Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Austraian Folklore: the Yowie

Australian Folklore

The Land Down under is full of fascinating myth's and Legends, today we talk  about The Yowie AKA  The Bigfoot of the Outback.....

The yowie is usually described as a hairy bypidl  ape-like creature standing upright at between 6 ft 11 and possibly  upward of 12 ft in height.

The yowie's feet are described as much larger than a human's, but alleged yowie tracks are inconsistent in shape and toe number, and the descriptions of yowie foot and footprints provided by witnesses are even more varied than those of the North American cryptid Bigfoot.

The yowie's Call's / Screams are often described as flat or wide.

The Yowie, like most other living things seems to vary in widly in both personality and behavior with  some report saying the creature is timid or shy,
and Others describe it as sometimes violent.

According to an articale published in The Sydney Morning Herald back in 1987, columnist Margaret Jones wrote that the first Australian yowie sighting that was said to have taken place as early as 1795. Though Aboriginal legend's date back hundreds of years earlier...

Rex Gilroy has been studing/ hunting the yowie since the mid-1970s.

Gilroy claims to have collected over 3000 reports over the years.

Mr Gilroy believes that the yowie is related to the North American Bigfoot. Rex Gilroy along with his partner Heather Gilroy,  have spent fifty years amassing his yowie collection, claiming to have  identified at least four different species of yowie, which he believes are a sub-species of Homo erectus.

Another well know yowie researcher called Tim the Yowie Man. Is a published author and claims to have seen a yowie in the Brindabella Ranges in 1994.

Since then, Tim  has investigated yowie sightings and other paranormal phenomena in varied fields. He also writes a regular column in Australian newspapers The Canberra Times and The Sydney Morning Herald.

In 2004, Tim the Yowie Man won a legal case against Cadbury, a popular British confectionery company known for the (Cabbury Cream Egg's) popular arond Easter.
Cadbury had claimed that his moniker was too similar to their range of Yowie confectionery.

Yowie sightings in the 1800's......

In the 1870s, accounts of an "Indigenous Ape" appeared in the Australian Town and Country Journal.
The earliest account dating back to  November 1876 asked there readers; "Who has not heard, from the earliest settlement of the colony, the blacks (Aboriginals) speaking of some unearthly
animal or inhuman creature ... namely the Yahoo-Devil, or hairy man

In an article entitled "Australian Apes" appearing six years later, amateur naturalist Henry James McCooey claimed to have seen an "indigenous ape" on the south coast of New South Wales,
between Batemans Bay and Ulladulla.

MaCooey-- A few days ago I saw one of these strange creatures ... on the coast between Batemans Bay and Ulladulla ... I should think that if it were standing perfectly upright it would
be nearly 5 feet high. It was tailless and covered with very long black hair, which was of a dirty red or snuff-colour about the throat and breast.
Its eyes, which were small and restless, were partly hidden by matted hair that covered its head ... I threw a stone at the animal, whereupon it immediately rushed off ..

McCooey offered to capture an ape for the Australian Museum for £40. According to Robert Holden, a second outbreak of reported ape sightings appeared in 1912.
, The Yowie

the yowie appeared in Donald Friend's Hillendiana,  a collection of writings about the goldfields near Hill End in New South Wales. Friend refers to the yowie as a species of bunyip.

Holden also cites the appearance of the yowie in a number of Australian tall tales in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century.

Other Yowie Sightings .....

In 2010, a Canberra man said he saw an animal described as "a juvenile covered in hair, with long arms that almost touched the ground" in his garage.
A friend later told him it could be a yowie.

A few Accounts of  yowie sightings in the New South Wales area

In 1977, an article in the Sydney Morning Herald reported that residents on Oxley Island near Taree recently heard screaming noises made by an animal at night.
Cryptozoologist Rex Gilroy was mentioned in the article as soon to arrive in the area in search of the mythological yowie.
In 1994, Tim the Yowie Man claimed to have seen a yowie in the Brindabella Ranges.
In 1996, while on vacation a couple from Newcastle claim to have seen a yowie between Braidwood and the coast. They said it was a shaggy creature, walking upright, standing at a height of at least 2.1 meters tall, with disproportionately long arms and no neck. similar to a lot of Bigfoot sightings..

In August 2000, a Canberra bushwalker described seeing an unknown bipedal beast in the Brindabella Mountains. The bushwalker, Steve Piper, caught the incident on videotape.
That film is known as the 'Piper Film'.
In March 2011, a witness reported to Ne South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service seeing a yowie in the Blue Mountains at Springwood, west of Sydney.
The witness had filmed the creature, and taken photographs of its footprints.

In May 2012, a United States television crew claimed it had recorded audio of a yowie in a remote region on the NSW-Queensland border.
In June 2013, a Lismore resident and music videographer claimed to have seen a yowie just north of Bexhill.

In the mid-1970s, the Queanbeyan Festival Board and 2CA together offered a AU$200,000 reward to anyone who could capture and present a yowie: the reward is yet to be claimed.

Australia, Northern Territory..

In the late 1990s, there were several reports of yowie sightings in the area around Acacia Hills. One such sighting was by a mango farmer named Katrina Tucker who reported in 1997 having been just meters away from a hairy humanoid creature on her property.  Photographs of the footprint were collected at the time.

Sightings in Queensland

The Springbrook region in south-east Queensland has had more yowie reports than anywhere else in Australia.

In 1977, former Queensland Senator Bill O'Chee reported to the Gold Coast Bulletin he had seen a yowie while on a school trip in Springbrook. O'Chee compared the creature he saw as looking similar to Chewbacca from Star Wars.  He told reporters that the creature he saw had been over 3 meters tall.

Reports in the 2000's

A more resent account is that of the Mulgowie Yowie, which was last reported around  2001.

In March 2014, two yowie searchers claimed to have filmed the yowie in South Queensland using an infrared tree camera, collected fur samples, and found large footprints.
Later that year, a Gympie man told media he had encountered yowies on several occasions, including conversing with, and teaching some English to, a very large male yowie
in the bush north east of Gympie,  and several people in Port Douglas claimed to have seen yowies, near Mowbray and at the Rocky Point range.

Other names for the Yowie......

Wawee, Yaroma, Jimbra, Noocoonah, pangkarlangu,  and tjangara.


More cryptid post's coming soon...

Have a great day.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Real Life Stranger Things part 2 Pychic's...

                                              ...Real Life Stranger Things part 2 Psychic' s....

Psychic Solders

A person who's sole purpose  is to enact Assassination on any given target with seemingly Accidental or Natural Causes...

Government generated disinformation portrays the NSA as sort of protector, they gather information and data to insure  the safety of the American people.

In other words, electronic surveillance of foreign countries.  Although specifically bared from domestic surveillance of American citizens by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA)
of 1978, the NSA has admitted to "limited" spying on American citizens.

Though illegal domestic spying on fellow American citizens is reprehensible, The NSA is involved in other illicit and far more vile activities that make electronic surveillance seem meaningless by comparison.

Over the years, there have been numerous newspaper articles as wall as other media reports, claiming American intelligence agencies have tried to use individuals with psychic abilities
 to spy on other nations. 

The most well know one being project Stargate. Though in  every instance, the A,B,C agencies (CIA, FBI, NSA DOD) have claimed these efforts were all failed endeavors and that those projects had all been terminated.

Right....and the Government NEVER Lie's to The people......

Would the CIA, NSA, or DOD openly admit to failure and by extension millions in wasted tax dollars? 

Especially when said projects are  connection to new forms
of counter intelligent and  espionage.

What better way to deflect public scrutiny away form some topic (or secret project), than to announce that after spending millions of dollars, no useful results were obtained.

The American government has a long history of using such misdirection ploys to hide its covert activities. 

In point of fact, the American government has a very successful psychic espionage/warfare program.
It was initiated shortly after WWII, has been operational since the early 1950s, and is administered by the NSA. 

The primary motivation for keeping this program so highly classified as side from gaining the underhand in combat/ assassination is  the underhanded and down right cruel
method's used to create these psychics solders.

Psychic Espionage is not merely relegated to the US, Russia and the KGB was heavily involved in paranormal research and psychic recruitment during the cold war

Other counters like Germany during the Nazi era and China in more recent decades has also done extensive work in psychic programs....

The us government routinely engages in the physical and mental abuse aswell as  unsanctioned and illegal medical experimentation, torture and outright murder of American children,
some less than six years old.  The rationale behind this?

To create a slave army of government controlled psychics ready too kill at a moments notice

The solders (both men and women) of this vast psychic army live and die at the whims of DNI (director of national intelligence) and NCA (national command authority).
Most of the sickening experimentation takes it lead from the research done  by former Nazi scientists that had been relocated to America  aftermath of WWII (under Operation Paperclip).

What do you think of when you hear the word's National security?

Dose the NSA really prioritize the protection of the American people from treats abroad ...

Many people just blindly follow what the government says Never questioning anything just obey, but to those with a more inquisitive nature i ask you What dose the phrase National Security"
really means.

As is the common answer it  means protecting the people and property belonging to the citizens of the united stats. (Or whatever Country your in)..


However as far as the Government is concerned the term "national security" means the security of the government, not the security of the people.  And the National Security Agency (NSA)
is that part of the government tasked with keeping the government safe and secure.

Psychic abilities and or super powers...

History is full of super powered beings most people in modern times would assume these tales are nothing more the folklore , myth or out right fiction akin too modern Comic books
However every myth has at least some bases in reality..

Tales of Witches with unearthly powers moving objects without physical contact to prophets like  Cassandra of Troy, and the Pythia of Delphi in ancient times, even the work of Nostradamus and in  more recently times Edger Cayce....Psychics and their abilities can be found through out history, and continuing to the present day.

So you may be thinking to your self,,...why are there so few examples of truly gifted psychics?

One simple reason is Government agent's covering up any and all evidence of paranormal ability's add to this the lying government owned media covering up any pertinent information or story's
regarding psychic ability's, or perceived paranormal instances being relegated to simple hoaxes..

Many people with psychic ability's high enough to set them apart from everyone else usually see themselves as freaks and don't usually tell other's about there ability's
do to being seen as unnatural or weird..

Think in terms of the mutants in X-Men or  the Supers in The Incredible's shunned or hated for their ability's, simply put people with amazing powers are often feared by those that do not poses
such gifts...and human tolerance for things that are different is usually fairly low.

From a none psychic's prospective what chance would you have for job promotion, when the psychic co-worker can influence your boss, or what if that psychic individual could use some of the more
advanced  Abilities like  telekinesis (moving objects with the mind), pyrokinesis (ability to manipulate fire) would that really be someone you would want to anger..
Bottom line people fear what they dont understand and those with power (Not All of them) usually let that power go to their heads thinking they are somehow better then others..

Understandably real life would look a lot like the X-men / Incredibles the general public would undoubtedly begin to wonder if its such a good idea to let these individuals live,
let alone roam free your neighborhood.  Looking at the matter in another way, a certain amount of psychic ability (such as normal intuition) is accepted by society.  But anyone displaying
exceptional abilities will be quickly ostracized, if not outright killed for the greater good.

So how do you control a person who is able to walk through solid walls, or kill with a single thought?  A person who can see the future, and knows what you're about to say or do.
 A person who can make you drink poison and enjoy the experience, or make you point a gun at your own head and pull the trigger.  someone that can influence the weather, start fires
with there mind (pyrokinesis), or blackout an entire city by touching an ordinary power pole (high level electrokinesis).

From a strictly military perspective, such a person would be  highly coveted and equally feared.

You may be wondering the to what lengths would a military orginazation or government official go, in order to guarantee  total  control over a psychic assist's ?  And more importantly, how will that
control be achieved?

Simple you turn the psychic's mind into a prison, and you make him or her both the prison guard, and the prisoner.

The first step is accomplished through the use of extreme physical and
psychological torture.

This causes massive dissociation, thereby splitting the mind into multiple personas (multiple personalities).

Psychoactive drugs are also administered during this step to heighten mental impact of the pain, thereby accelerating the process of mental splitting.  Next you train different personas to perform different tasks.

Then, you use ECT electro-convulsive-therapy (also known as electroshock treatment) to "lock in" the personas, and destroy any trace of recollection in the dominate personality of the now split off personas.  Finally, you do all of this to the psychic while he or she is still a child (under the age of 10). At this point, you have created the perfect psychic warrior.   Capable of committing any act, no matter how vile or self destructive, all under the absolute control of his or her handlers.
However, the physical injury, emotional scars, mental confusion, and spiritual rape inflicted on the hapless psychic child by this inhuman brutality, will last a lifetime... usually a relativity short life at that..         

CIA NSA DOD, These organizations employ some of the best psychiatrists, psychologists and behavioral scientists  in the world.  They're also experts at interrogation and psychological warfare techniques.  Precisely the skill set required for building a psychic version of the Manchurian candidate.  But of course, mercilessly torturing innocent children goes well beyond the constitutional boundaries of acceptable government behavior, not to mention
 violating local, state, federal, and international law.

The solution?  Use a secret presidential executive order (memorandum) to create a new intelligence agency that operates outside statutory law, congressional oversight, or constitutional limits.  In this way, the NSA was created by president Harry S. Truman in June of 1952, and for the first few years of its existence, remained so secret that even its name was classified.

A very odd beginning for an agency supposedly tasked with the mundane job of intercepting foreign communications, but the perfect disguise for a collection of amoral medical professionals and sadistic military thugs intent on turning innocent children into psychic weapons ...

The Governemnt use of  psychotronics:

Definition - Psychotronics:  The study of the interaction between matter, energy and the mind, especially the supposed relationship in Para-psychological effects.

Even with the brainwashing techniques previously described , deploying and controlling thousands of psychic slaves is still a rather daunting task.  The problem breaks down
into three major areas of concern.

 1) Security.  There is always the possibility that a psychic might get caught.  Or worse, might go rogue and escape his/her handlers.

2)Somehow the psychic must be introduced to, or made aware of and familiar with, his/her intended target.  A difficult task if the target is a foreign head of state or
high ranking military officer.

Psychic strength or ability.  Despite the use of intrauterine and neonatal hormone treatments  genetic variability still plays a large role in eventual psychic ability
exhibited by the child.  While certain psychoactive drugs could be used to boost psychic abilities, these also exacerbate problems 1 & 2 (above).

By the late 1950s (6-8 years into the secret NSA program), these three problem areas were starting to limit further expansion of what was otherwise proving to be, a very valuable adjunct
 to the more conventional techniques of political propaganda (population control), espionage, and assassination.

A solution was sought, and eventually found.  By using a combination of microwave radiation, modulated with EEG (Electroencephalogram) brain waves of the psychic, and aimed at the desired
individual/location, it was no longer necessary for the assassin/spy/agent provocateur to be anywhere near his/her intended target.  Furthermore, the telecommunications industry could be
 covertly enlisted to transport the modulated microwave signal to any remote location desired.

The NSA, an agency ostensibly tasked with intercepting foreign communications, is in fact, using the world wide telecommunications network to piggyback the brain waves of its psychic army...

Where first generation NSA psychics had to be deployed in the field.  Now they could be safely cloistered in purpose built facilities, with targeting accomplished by simply entering the
latitude and longitude coordinates into a local console tied to the psychotronics network.  Furthermore, even psychics with weaker innate abilities could be used since the psychotronics
network would amplify or boost their EEG brain waves to any desired level.  Psychotronics also allowed psychoactive drugs to be administered via IV (intravenous) drip.  This has several
very beneficial advantages.  First it allows psychic ability to be "fine tuned" to the mission profile.  Second, the use of psychoactive drugs to boost abilities means that weaker psychics
can be employed, thereby lowering the risk, should a psychic turn against his/her handlers.  Lastly, a (weaker) psychic that does manage to escape his or her handlers will be far
less dangerous to apprehend (once the psychoactive drugs wear off).  In summary, the use of psychotronics solved all three problem areas listed above, and facilitated continued expansion
 of the psychic warfare program.

Another interesting aspect of Psychotronics concerns what can be influenced through a Psychotronics channel.  At the present state of technology, only living things (plants, animals, humans, etc.)
can be influenced through a Psychotronics channel.  Influencing inanimate matter (telekinesis, pyrokinesis, electrokinesis, etc.) still requires the psychic to be located within a few
miles of the intended target.

As a side note, Harold Puthoff (National Security Agency 1960-1963), was one of the more notable contributors to the field of psychotronics, see Puthoff H & Targ R, "A perceptual channel
 for information transfer over kilometer distances: Historical perspective and recent research", Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol 64, No 3, pp 329-354, March 1976.  However, some of this
IEEE paper and his 1970s SRI research were most lilky disinformation intended to draw attention away from his earlier work at the NSA.

                                         NSA psychic Dorms / Cell's aka The Black Hole

                  NSA Black Hole building look's very similar to NSA Black window  building above

Its official name is classified, but those who work (and live) there simply call it "The Black Hole".

Located within the extensive 100 square mile confines of Marine Base Quantico, The Black Hole complex consists of a multi-story black glass building (similar to the NSA head quarters building
at Fort Mead, MD.), several separate underground dormitories, capable of accommodating several thousand psychics (plus their chaperones/handlers), and a number of above ground support
structures, including barracks for a Marine security contingent, several dormitories for psychic handlers, a multi-bed infirmary, and most surprisingly, an onsite crematorium.  The last is
necessary because even with the extreme security measures taken to ensure absolute  control over the psychics, there are still a significant number of, "accidents" on site It seems The Black
Hole is deserving of its name, since many who go in, never come out...

The black glass building roof has a multitude of large satellite dishes and oversized cooling units (psychotronics consumes lots of bandwidth and generates a large amount of heat,

The psychic dormitories include a central kitchen with walk-in freezers, coolers, and dry goods storage area, all connected to the surface by freight elevators that also serve as the access
 points for marine security teams when there's an "incident" in one of the dormitories.  There is no dining room, the psychics are confined to their individual quarters, except when they're
involved in a mission.  Below the kitchen are several levels of psychic dormitories, stacked one on top of another, all tied together with elevators that require a magnetic stripe card and
 access code to operate.  No elevator traverses more than one level.  Each dormitory level consists of a long central hallway, with branch corridors leading to the dormitory units.
Each dormitory unit consists of several floors of quarters with a live in "chaperone" on each floor.  There are security control doors on each psychic living quarters, and on the corridor
leading to the main hallway.

Each of these doors requires a magnetic stripe card and access code to operate.  Each live in chaperone quarters has a small panel with door status indicator
lights, and emergency call button to summon an armed Marine security team in case of an "accident".  If a Marine security team is summoned, they will shoot to kill, any psychic found out
of their quarters, any chaperone who is acting strangely, and even other security team members who start acting strange, or fail to follow orders, or who fail to precisely follow the
predetermined procedures.  Security within the psychic dormitories is a VERY serious matter...

Each psychic quarters consists of a living room, bed room, bath room with shower, and a kitchenette.  The living room has an access controlled TV.  The TV is not used for entertainment.
Rather it is used to condition the psychic with visual media, expressly selected for his or her specialty.  For instance a psychic specializing in influencing Russian emigrants or embassy
 personnel will only watch shows in Russian language.  Conversely, a psychic assassin will be shown movies involving murder.  And a psychic who specializes in inducing their victims to
commit acts of pedophilia, will be shown pornographic movies involving underage children.  There is no behavior so vile, no crime so heinous, no deed so monstrous, that the NSA doesn't
already have a psychic warrior trained, and ready to induce some victim into performing the act.

Some psychics are so dangerous that an entire dormitory unit is used to house a single individual..

Along with The Black Hole, there is another major contingent of psychics housed in underground dormitories at NSA headquarters in Fort Meade Maryland.  There are also smaller facilities
(6 to 12 psychics) located on the outskirts of ALL major American cities, important military bases, and many political hot spots (northern Idaho for example).  These smaller facilities
are primarily used when a quick response is needed, and as a general rule, house less dangerous psychics (mind readers, thought/emotion changers, dream hijackers, etc.).
 Many of the smaller facilities use a common building plan, consisting of a 2 or 3 story building masquerading as a commercial business.  The first floor is all office space, and acts as a ruse to hide the activities taking place on the second and third floors.  The three story version (12 psychics) will have a kitchen, multiple ops rooms, and dining/recreation area on the second floor.  The third floor consists of individual living quarters for the psychics and chaperones.  The two story version (6 psychics) combines the living quarters, ops rooms, kitchen, dining/recreation area into a single upper floor.  All smaller facilities have 2 or 3 oversized satellite dishes on the roof, generally mounted in such a way as to hide them from ground level observation.  The dishes are aimed south at the geo-synchronous satellite belt, and serve as the Psychotronics link.

Psychic Ops Team.

The Psychic:  This individual is at the core of the team.  Every one else on the team is there to support the psychic.  Some teams include more than one psychic.  For instance, a psychic
that is skilled at causing pain but unable to read minds, might be teamed up with another psychic who is skilled at reading minds but unable to do anything else.  Another useful team
 consists of one psychic who is able to kill a target, and one (or more) psychic(s ) with defensive skills (able to shield the attacker from pain).  These teams are used to attack targets
that are protected by other psychics.

The Mission Coordinator:  Always male, and sometimes referred to as "The Suit" because of his clothing.  This person is the team leader.  He's receives mission orders from his superiors,
organizes the mission, and selects the appropriate psychics to carry out the operation.  He also does the post mission paperwork, and reports mission results back to his superiors.
Like the psychics, the suit has also undergone trauma based programming  He carries a concealed hand gun (with silencer), and is programmed (hard wired) to kill the psychic
and then himself, if he feels any intrusion into his mind.  For security reasons, psychics are trained never to look at the face of the suit.

The Biomedical Technician:  Also known as the "Bio Tech".  This team member sits next to, and monitors the psychic warrior.  The bio tech also administers the psychoactive drugs used
to boost the psychic's mental abilities.  Many Bio Techs flunked out of medical school or served as field medics in the Army.

The Communications Technician:  Also known as the "Comm. Tech".  This individual is responsible for monitoring the psychotronics console making sure the connection between
psychic and target is accurate and stable.  A sizeable number of Comm. Techs are convicted computer hackers.

While the psychics and suits live on-site, techs are civilian contractors and commute to work.

A day in the life of a psychic spy/ assassin

The Black Hole operates on a 24/7 basis.  So the terms "morning", "afternoon", or "night" are relative, and bear no relation to the actual time in Quantico.  NSA psychics live
in an underground maze of rooms, elevators, and hallways, never seeing the light of day.

Morning starts with a visit from the chaperon, who administers a stimulant drug injection to counteract the sedative, administered by injection just before bedtime, the night before.
The psychic is then left to shower use the toilet and generally wake up, while the chaperone administers stimulants to his/her other charges.  Next comes breakfast, delivered by electric
golf cart from the central kitchen, and distributed by the chaperone to each of the psychics, who eat alone in their quarters.  The food is very good.  It must have high nutritional value to
help mitigate physiological damage caused by the steady cocktail of drugs given to the psychics on a daily basis.  Along with breakfast are several pills, taken to counteract the long term
liver and kidney damage resulting from the metabolic breakdown products of psychoactive drugs.

Most day's the psychic's morning is spent watching TV show's, specifically targeted at each psychic's special abilities.  Occasionally, as a special treat, they are allowed to watch a movie.

Often, it's a Disney animated movie.  Remember, these psychics have the mind of a child, even though some of  they are full grown adults.  They were never allowed to mature mentally, since that would just make them more dangerous and harder to handle.  Some, depending on how their abilities are used, can't even read.  Most  of them can write or do simple math.  As another example, most of
 the psychic assassins have no idea what death is, and no knowledge whatsoever of right and wrong.  They just do as they're told...

At noon they are given lunch by the chaperone, again with more pills.  This time to help prepare them for their afternoon mission.  Many of these pills are designed to act as metabolic
 buffers against deleterious physical side effects of the strong psychoactive drugs employed during their mission.  Depending on the nature and/or duration of the mission, lunch will be their
last meal of the day, since after the mission, the psychic may not be able to eat any solid food without vomiting for the next 6 to 12 hours.

When its time, the chaperone hands the psychic over to The Suit who walks with him/her to a nearby briefing room.  The suit starts by giving the psychic a candy bar, laced with yet
more drugs.  These drugs are designed to enhance memory and engender a friendly rapport with the suit, thereby making it less likely the psychic will turn against him during the mission.
Next, the suit shows the psychic photographs of the target, and explains the mission details.  If the psychic is going to speak into the targets mind, the suit has the psychic memorize the
exact phrases to be used.  Once the suit is satisfied the psychic understands the mission, they proceed to an ops room, where the actual mission will be carried out.  In the ops room, the
psychic is seated in a reclining padded chair, and the suit loads targeting coordinates into the psychotronics console.

After the psychotronics console indicates proper targeting has been achieved, the suit calls in the other team members (comm. tech & bio tech.  The bio tech straps the psychic
into the chair, attaches the EEG head band and heart monitor wires, inserts an IV needle into the psychic's arm, and starts an IV drip.  Next the bio tech uses a syringe to push the first
dose of psychoactive drugs into the IV line, thereby boosting the psychic into the heightened mental state required to complete his/her mission.  Meanwhile, the comm. tech is monitoring both
the target's heart beat and psychic's heart beat.  When these are synchronized, the psychic is in deep mental contact with the target, and the mission begins.  As the mission proceeds, the
suit issues commands to the psychic and technicians to modify mission parameters as required to complete a successful operation.

Once the mission is completed, the comm. tech severs the psychotronics connection, and the bio tech injects a psychoactive antidote into the IV drip line, thereby bringing the psychic back
to some semblance of a normal mind state.  Next, the biomedical technician removes the EEG head band and heart monitor wires, un-straps the psychic

When the psychic is able to walk,
the suit takes him/her back to the dormitory and hands them over to the chaperone.  At this point, it's the chaperone's responsibility to stabilize the psychic with still more drugs, feed them
 if they are able to eat, and then put them to sleep with an injection of sedatives.

The average psychic starts work in The Black Hole at age 17.
 By age 30, few are left alive...