Thursday, July 1, 2021

American Cryptids: The Whirling Whimpus

                                                  ===The Whirling Whimpus===

The Forest and mountains are full of strange and particular beings, cryptids, monsters
and everything in between.

No doubt most of you know of the cranky whirling tornado of destruction
from the old loony tunes cartoon named Taz-- the Tasmanian devil ...


We've all heard or Bigfoot and The Yeti.

But what if you came across a creature that by all accounts is some odd combination
of the two...

Then you've just meet the strange and powerful cryptid called the Whirling Whimpus.


 Legend's of the Whirling Whimpus come from the Lumberjacks and woodsman of the Cumberland Mountains in Tennessee.

This cryptid  is a bigfoot like  creature that hunt's the wood's of North America and
is believed to  be responsible for many of the strange  disappearances woodsman, campers and wayward hikers


The whimpus has been described as very  gorilla-like in appearance .

It stands at around 7 feet tall, with a black fur and a large or fat upper body.

In many accounts the whimpus legs are said to be horse-like with hooves.

It's  favorite meals seems to be people.

But it also hunts turkey, deer, cows, even bears.

 It's said to  spins at a stunning 2,150 r.p.m. and usually only dose this at sundown

.this speed also creates a humming sound and blurs the creature to the point that is is
almost entirely invisible.

--Hunting Habits--------------------------------

When it senses prey approaching from a nearby trail or path, it hides, usually justy at the bend of the trail.

Then when the victim comes close enough, the Whirling Whimpus begins to spin around on one foot or hoof at a  rapid pace As it does this, the wind emits a low droning  or humming  sound that seems to be coming from the trees above.

As the prey looks up, trying to locate the sound, the Whimpus attacks and kills target with rapid powerful strikes, beating it into a past  and slurping up the remains !

The Whirling Whimpus is also called (Turbinoccissus nebuloides).