Thursday, September 12, 2019

Fairy Myth: The Kelpie

                       ===============The Kelpie=================

The Kelpie, is a Dark Fay or Evil water spirit of Scottish folklore.

The Kelpie is most often described as a strong horse.

Its hide was black in most versions of the legend, though in a few stories it was white, and appeared as a lost horse, but even in this form it could be identified by its dripping mane.

 Its skin was said to be similar too that of a seal, smooth but as cold to the touched.

Other accounts of this legend state that Kelpies also had the ability to transform it's appearance into a human form most of the time it would resemble a handsome man, But it could also take the form of a beautiful women as well. In some versions of the story the Kelpie still has hooves in human form other versions it dose not... They also created illusions to keep themselves hidden in he water, Only their eyes would remain above the water to scout the surface for potential victims.

Kelpie legends vary by region there are legend's of them throughout Scotland associated with almost every loch.

In some versions of the myth the Kelpie is described as green as grass with a black mane and tail that curves over its back like a wheel or that, even in human form, they are always dripping wet and/or have water weeds in their hair.

It's most common form is a horse. the Kelpie, uses this form to lure humans, especially children,
into the water to drown and later eat them.

The water horse would encourage children to ride on its back,
once its victims fell into its trap, it's skin would become adhesive and
the horse would carry the children into the water, dragging them to the bottom of the water and devouring them.

 Sometimes it just attacks people riding by and kills them with it powerful arms.

One of the most common Scottish tale is the story of nine children lured onto a Kelpie's back,
while a tenth kept his distance.

The Kelpie chased the tenth child, but he escaped.

In a darker variation of this tale the tenth child simply hit the Kelpie's nose but, when his hand stuck to it, he took a knife from his pocket and cut off his own hand, cauterizing it with wood from a camp fire.

The child saves himself but is unable to help his friends, as they are pulled underwater with the Kelpie.

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