Thursday, April 25, 2024

Wisconsin Werewolf sightings


Dodman Encounters  

On October 31, 1991 at 8:30pm, a woman driving along  Bray Road near Delavan, Wisconsin which is approximately thirty miles south-southeast of Jefferson(site of Schackelman encounter in 1936), felt her right front tire jump off the pavement as if it had hit something.

 The woman stopped her car and looked into the misty darkness and saw a dark hairy creature with a bulked-out chest racing towards her. She went back into her car and tried to speed away when the creature leaped onto her trunk. The creature eventually fell off from the trunk because the trunk was too wet to have a firm grip. Later, the woman returned with a friend and they had a glimpsed of a big form rising from the side of the road.



Lorianne Endrizzi had a similar encounter as above in the fall of 1989.

 She was driving on Bray Road, a half a mile away from the above encounter, where she thought it was a person kneeling in a hunched position at the edge of the road. She slowed down and to her surprise, the figure stared at her at no more then six feet across the passenger side of the car. The figure was covered with grayish brown hair, with big fangs and pointed ears. "His face was long and had a snout, like a wolf." She told reporter Scarlett Sankay.

 The figure's eyes glowed in the darkness and they were a yellowish-gold color. 'The arms were really a kind of strange; jointed like a man or woman would be," she said. "He was holding his hands with his palms upward. The arms were muscular 'like a man who had worked out a little bit." The back legs looked like they were behind him, like a person kneeling." The sighting lasted about 45 seconds and she had no idea what the creature could have been until she saw an illustration at the library of a werewolf.



Around that same time as above in Elkhorn, near Delevan, a dairy farmer named Scott Bray saw a "strange looking dog" along his pasture on Bray Road. It was bigger and taller than a German shepherd, it had pointed ears and hairy tail, with long, scraggly grayish black hair. It is "built heavy in front - a real strong chest." In the soft soil nearby he found enormous footprints which is four to five inches in diameter

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