Monday, October 9, 2023

Wolfman in Wisconsin .





                                     Wolfman  Sighting on  Bray Rd. in 2004

A Wisconsin woman and her daughter may have had a close encounter with the Beast of Bray Rd.


One night in 2004, a 45 year old nurse from Greendale, her 14 year old daughter and 14 year old friend saw what was definitely the wolfman while driving down Bray Road about 8:30 p.m. October 30, 2004, for the sole purpose of trying to scare the daughter's friend, Kevin. The woman is trained in anatomy, physiology, and kinesiology, and they estimate the creature was no farther than 9 feet away from them and illuminated in the headlights of their car. "We had been looking for it for years," said the woman.

Kevin had never been to Bray Road so her daughter wanted to scare him, they arrived about 8:30, drove up and down the road a few times, drove around Bowers Road and back onto Bray Road, driving slowly and under the speed limit, when something popped out of the corn about two miles down the road, heading toward Elkhorn.

It stepped right out of the corn and it looked aggressive. We all screamed very loud, she put her foot on the gas, and went away as fast as she could and did not go back. What she saw doesn't make sense. 

A quadruped has its legs "backward' for speed and agility. But this creature had large powerful thigh muscles and its knee was backward. It was covered in fur, with heavier fur on its back. It was dark in color but tipped silvery gray. It was in the oncoming lane of traffic so they were less than nine feet away from the creature. It was not a person in a suit, it was way too tall (about seven feet) and way too muscular, and its eyes were glittery and dark, it had no whites like a human's eyes in a mask would have. It's head was big, almost too big for its body. It had an elongated snout, but pointy, not rounded like a dog.

It stood there, and then it hunched over into an aggressive stance. It's arms were bent at the elbow and forward. Its ears were pointed, shaped like a German shepherd's, but laid back. It was looking right at them and they all felt it was aggressive and would defend itself viciously.

This wasn't a dog. Or a wolf. It had canine features but it was something else something different, yet the same. It was a Wolf man. They all had the feeling they were not safe. And didn't get a picture although they had cameras all over the car, video camera, digital camera, and a disposable camera, they were prepared. But when they saw it, they all just screamed and then the mother floored the gas.

The woman said she was not drinking any alcohol and does not do drugs. She has had a few incidents in her life she considers "somewhat" paranormal, but has never seen anything definite like that. All three witnesses saw the creature at the same time and agreed on its appearance.




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