Saturday, September 9, 2023

The New Hampshire Wood Devil.

 A short post today, more coming soon ! :)




                         The New Hampshire Wood Devil


The Woods Devil, or more likely  Woods Devils, is a  Bigfoot like cryptid  that has been sighted in the woodlands and hills of Coos County, New Hampshire since at least the 1930s. 

 They may be a  subspecies of Bigfoot.or they may be a separate species all together.



According to eye witness accounts it resembles a  skinny Sasquatch-like creatures standing as  tall as around 7-9 feet and has shaggy tan-gray hair. 



One unusual trait, slightly similar to  behavior of the Hidebehind, or even the Whirling Whimpus, is that this cryptid uses the trees to hide. 

It's said that these creatures will hide behind a tree when a human is coming, and stay behind that tree until they leave. If there is no cover to hide in, the Woods Devil will stand perfectly still. 



Woodsmen, hikers, and others have described hearing screams of these creatures echoing the hollows of Coos County. 

 Tales of the Woods Devils were told old lumberjack and can be found is  the tales of fearsome critters.


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