Monday, November 11, 2019

American Cryptids: Cactus Cat.


                🌵---🐈-----Cactus Cat----🐈---🌵

Diet and Habitat, Cactus Cat is a barbed or spiky cat like cryptid that's spotted mostly in the Southwestern  states and part's of Mexico, it  has a mild temperament and seems to enjoy Cactus sap.

 Many people at least those in the Southwest have heard of the Jackalope a bunny with antlers (Post on him Later)....

But How many of you know of the Cactus Cat?

This not so cuddly creature has been  spotted through out the American southwest but what is it, a new spices of feline, desert hysteria or just a misidentified know large cat...


The legend of the Cactus Cat is most likely the result of misidentification, probably a normal  bobcat, or possibly even a porcupine.

The cat's  strange call or wail may have been that of a puma.

Or quit  possibly, Cactus Cat could even be an undiscovered  species of bobcat with quills....who knows...


The first sightings of Cactus Cat seems to have originated with cowboys and pioneers heading west in the  1800's.

They claim to have witnessed this creature mostly  at night, it would apparently be seen slashing open cacti and exposing the sap.

Only to return a few  nights after, at witch point it was said to drink the fermented juice.

However doing this seemed to caused the cats to enter an drunken state, stumbling around and sometimes attacking travelers.

Cactus Cat attack's are still considered rare, but did happen from time to time, with many frontiersmen waking up to find welts on their body from the cat's barbed tail.

Although despite these minor attacks, the Cactus Cat was not considered an aggressive creature.

This spiky little guy is also  known to have a unique or even haunting "wail" that could be heard throughout the dark and desolate  desert late at night. along with the dry sound of its bones rubbing together.(Possibly the barbs or quills hitting one another.)..

                                       ............Cactus Cat is also a Brand of Beer.....

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