Monday, October 23, 2023

Jeff Boiler's Terrifying Bigfoot Encounter



                                              Jeff Boiler's Terrifying Bigfoot Encounter



 Jeff Boiler is a former marine and later police officer in Oregon, he appeared on the scify channels "paranormal witness'"to recount his terrifying encounter..

Jeff boils bigfoot

America is a fast landscape of scenic mountains and lush forests especially our national parks.

But that beauty may be hiding a far more insidious secret.

If you are a fan of mysteries and strange disappearances then you have likely heard of the Missing 411 book series
and the many odd and possibly paranormal disappearance's 

But there are also hundreds of sightings involving cryptids ranging from bigfoot, werewolf/dogman, reptilians,
feral humans and even vampires.

Todays post is a terrifying bigfoot encounter in the pacific north west, Involving a former Marin turned deputy named Jeff Boiler.

Jeff moved to Oregon in 1997, he had  always loved nature and just decided to find a nice place away from it all.

One of his friends was the sheriff of a small town in northwest Oregon and offered him a job as a new deputy sheriff, which Jeff excepted.

A few months in,  and he was really enjoying his new life surrounded by nature.

Then one day work was slow and he got off early, so he decided to take a trip into the mountains, Jeff had a fiend that had passed away some
20 years prior and he planed on visiting the site to pay his respect.

The place he planned on visiting was an extremely remote area of the cascade mountains.

He started his trip early and took a map and compass with him, as  his planned hike was unmarked and
far off the beaten path.

After around two hours of trekking through thick undergrowth and heavy terrain he decided to take a short break.

Before his break he had found a creek and took a moment to refill his water bottle and check his map once more, but as he was looking upward and checking his compass he noticed  something looking back at him from the  edge of a slight cliff just ahead of him partially concealed by a tree and the rocky terrain.

In a moment of disbelief and confusion Jeff tilts his head to the side in a curious manner, and to his shock the  creature mimics is action and tilts its head too.


Then what Jeff describe as a large hairy creature about 8 feet tall and on two legs steps out from be hide the tree.

Now startled Jeff, pulls his side-arm(Gun) and the thing run's off at an incredible speed.  

Jeff then climbs up the the location he had seen this thing in search of track's or hair samples, but finding nothing significant decides to start walking off in the same direction it had fled in hopes of seeing it again to try and better understand what he had witnessed.

Jeff had been walking for an hour or so in the same direction, and hadn't seen anything odd when all of the sudden he hears a loud crack followed by what sounded like a falling tree off to his right.

Now sure that it had doubled back and was now following him, be starts to worry as the bigfoot can see him,but he can not see it.

This is the perfect opportunity for an ambush!

Not a good situation to be in!

As he starts back tracking his path back out of the forest he hears another loud crash and knows this thing is following him.

Jeff now fills that he is being hunted and begins to run, as he's running he enters a clearing, and notices a deer just standing there staring at him, then it looks behind him and runs away as fast as it can in the opposite direction.

He slowly turns to look behind him but is still unable to see where this thing is but realizes it could grab him at any moment and he need's to go Now.

He makes a frantic dash back to  where his truck is and the crash's and breaking tree limbs are getting loader and closer by the moment.

His only thought is just get to the truck, he wants some steel between him and this thing, but once he's within a  hundred yards of his truck everything just stops, he thinks to himself this is it, its right up on me and is about to attack.

But nothing. he finally gets to his truck slams the door  and leaves.

Once back in town he stops by the sheriff's office and tells him about the encounter, to his surprise the sheriff  tells him "I get reports like that up here all the time." you can file a report on it but chances are its never  going to be followed up on(investigated).

Jeffs story is a terrifying encounter with something many don't even believe to exist, but it also make's you wonder how close he was to becoming just another missing person in the wilderness?

How many people encounter these things and just never live to tell the tale.

Jeff Boiler was on a show called Paranormal Witness, if you would like to hear his first hand account just look that up, it's a great ep.

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