Wednesday, October 19, 2022

The Nokk or Nokken..




(Longer version later)

The Nokken  is a dangerous and manipulative creature from Norwegian folklore.

The word nøkk comes from Old Norse and  means seahorse.

It lives  in rivers, ponds, small waters ways, and lakes.

According to legend, they are aquatic creaturs and prefer water with lilies, becaues it makes it easier to attract people closer to the water,
especially woman or children who try to collect the lilies.

The Nokken is a shapeshifter.

When he see's a  women, he changes into a handsome young man with a violin, which he uses to play beautiful, alluring music, to attract her closer.

It can also take the form of a beautiful white horse with opal black eyes and a radiant or ethereal shine around it.

it has also been known to  change into an old wooden ship or an  tree trunk.

These are all illusions though and the Nokkens true form is far  more monstrous , he is covered in moss and his eyes are bright yellow.

It has a large mouth with very sharp teeth, and its skin is like that of a drowned man, who has been underwater for a long time.

It is said that if one is captured by Nokken, his name must be said and he will disappear into the waters again.

However if you do not know his name you could give the nøkk a treat of three drops of blood, some brännvin (Scandinavian vodka)
or snus (wet snuff) dropped into the water, if he likes the gift he will let you go, he may even teach you his form of music.

The nøkk is also considered an omen for drowning accidents.

He would scream at a particular spot in a lake or river, in a way reminiscent of the loon, and on that spot, a fatality would later take place.
He was also said to cause drownings, but swimmers could protect themselves by throwing a bit of steel into the water.

Its better to just avoid him altogether, so stay away from ponds and shinny horses and if you see some rando in the woods just call the cops lol

Friday, October 7, 2022

Fjorulalli: The Shore Laddie .




                                             .......   ICELAND CRYPTID: The Shore Laddie.....

 Shore Laddie
The Shore Laddie, also known as the Fjorulalli or Beach Walker,
is a ram-sized creature found along the coasts of the Westfjords of Iceland.

It is sometimes said too resemble a large otter, others describe it as sheep/ram like in appearance and very hairy.

The Fjorulalli has brownish-grey fur  with mussels and barnacles growing on it,
a feature which lends it its distinctive scrape or “jingle” when it walks.

If you hear this jingle sound the creature may be near by.

In some reports the Shore Laddie has webbed feet and in other accounts it has hooves,
however which version is the most accurate is anyones guess.

The Shore Laddie is the most commonly sighted cryptid in Iceland.

This cryptid is most active during sheep breeding season and is thought to be responsible for impregnating some ewes and creating deformed lambs.

Fjorulalli has been sighted as far back as the 1700's.

Many believe it to be a  herbivore ( plant eater) although  the cryptid  has also been accused of feeding on sheep and even women, especially pregnant ones.


Alleged enconters.....

“One early winter evening in Bjarnarhöfn by Breidafjordur, six men went out to see whether missing sheep had returned to the farm. They observed something moving by the shed and rushed to grap hold of the sheep and take it inside. When they came closer they realised that this was no sheep. They formed a circle around the creature which then took off towards the sea, pursued by the men, including my narrator. It ran as quickly as a dog and escaped into the ocean. It had a short, round head but otherwise resembled a dog rather than sheep. It had a hump on its back and jumped frequently as it ran.”



The Shore Laddie is is rarely seen and its temperament can be very different with each new sighting, it may be timid and run immediately one time or somewhat aggressive the next.

Keep your eyes peeled on your next beach trip in Iceland you may just spot the Laddie..

Sunday, October 2, 2022

The Headless Cabbie.



                                             Hey Arnold ...the headless cabbie
                                                (One of my Favorite episodes )

One night, a mysterious woman stopped the Cabbie asking to help find her lost dog.

She offered the Cabbie a scarf to help keep him warm.

They entered the park, the horses hooves echoing on the old cobble stone path.

As they were going down the road, their surroundings started  getting darker and foggier.
Then the woman heard her dog barking, and told the cabbie to go faster.

The dog ran through a tunnel, There he is, Follow Him! the woman told the cabbie.

They followed the lost dog through the tunnel, and soon after exiting the other side they encountered a crazed man with  a golden hook for an arm,  the large hook lunged out nearly missing the cabbie and his passenger.

However the  man's attack  caused  the Cabbie to var  off the path.

The carrage started moving faster and faster as the horse began to panic.

The woman was becoming frantic even  demonic in her appearance and demeanor .

Her voice getting louder and louder, she ordered the Cabbie to go even faster "We have  to find my doggie" Faster Faster she ordered.

As the carriage speed increased the Cabbie's scarf got caught on a low hanging branch,he had noticed to late.
The scarf twisted and snagged around the branch and tightened around  the Cabbie's neck until he was decapitated, thus transforming him into the Headless Cabbie.

This grim scene was followed by the crazed demonic laughter of the woman.

The legend says that on a dark, foggy night in the fall, the Headless Cabbie still haunts the park.

The sound of the demon dog barking is heard; then comes a beating sound on the cobblestones; finally, the evil laugh of the ghostly woman is heard, and she is
seen being driven by the Headless Cabbie in his carriage.