Thursday, March 10, 2022

Majestic 12: UFO's and the elite




                                                                     Majestic 12

If you've read up on UFO conspiracies then you've no doubt heard of The majestic12 at some point or another.

MJ 12 Also known as Majestic 12 is the code name for a secret group of military leaders, government officials and scientists.


It was created between 1952 and 1954  but it's origin is said to go back as far as 1947 created  through an executive order by U.S. President Harry S. Truman to facilitate recovery and investigation of alien spacecraft, as well as research extraterrestrial, life forms that may be visiting Earth and reverse engineering of  captured or downed UFO's..

In 1984 secret leaked government documents began circulating by  ufologists..The  Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) later declared these documents to be nothing more the fake just another  hoax...but honestly what else would you expect the government only recently acknowledged that a large percentage of Unidentified aerial phenomena is from an unknown origin..

so whether you believe these files are legit or as the government claims just fakes  is entirely up to you...


Many ufologists believe there had been a cover-up of the Roswell UFO crash (The Government literally claimed to have the  wreckage of a downed UFO only to eminently retract that claim and say it was nothing more then a weather balloon ) which lead to the belief that there was in fact a cover up.


ufologists  speculated that some secretive upper tier of the United States government was responsible for keeping this secret, Their suspicion was seemingly confirmed in 1984 when ufo researcher Jaime Shandera received an envelope containing film, that when developed, showed  eight pages of documents and images of what  appeared to be briefing papers describing "Operation Majestic 12".
The files revealed a secret committee of 12, individuals authorized by President Harry S. Truman in 1952, and explain how  the crash of an alien spacecraft at Roswell in July 1947 had been concealed, how the recovered alien technology could be exploited,  and how the United States should engage with extraterrestrial life in the future 


Shandera and his fellow UFO researchers Stanton T. Friedman and Bill Moore claim to have  later received a series of anonymous messages that led them to find what has been called the "Cutler/Twining memo" in 1985 while searching declassified files in the National Archives.

The memo was supposedly written by President Eisenhower's assistant Robert Cutler to General Nathan F. Twining and containing a reference to Majestic 12, the memo is regarded as a forgery by many.

Historian Robert Goldberg wrote that the ufologists came to believe the story despite the documents being "obviously planted to bolster the legitimacy of the briefing papers".

Later a man named Richard Doty, Claiming to be connected to the United States Air Force Office of Special Investigations, told filmmaker Linda Moulton Howe that the MJ-12 story was true, and showed Howe unspecified documents to prove the existence of small, grey humanoid
aliens originating from the Zeta Reticuli star system. 


Doty reportedly promised to supply Howe with film footage of UFOs and an interview with an alien being, although no footage ever came to light at the time.

However there was an alleged area 51 et interview shown in 1997

Eventually the  ufology community begin to disagree on the authenticity of the MJ-12 documents, and Moore was even accused of taking part in an elaborate hoax, while other ufologists and de-bunkers like  Philip J. Klass were accused of being "disinformation agents".

Klass's investigation of the MJ-12 documents found that Robert Cutler was actually out of the country on the date he supposedly wrote the "Cutler/Twining memo", and that the Truman signature was "a pasted-on photocopy of a genuine signature — including accidental scratch marks — from a memo that Truman wrote to Vannevar Bush on October 1, 1947". Klass dismissed theories that the documents were part of a disinformation campaign as "ridiculous", saying they contained numerous flaws that could never fool Soviet or Chinese intelligence.

Other discrepancies noted by Klass included the use of a distinctive date format that matched one used in Moore's personal letters, and a conversation reported by Brad Sparks in which Moore confided that he was contemplating creating and releasing some hoax Top Secret documents in hopes that such  documents would encourage former military and intelligence officials who knew about the government's  UFO coverup to break their oaths of secrecy.

The FBI began its own investigation of the secret documents and quickly formed doubts as to their authenticity.

The United States Air Force Office of Special Investigations stated that no such committee had ever been authorized or formed, and that the documents were "bogus".

The FBI subsequently declared the MJ-12 documents to be "completely bogus".

Later in 1996, a document called the MJ-12 "Special Operations Manual" circulated among ufologists.



It is also widely considered to be a fake and "a continuation of the MJ-12 hoax".

Ufologists Linda Moulton Howe and Stanton T. Friedman believe the MJ-12 documents are authentic.

Friedman examined the documents and has argued that the United States government has conspired to cover up knowledge of a crashed extraterrestrial spacecraft.

Scientific skeptic author Brian Dunning investigated the history of the subject, and reported his findings in the 2016 Skeptoid podcast episode "The Secret History of Majestic 12". He cited ufologist Bill Moore’s suspicion that, rather than a hoax perpetrated by the UFO community, the papers were actually part of a disinformation campaign of the US government meant to deflect attention from secret Air Force projects.


**MJ 12 Members**

The following individuals were described in the Majestic 12 documents as "designated members" of Majestic 12.

                                                                 Lloyd Berkner
                                                                 Detlev Bronk
                                                                 Vannevar Bush
                                                                 James Forrestal
                                                                 Gordon Gray
                                                                 Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter
                                                                 Jerome Clarke Hunsaker
                                                                 Donald H. Menzel
                                                                 Robert M. Montague
                                                                 Sidney Souers
                                                                 Nathan F. Twining
                                                                 Hoyt Vandenberg

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Werewolves on the farm..




The story is based on true events that took place in a small rural town in Main in 2005

                                                 🐺      The werewolves of Palmyra...🐺

Back in 2005 a man named Eric Martin a long time employee of the local paper mill, had
reached for something on a high self and threw out his back and slipped several disks.

This injury made further work for him impossible..

After his accident at work his wife Shelley Martin had to find a job, she contacted some friends
in her home town of  Palmyra Main and was able to land a job there, shortly after Eric, Shelley and
their daughter Chelsea relocated to their new home. Palmyra is a very small town and they were able
to buy a very large peace of land with a two story farm house on it way out in the their.


Eric and his family had been hunters for many years, but his wife did not like having guns in the house,
when they moved onto their new home Shelley insisted Eric keep is firearms locked up in the shed.

So he and his older son Shawn build a heavy sturdy lock box to keep the guns in for safe storage.
however this also meant they were not readily available in an emergency situation...Eric and Shelley soon settled into their new life in the rural countryside, they began a habit of sitting on
the front poach each night for a cup of coffee and a little relaxation.

Then one night in early 2006, nearly a year into there move, during one of their nightly coffee breaks
Shelley thinks she see's something, way out past the gravel driveway and beyond the expansive field a couple hundred meters to the woodline are strange flashing light.

Shelley described the lights as pulsating, not like car lights but possibly flashlights, Eric's first thought is  there are people illegally poaching on his property..

Eric goes into the house and wakes up Shawn who was over for a visit and tells him to come out and see the lights, Eric then asks Shaw if he thinks that could be poachers, Shawn is unsure so he and Eric decide to walk out to the edge of the woods and yell out "hey, this is private property"  hoping that if it was hunters they would just leave the area once they knew they had been seen trespassing.

But as they make their way to the woods, the lights being to fade, and eventually are just  completely gone.

Believing the poachers were gone or at least moved farther into the woods, but just in case they were still around Eric and Shawn decided to walk a little ways into the woods yelling out "this is private property " hopping that would discourage any further trespassing.

As they make their way into the forest they begin to hear walking 10 or 15 meters away just to their unsure of exactly what is out there, fearing it could possibly be a predator and with the lights gone the make a quick retreat back to the house.
A month or so later Nathan, Chelsea's boyfriend is staying at the farm with the Martin's.

This being a relatively nice day for early spring, he and Chelsea along with the family's two dog's go for a walk they venture toward the woods where Eric and Shawn had been just a month prior.

At first the dogs were on leashes, but as they got to the forest Chelsea let them off so they could run around for some exorcise. 

The dogs take off running, but stop about 300 feet in right in front of this large mound. At first it just looks like a dirt mound,  but when they get a closer look inside it appears to be some kind of den with large log's inside for support.with moss and grass covering it like a sort of large lean to with a circular hole in front for an entrance. the dogs begin sniffing a round near the hole Chelsea begins to worry that this is some hunters camp site on their land when Nathan looks down into this dark opening and thinks he hears growling coming from inside and tells Chelsea we have to go, i don't know what's living down there but we have to go.......


They get the dogs back on the leashes and leave the forest as quickly as possibly, once they get home Eric, Shelley and Shawn are all there.. they tell Eric about what they found in the woods. Eric then tells her and Nathan about what happened to him and Shawn out there a month ago..

A couple of months go by with no more activity, then one misty night Eric and Shelley are on the front porch both thinking about how creepy looking it is with all the low hanging fog in the filed..but it got even creepier when they realized that they couldn't hear any thing. the forest and all the nocturnal insects were completely silent which is not normal.

Shelley takes out her high powered spotlight and starts shining it out into the filed, at first she doesn't see anything so she puts her light down and just starts talking with Eric again. When Eric suddenly said we have to go inside....Eric has stated in several  interviews that for whatever reason the moment Shelly put down that flashlight he suddenly felt like they were in danger..

Eric continues to insist that they Need to go into the house, but Shelley is at first resistant so Eric grabs her arm and starts trying to bring her in, Shelley keeps puling away, but then suddenly stops and says did you hear that and Eric knew that whatever it was, that was the reason he had that sudden felling of danger.

Eric turns toward the field but can't see anything in the darkness, so Shelley grabs the light and starts scanning the area she gets about halfway threw the field and suddenly stops right in front of them in the the middle of the filed they both see three creature that at first look like very large wolves but soon two others join them and now there are five creatures in the filed starring back at them.

Eric was an experienced hunter and Shelley asks him What are those, Eric replies in an uncertain tone with i thing there bears they could be wolves but we have to go inside.

Shelley is still holding the light on them, when the creatures suddenly start charging at them with so much speed she couldn't keep the light on them in a matter of seconds the creatures were already halfway across the filed. Eric and Shelley quickly rush inside and lock the door. They then begin checking and locking every window and door and close all the curtains in the house just to be safe.

The way the creatures ran toward them seemed different then a normal animal, almost as if they were targeting the family, even with everything locked the just didn't fill safe. Eric stated with all my guns in the barn we have no protection,  Shelley then says whatever you do Do not try to go out there! We don't know what these things are.

Shelley then goes upstairs to makes sure all the curtains are closed and the windows are locked, she then goes to Chelsea's room and wakes her up,to show her whats outside, they both make there way over to the window and poke there heads around the curtains too look out.

Curious, but still cautious they carefully peek out, and what they see are five creatures standing in a row staring at the house as if they were just waiting for the  family to come out, suddenly one of the creatures looks up and see's them looking down at them it then stands up on it's hind legs well looking up at them. Shelley gasps in disbelief as the creature on its bake legs is at least 8 feet tall.

She tells Chelsea get in your bed, stay  a way from the window and don't leave your room.

Shelley then realized its been a while since she's heard the dogs and is worried they may be outside with these creatures, so she starts quietly searching the second floor for the dogs....she eventually finds them in the master bedroom hiding together in the corner seemingly terrified by whatever is outside.

Eric in the meantime is downstairs trying to figure out a way to get to the guns or how he can safely get his family out of there.

But he realizes with his injury he would not be able to make it all the way to the barn, then unlock it, pull the heavy gun box down unlock it then get to hi guns before these creature were on him, he then contempt's making a run for his truck and backing it up to the house so the rest of the family can get in and they can all escape.

With this plan in mind he goes to the window and carefully looks out, the five creatures are seemingly gone, he doesn't know where they are but they aren't out front.

He then thinks to himself, i don't know where they are so it would be too dangerous to try and go out there right now.

He  looks out the window again but this time he sees them way out in the filed where he and Shelley had first seen them with the moon now lighting the filed he can see all five of them out there but still facing the house.


Eric figures maybe if i just keep my  eye on them i can make it to the truck, so without telling Shelley he goes out to the porch and heads to his trick as quickly as possible the creatures haven't moved yet and don't seem to have noticed him.

He makes it to the drivers side and starts fumbling with the keys, just then his motion sensor lights switch on startled he drops the keys and then looks back at the creatures one of them has noticed him, its standing on two legs looking right at Eric.  


Suddenly all five start running toward him, he reaches down grabs his keys and runs back to the hose as fast as he an. Right as he gets inside and slams the door he hears them crossing the gravel in front of the hose and onto the porch.

They started running around the wrap around porch, Eric jumps to the floor to be as low as possible and hopefully stay out of sight.

Shelley, still upstairs yells down (Eric, Whats going on), Eric reply's with just stay up there... knowing these creatures are still all over the porch.... eventually he hears them crossing the gravel again. he takes a look out the window and sees all five of them just sitting out there facing the house waiting for them to come out again.

At this point he runs up the stairs with Shelley and Chelsea and decides we have to call the police, thinking that at the very least someone armed will show up  and maybe the sirens will scare the creatures off.

But during the all Shelley mentions that their scared about "something on their property" and that it's five creatures running around out there. After hearing this the responder began asking..Are you sure its not a moose, are you sure its not a bear..and ended with just keep your doors and windows shut, dont go outside and im sure it will be fine, then ends the call.

With no firearms available and no police on the way, they were on there own the only option left was to barricade themselves in the house, so for the next thirty minutes they put heavy furniture against the doors and windows and grabbed an ax and kitchen knives for self defense just in case the creatures made it inside. and the stayed in the master bedroom with there weapons and dogs and just hoped for the best.

During the time they were barricading themselves in, they wold occasionally look outside to see all five creatures still sitting in a row just waiting for them..

After they finished locking themselves in the heard some of the creatures back on the porch and they seemed to be communicating with each other will trying to find a way into the house, some would hit a spot then howl back to the others trying to find a week spot... 

Eventually they left the porch and made it to the first floor roof  now they could actually see into the second floor windows only separated by a thin piece of glass and a curtain, the family could see the creatures outline as the passed the windows and they would stop put there claws up to the glass and try to look in.

This continued all night long,with rapid scratching on the wood every now and then as if they were trying to dig there way into the home. Thankfully they never broke the glass or made it threw the wall into the house!

Finally the sun came up and they could hear the creatures jumping off the roof....

They waited an hour after sunrise and hadn't heard anymore commotion outside thing it was finally safe, the leave the room head down stairs and outside, they find massive clawed footprint everywhere clumps of hair stuck on the fence posts and scratch deep marks on the door and side of the hose especially on the second floor walls.



After this horrific event the Martin's sold the house and moved..

They haven't experienced anything like that since, thankful...

Where these Werewolves, Dogman Possibly ET's....

More dogman / werewolves posts coming soon..

