Saturday, September 2, 2023

Numa-Gozen. Lake Monster.


Just a quick update, I have a few post's finished and pre-scheduled for every week of October. May add another one later this month not sure, but Spooky month will have plenty of updates 🎃🦇👻🦇🎃


                                Numa-Gozen  Lake monster of the Fukushima Prefecture

According to myth, the Numa-Gozen  lives beneath the waves of  Lake Numazawa of Fukushima prefecture. 

           File:Lake Numazawa, Kanayamatown, Fukushima Prefecture.jpg - Wikimedia  Commons

Eye witnesses accounts claim the Numa-Gozen is a big snake living in the Lake, and can turn into a young girl. In swamp areas, she  lures unsuspecting farmers close to the water then drags them in. 


Legend say's, she has  six meter-long hair, and can create a storm she also has deadly  venom within her body. 

She was very violent and hostile towards humans.

 She was thought to be slain during the Kamakura Period, but several later sightings would indicate she survived.

There is a Numa-Gozen Shrine nearby the lake and a festival depicting the slain of the serpentine yōkai has been held annually on the first Sunday of August. 

 Fukushima Inari Shrine | Fukushima Guide - Fukushima City Tourist  Information


Numazawa Ko (Lake) Recreation Forest:Forestry Agency

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