Monday, September 16, 2019

Fairy Myth: Brownies


A brownie is a type of house elf.

In Scottish folklore brownies  are small human like, benevolent fairies (pronounced broony).

They appear to humans as small dwarve like beings  with dark black eyes.

There clothes are usually colored with different  earth tone colors.

They have pointed ears, big eyes, and long fingers.

They often explore a village finding homes of good, honest, and humble people.

 Once they find a good person's house, they set about, cleaning it, organizing it, and even adding new things. They don't like cats, and won't clean houses that have them.

If one were to leave food (preferably milk, honey, ale, porridge, and cake), that person would have a greater chance of receiving a nighttime visit from the Brownies.

Brownies despise liars, murderers, crooks, or any other immoral person, and will actively prank them, steal things from, or just mess up the person's house. Sometimes, a brownie will like a particular house, and will decide to stay there. They will probably stay in the attic, cellar, or woodshed.

They will only work during the nighttime hours, because they don't like to be seen.

Brownies do not like to be referred to as fairies, and may cause physical harm if someone where call them fairies.

All Brownies sometimes have meetings to catch up and discuss things (kind of like family reunions), usually on a rocky cliff or someplace really desolate  out of human sight.

 Brownies have been seen in modern day movies and games as well.

The card game Magic: The Gathering has a couple cards that are brownies, the Flyndhorn Brownie, and the Shelkin Brownie

 In the book Dragon Rider, there were brownies throughout the story, the main one was named Sorrel


Probably the most well know house elf, Dobby from Harry Potter was based off of Brownies..

There is another type of brownie called the ùruisg or urisk.

 It is usualy seen near streams and waterfalls, not houses. And while it's still kind and sociable, it won't help out with the chores.

During spring and summer, it's somewhat  reclusive, but around the end of the harvest season, it opens up and will actually talk to humans.

It likes dairy products, and was said too  pesters milkmaids into giving him more milk.

 It's always seen carrying a walking stick with it, they have  long yellow hair, and sometimes wears a blue bonnet.

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