Friday, April 19, 2024

Bigfoot in the Angelina national forest.


Two men doing seismic drilling in the in the Angelina national forest have a Bigfoot encounter in 1979.

The two men had been drilling seismic holes at one eighth of a mile intervals in a straight line. They had turned off the equipment and were sitting on their machines taking a break.

Untill they noticed that the forest had become unnaturally quiet. His description was this: “It became so quiet you could hear your cigarette burning.” the witness claimed.

Movement caught his eye as the creature stood up. He briefly saw its profile before it turned and moved silently off in a relaxed pace from left to right. It took four or five steps and was gone into the ravine. He was immediately struck by the way its long arms swung. In that instant he realized it was not a bear he was observing.

The body was stocky and quite muscular. It was broad shouldered with a very large chest. It did not taper at the waist but remained thick and solid with an estimated weigh of 400lbs. It was solidly covered with four or five inch, long reddish brown hair with the exception of the facial area where the hair was sparse. Its height was 6 feet or taller.

The witness had the impression that it had been watching them and was curious about the noisy machine they were running. At no time did he feel threatened or scared.

The 153,179-acre Angelina National Forest is located in Angelina, Nacogdoches, San Augustine and Jasper counties. The forest lies in the Neches River Basin and on the north and south shores of Sam Rayburn Reservoir, an 114,500-acre lake.

One of the witnesses statement..

 I was doing seismic, drilling in the Angelina National forest for several weeks. Late one afternoon, in a opening, we decided to stop and take a break, on the upper end of an open area in the thick woods. It was quiet, when I saw something, large and dark brownish, stand up and walk away from me. It was approx; 100 yards away. 

It walked 20 to 50 feet then descended into a ravine, it looked to go down on all four legs as it went into the ravine then it was gone. 

I thought it was a bear, but chances of seeing a bear in 1979, would be slim.This animal walked on two legs. This only lasted for just a few seconds,10 maybe. I turned to my coworker and asked, "Did you see that? he said yes, and what the bleep was that?" I have thought about this for several years and in my mind's eye I can still see the animal walking away from me to this day, 30 years later.

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