custody at Dauernheim until they died."

According to writer  Ludwig Bechstein....

The female Moss people, or in German the  Moosfräulein ("Moss ladies"), have a queen named  the  (Buschgrossmutter; "Shrub Grandmother").   Ludwig Bechstein describes her in his folktale 551:
"According to certain tales of the peasantry, a demonic creature dwells near Leutenburg and on the left bank of river Saale, called the Buschgroßmutter ("Shrub Grandmother").

She has many daughters, called Moosfräuleins ("Moss ladies"), with whom she roves around the country at certain times and upon certain holy nights. It is not good to meet her, for she has wild, staring eyes and crazy, unkempt hair. Often she drives around in a little cart or waggon, and at such times it is wise to stay out of her way. Children, in particular, are afraid of this Putzmommel (hooded, female bogey  and delight in whispering tales of her to frighten each other. She is essentially the same spirit as Hulda or Bertha, the Wild Huntress – to whom local tales ascribe a following of children under the guise of the Heimchen (dwarves, pixies or hobgoblins) who constitute her attendants in the area she frequents."


For the people that respect nature and the environment around them, the moss people well bring good luck.

So the next time you go hiking or camping in the summer, be mindful of your surroundings and keep an eye out... you may just see one of them, but keep in mind they seem to prefer hiding in  moss or the darker foliage of nearby tree's. watch for there wings (Very Similar to that of a Monarch Butterfly)

They are thought to live  mostly in Germany and Switzerland, but these small butterfly like fairys have been seen  in other country's as well.

They are sometimes referred to as Flying Leaves, Greenies, or just Butterly Faeries.

In German  the words Schrat and Waldschrat are also used for a moss person. Old Norsewold be  skratti, or "goblin".)

In some area's they are sometimes described as being similar to Dwarves, or being the same size as children, but "grey and old-looking, hairy, and covered in moss sometimes, they can be seen as bigger. (child size) or as small as butterfly's depending of the region and which version of the story's you hear.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Fairy Myths: The Cat Sidhe

                                                           The Cat Sidh.

 The Cat Sidhe, Cath Sith, Cait Sidhe, Fairy Cat. is a creature believed to be a type of fay/fairy that lives in or near the Scottish Highlands.

The cat sidhe, like it's name would suggest is a cat like creature, in some versions of this tail it is as  large as a dog.

Most often described as black and white this cat is said to roam the Scottish Highlands, and was believed to steal the souls of any nearby newly deceased bodies before burial.during  the Feill Fadalach  OR  “Lake Wake, unburied bodies were watched over night and day to make sure the Cat Sìth would not gain access to the corpse and to keep it away from the room in which the body was kept they would also avoid lighting any fires near the burial as the Cat sihde was said to be attracted to the warmth .. 

Apparently anything that will distract a cat will work on the cat sith, thing like catnip and music were sometimes used.

Most believed the Cat Sìth is a type of feline fairy, but in some Celtic legends the Cat Sìths were thought to be shape-shifting witches who could turn themselves into a cat at least eight times.

Those attempting the transformation a ninth time would be permanently trapped in there cat  form, This is also the thought to be the origins of  the myth that cats have nine lives. 

The Cat Sìth is all black with the exception of a white spot on its chest.


On a side note Black Cats are NOT bad luck, at least no more so then any other animal, but because of this misconception they are often mistreated during certain times of the year (Friday the  13th and Halloween for example).... during these times they are often  hurt and sometimes even killed by foolish and cruel people. Pleases keep them indoors and safe during the holidays..

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Fairy Lore: The Cu Sith Or Fairy Dog

                                        The cù-sìth or Coin Sith is a type of Fairy Animal/ Soul Harvester...

The Cu Sith is a Fairy Dog from Scottish Mythology...

There is also a similar creature in Irish mythology, the Cu Sidhe is also similar to the Welsh Cwn Annwn, or the Hounds of Annwn in English. 

 It has a  long tail that is either coiled up or plaited (braided). With large paw's  the width of a man's hand, and glowing eyes.

It's usually described as a large dog like creature, who according to legends can be  about the size of a small bull with the psychical appearance of a dog.  (Not to be confused for the Hell Hounds or Black Dogs)

The cù-sìth is said to live  in the clefts or rocks and moors of the Highlands.

 It was seen as a harbinger of death that would arrive to carry away the soul of a person to the afterlife, similar to  the Grim Reaper.

 The Scottish legends the Cù-Sìth is  similar to the Bean sidhe or Banshee,  of  Irish folklore.

According to legend, the creature was capable of hunting silently, but would occasionally let out three terrifying barks, and only three, that could be heard for miles by those listening for it, even far out at sea.

 If You ever  hear the barking of the Cù-Sìth you have to reach safety by the third bark or you will be overcome with absolute  terror to the point of death....(Literally scared to death...)

According to some tails  the barking was a warning to lock up nursing women to prevent them from being abducted by the  fairy's and taken to the fairy  mound to supply milk for the young daoine sith ..

So beware the barks and howls  at night, you never know whats lurking just within the shadow's.

Monday, September 2, 2019

Fairy Lore:The Daoine Sidhe or Aos Si

September is going to be mostly Fairy myths and legends, After that

 i will be doing Crypid posts until Halloween or shortly after,.....

Fairy, Fay, Wee folk or whatever you call them the little people are all around us.

Here is a little info on some of them.

 The Daoine Sidhe..or Aos Si ...People of the mounds

Daoine Sidhe: Legend recounts that when the Milesians defeated the Tuatha dé Danann, they followed one of their leaders, Dagda, down under these earth mounds and became the Daoine Sidhe. They are the Trooping fairies and have their own regional kings and queens and owe allegiance to Finvarra and Onagh.

The aos sí (Irish pronunciation: [iːs 'ʃiː], "ees shee", older form aes sídhe is the Irish Gaelic term for a supernatural race in Irish mythology and Scottish mythology, (usually spelled Sìth, however pronounced the same) comparable to the fairies or elves.

 They are said to live underground in fairy mounds, across the western sea, or in an invisible world that coexists with the world of humans. This world is described in the Book of Invasions (recorded in the Book of Leinster) as a parallel universe in which the aos sí walk amongst the living.

In the Irish language, aos sí means "people of the mounds" (the mounds are known in Irish as "the sídhe").

 In Irish literature the people of the mounds are also called daoine sídhe; in Scottish mythology they are daoine sìth. They are variously said to be the ancestors, the spirits of nature, or Goddesses and Gods.

Some secondary and tertiary sources including well-known and influential authors such as W.B. Yeats refer to aos sí simply as "the sídhe" (lit.: mounds).

Sidhe  are the hills that dot the Irish landscape.

In modern Irish the word is Si; in Scottish Gaelic sith in Old Irish side  and the singular is sid.

In some English text the word sidhe   is incorrectly used both for the mounds and the people of the mounds. However sidh in older texts refers specifically to "the palaces, courts, halls or residences" of the otherworldly beings that are said too inhabit them.

The fact that many of these sidhe  have been found to be ancient burial mounds has contributed to the theory that the aos si  were the pre-Celtic occupants of Ireland.

Aos si are said to be fierce protectors of the home's or territory  whether a fairy hill, a Fairy Ring a special tree ( most times a Hawthorn or a particular loch  or forest.

It is believed that entering these spaces will cause the aos si  to retaliate in an effort to remove the people or objects that invaded their homes.

Many of these story's  are often linked to changelings myth were the aos si are said  to kidnapping trespassers or replacing their children with changelings as a punishment for their disrespect.

The aos si  are often connected to certain times of year and hours; as the Gaelic Fairy world or spirit world  is believed to come closer to the human  world at the times of dusk and dawn, and  the aos si  aos s are   easier to encounter. Some festivals such as Samhain (Halloween ) and  Baltane,.. May 1st the beginning of summer ( May Day)  are also associated with the aos si.