Tuesday, October 22, 2019
American Cryptids: The Squonk
.........The Squonk or Teary Squonk is a sad and lonely creature.......
The Squonk also know as The Teary Squonk is a mythical creature said to live in the Hemlock forest of northern Pennsylvania.
The first legends the Squonk originated sometime in the late nineteenth century, at the height of Pennsylvania's importance in the timber industry
The earliest known written account of Squonks comes from a book by William T. Cox called Fearsome Creatures of the Lumberwoods, With a Few Desert and Mountain Beasts.
The legend say's that the creatures skin is loose or ill fitting, covered with warts and that, because it is ashamed of its appearance it hides from plain sight, and spends most of its time crying.
Hunters who have tried to capture a squonk have found out the creature is capable of dissolving completely into a pool of tears and bubbles when cornered.
A man named J.T Wentling is supposed to have coaxed the creature into a bag, of which when he carried it home it suddenly lightened. Upon further inspection he found that all that remained was the liquid remains of the sad animal.
The scientific name of the squonk "Lacrimacorpus dissolvens" comes from the Latin words meaning tear, body, and dissolve.
Poor baby just need's a hug...
Saturday, October 19, 2019
A short history of Witches ...
---Halloween pinup witches rarity by alkven- on deviantart---
The Halloween season is in full swing and what's one of first images that comes too mind
when you think of Halloween, ?..
For most people its a witch flying across the moon light sky ...
Witches to today are seen as one of the most iconic symbols of this holiday .
But in the past those unfortunate enough to be labeled as such often met with a gruesome end.
Deep in the forest lies a cabin surrounded by tree's and often shrouded in the mist..this is where you find the woodwives or the forest witch...
In times long ago people sought out witches for versus reasons some for medicinal cures, others for potions and tonics and even curses.
Some would shoot arrows into the forest with messages attached, hoping for the witches within too grant there wishes.
No matter where you go, witches exist is some form or another, In the UK the druids and Celts, in Europe before Christianity took hold those that practiced the old ways could be found all over the continent .
In modern times witchcraft / wicca is not viewed as poorly as it once was.
However witchcraft in many regions around the world is still largely views as evil do to the stigma placed upon it by the church.
However that was not always the case, witches at one point were healers and nursemaids, versed in herbal cures.
Some were said to have the ability of prophesy or divination foretelling events that have yet to occur..
History and biblical accounts.....
Exactly when the term "witches" was first used in a historical scene is unclear, but one of the earliest records of a witch can be found in the Bible in the book of 1 Samuel, thought to be written sometime between 931 B.C. and 721 B.C.
It tells of a time when King Saul sought the Witch of Endor to summon the dead prophet Samuel’s spirit to help him defeat the Philistine army.
The witch was said to have brought forth Samuel, who then prophesied the death of Saul and his sons. The next day, according to the Bible, Saul’s sons died in battle, and Saul committed suicide.
Saul and the witch of Endor
Other Old Testament verses condemning witches, include the well known verse from Exodus 22:18, which says, “thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.” Additional Biblical passages caution against divination, chanting or using witches to contact the dead. basically if the church doesn't support it it's Eeeevvviiillll....
============== The Malleus Maleficarum================
The Witches Hammer..Or Hammer of Witches depending on translation
The Malleus Maleficarum was written by a Catholic clergyman named Heinrich Kramer (under his Latinized name Henricus Institoris) and submitted to the University of Cologne on May 9th, 1487 then then later published in the German city of Speyer shortly after.
Between the years 1500 and 1660, the witch hystaria claimed the lives of up to 80,000 suspected witches in Europe.
Roughly 80 percent of the victims were women thought to have formed a pact with the Devil. Germany had the highest witchcraft execution rate, while Ireland had the lowest.
The “Malleus Maleficarum" tells of ways to identify, hunt and interrogate suspected witches.
"Malleus Maleficarum" labeled witchcraft as heresy in the eyes of the church, and quickly became the go to source on information for Protestants and Catholics trying to flush out witches living among them.
For more than a century, this book out sold every other book in Europe with the exception of the Bible.
Scoltland would go on to have it' own version of the Malleus Maleficarum Written by King James the first called Demonology.
One of the earliest Scottish witch trials was hat of Janet Boyman a local healer who was charged with sorcery, witchcraft and consorting with fairies.
Boyman, who was executed in 1572, predicted the death of the country’s regent, bore “five bairns” allegedly without feeling any pain and appealed to elvish spirits in hopes of curing a sick man.
Scotland experienced four major witch hunts between roughly 1590 and 1727.
Horne and her daughter were both arrested and imprisoned in Dornoch in Sutherland on the accusations of her neighbors. At the time Horne was showing signs of senility, and her daughter had a deformity of her hands and feet.
The trial was conducted very quickly; the sheriff had judged both her and her daughter guilty and sentenced them to death by means of being burned at the stake.
The daughter managed to escape, but Janet was stripped, smeared with tar, paraded through the town on a barrel and then burned alive. Nine years after her death the witchcraft acts were repealed in Scotland.
Janet Horne was the last person in Scotland to be executed for witchcraft, she was burned at the stake in 1727.
The Witch's Stone in Littletown, Dornoch, marks the alleged spot of Horne's execution.
During the Scottish witch craze as many as 4,000 people lost there lives..
Britans Last Witch..
Helen Duncann
Helen Duncan a spiritual medium famous at the time for her séances, was arrested and tried and jailed for witchcraft... she is now best known as the last person to be imprisoned under the British Witchcraft Act of 1735
In November 1941, Duncan held a séance in Portsmouth when she claimed the spirit materialization of a sailor told her that the HMS Barham had been sunk.
Because the sinking of HMS Barham was revealed, in strict confidence, only to the relatives of casualties, and not announced to the public until late January 1942, the Navy took an interest in her activities as a possible thereat.
Soon after two lieutenants were seated among her audience at a séance on 14 January 1944. One was Lieutenant Worth who was not impressed as a white cloth figure had appeared behind the curtains claiming to be his aunt but he had no deceased aunt. In the same sitting another figure appeared claiming to be his sister but Worth replied his sister was alive and well.
Worth was disgusted by the séance and reported it to the police. This was followed up on January 19th, when undercover policemen arrested her at another séance as a white-shrouded manifestation appeared.
This proved to be Duncan herself, in a white cloth which she attempted to conceal when discovered, and she was arrested.
In 1944, Duncan was one of the last people convicted under the Witchcraft Act which made falsely claiming to procure spirits a crime. She was sentenced to nine months' imprisonment. When convicted, she cried out "I have done nothing; is there a God?"
On her release in 1945, Duncan promised to stop conducting séances, but she was arrested during another one in 1956. She died at her home in Edinburgh not long after
Duncan's trial almost certainly the main contributing factor to the repeal of the Witchcraft Act, which was contained in the Frauulaent Medium Act of 195, promoted by Walter Monslow, a Labour party Memmber of Parliament for Barrow-in-Furness However the campaign to repeal the Act had been led for the most part by Thomas Brooks another Labour MP, who was a spiritualist. Duncan's original conviction still stood, and it was the subject of a sustained campaign to have it overturne
Helen Duncan passed away on December 6th 1956.
=====American Witch Hysteria ======
As the witch hysteria was slowly dying down in Europe, a new form was about to take hold in the New World...
The witch trials held in Salem Massachusetts in 1692 were arguably the most well know in the US but not the only one to take place here.
In 1647 a woman named Alse Young from Windsor, Connecticut was the first person in America to be executed for witchcraft. Before Connecticut’s final witch trial took place in 1697, forty-six people were accused of witchcraft in that state and 11 were put to death.
The Salem Trials.....
The Salem Witch Trials are one of Americas darkest moments in history it all began when 9-year-old Elizabeth Parris and 11-year-old Abigail Williams began suffering from strange fits, body contortions and uncontrolled screaming (today, it is believed that they were poisoned by a fungus that caused spasms and delusions).
As more young women began to exhibit symptoms, mass hysteria soon too root, and three women were accused of witchcraft: Sarah Good, Sarah Osborn and Tituba, an slaved woman owned by Parris’s father. Tituba confessed to being a witch and began accusing others of using black magic.
On June 10, Bridget Bishop became the first accused witch to be put to death during the Salem Witch Trials when she was hanged at the Salem gallows. By the time this all died down, roughly 200 people were accused and 20 were put to death. most of the accused were woman but there were also six men convicted in all over 200 were accused and jailed (Many died in jail before there trial) 19 were executed at the gallows and one has crushed to death with heavy stones.
Home of Judge Jonathan Corwin Corwin served on the Court hearings that ultimately sent 19 Innocent people to the gallows. -----
NOTE Bridget Bishop the first victim was sentenced under Judge Nathaniel Saltonstall, who resigned after her execution.
In 1711, after judge Samuel Sewall and others involved in the Salem witch trials had admitted wrongdoing, the colony restored the good names of all accused and granted restitution to their heirs.
Modern witch hunts....
Three woman were surrounded and beaten, in Gujarat in 2014, sadly this was one of thousands of witch hunts that take place in India on a regular bases .
More than 2,500 Indians have been chased, tortured and killed in these hunts between 2000 and 2016, according to India’s National Crime Records Bureau. Activists and journalists say the number is much higher, because most states don’t list witchcraft as a motive of murder.
Witch hunts primarily target women and exploit India’s caste system. The accusations of sorcery are used to oust women from there land Witches is also blamed for the rising infant mortality rates and deaths from malaria, typhoid and cholera.
Modern day superstiton and stigma can be just as harsh and violent as it was in the
old salem village,
Salem Massachusetts Danvers,
salem witch trials,
witch craft,
witch hunt,
witch trials,
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Salem The Series : S.A.L.E.M. The Secret Archive of Legends, Enchantments and Monsters ..
:) Kickstarter Active October 15th - November 14th :)
Links below
Awesome rewards available to all backers!
---------UPDATE Kickstarter was a success first ep sometime in October 2020..further updates when available -------------
Salem: The Secret Archive of Legends, Enchantments and Monsters
Kickstarter --> thesalemseries.com
Salem Trailer --> Anamatic Trailer for Salem the series
Follow them on Instagram -->Salem The Series Instagram
Salem Creator Sam Sawyer Salem Creator Sam Sawyer aka sincerely_sami
Salem Twitter give'm a follow Salem Series Twitter
Cryptids from myth and legends to modern media
No matter where you go, there are always going to be stories of monsters
and the unexplained.
The world is full of encounters with strange monsters also known as cryptids, they can be found
in many different forms legend's, myths folklore first hand accounts campfire tales and modern tv and movies.
From Bigfoot in the Six Million Dollar Man too the hit paranormal series Supernatural,
From The Originals and The Vampire Diaries too Teen Wolf and Sabrina the Teenage Witch and everything in between.
People have always been fascinated with the unexplained and the possibility that there is far more
in the world then what we usually consider normal.
I 've always loved reading and watching almost anything regarding the odd or supernatural.
Documentary, Drama's Cartoon's and and more. So when there's a new show about this particular
interest i'm all but guaranteed to check it out.
That brings us to the topic of today's post.
There is a new Paranormal series i have taken an interest in called "Salem The Series" this show is by a creator and artist named Sam Sawyer, the show is about a group of young friends named Oliver Petra and of course Salem.
S.A.L.E.M.. The Secret Archive of Legends, Enchantment and Monsters
Oliver in a young photographer with an interest in cryptids and the supernatural, Petra is
the big sister of the group and a psychic/medium and Salem is a cute little cryptid and
the daughter of the Boogeyman, One day Salem learns that she is in fact not a Boogeyman.
The show revolves around adventures of Salem and her friends as they journey into the
strange world of cryptid with the hope of discovering exactly what kind of cryptic
Salem really is.
From the anamatics and info i have, this look's like a really cute and fun paranormal based series and i highly recommend checking it out !!
Created and Written by Sam Sawyer and anamatics by Alyssa Gerwig.
Please check out and follow the links below and if possible consider donating to the Kickstarter and help get the first fully animated ep finished, if you can't donate cash don't fell bad
just check out the official accounts and Like, Follow and share ... :D
...Links Below....
~~Kickstarter now active thesalemseries.com
Salem Trailer-------------- --> Anamatic Trailer for Salem the series
Follow them on Instagram --> Salem The Series Instagram
Salem Creator Sam Sawyer -> Salem Creator Sam Sawyer aka sincerely_sami
Salem The Series Official Twitter--> Salem Series Twitter
Salem The Series was created by Sam Sewyer
The Series star's the voice talents of Laura Bailey as Salem Larura Baily Twitter
Rob Paulsen as The Boogeyman and Salem's magic book official Rob Paulson page- rob paulsen instagram
Also staring Adam Mcarthur as Oliver.Adams Mcarthur Twitter
Petra's VA in the Anamatic's is Emily Yup but i'm not sure if she is the full time va for petra yet
: Can not wait too see this series animated ! :D
Please Tweet, share and Re-Post the links and help support the Kickstarter anyway possible and let's get this show funded! :)
:) Happy Halloween!! :)
Go Fund Me,
Rob Paulsen,
Salem bogeyman,
Salem the Series,
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
American Cryptids: The Boogeyman

==========The Boogyman=====
The Bogeyman (also spelled boogyman, bogyman, boogieman, boogey monster, or boogeyman) is a creature that appears in folklore in almost every corner of the world different names but pretty much the same cryptid ... (See previous post)
The bogeyman has no specific appearance, and the conceptions of this cryptid can vary drastically from one country to the other, even from household to household within the same community; in many cases he simply has no set appearance in the mind of a child, but is just an amorphous embodiment of terror.
Bogeyman can be used as a derogatory term to denote a person or thing of which someone has an irrational fear of.
Parents often say that if their child is naughty or misbehaved , the bogeyman will get them, in an effort to make them behave.
The modern bogeyman legend may have originated in Scotland, where they are sometimes called bogles, boggarts, or bogies.
Bogeyman stories vary by region.
In some places the bogeyman is male; in others, female.
In the Midwestern states of the United States, the bogeyman scratches at the window.
In the Pacific Northwest he may manifest in "green fog." or hide under the bed or in the closet and tickles children when they go to sleep at night. It is said that a wart can be transmitted to someone by the bogeyman.
Bogeymen may target a specific kinds mischief – for instance, a bogeyman that punishes children who suck their thumbs – others may target children that play prank's or just general misbehavior.
The word bogey is most likely derived from the Middle English bogge/bugge (also the origin of the word bug), and is generally thought to be a cognate of the German bögge, böggel-mann (English "Bogeyman").
The word could also be linked to many similar words in other European languages; Buse (Nynorsk), bòcan, púca, pooka or pookha (Irish Gaelic), pwca, bwga or bwgan (Welsh), puki (Old Norse), pixie or piskie (Cornish), puck (English), bogu (Slavonic).
Monster High - Twyla Bogeyman art is Monster Haus,
by blacklottus on Deviantart.
Aside from scary story's to tell your kid's, The bogeyman has also appeared as a main character in works of children's fiction, including Raymond Briggs' book Fungus the Bogeyman, and the film Monsters Inc. in which bogeymen are portrayed as workers for power-utility company, who harvest children's screams and fear as a source of power.

TV and Movies -----
New upcoming action, Paranormal / Cryptids show that i'm looking froward too called
Salem the Series--- staring Salem bogeyman and friends :)
The villain in The Nightmare Before Christmas .
Monster High-- Twyla Bogeyman
These are just a few references but there are many more......
In Horror novels like , "The Bogeyman" a short story by Stephen King, in which a man attempts to get himself committed to an asylum after his family is murdered by the Bogeyman.
Monday, October 7, 2019
Cryptids: The Boogeyman legends from around the world..
===============THE BOOGEYMAN==========
No doubt you've heard of this creature of the shadows at some point or another during your lifetime.
He is the creature of nightmares, the monster under your bed, or that strange thing lurking in your closet late at night...he is the Boogeyman.
This cryptid appears in story's and myth's around the globe, here are a few of his other names ...
Korea -
In Gyungsang province, Dokebi (도깨비) a monster that show's up to take misbehaving children.
The word kokemi, however, is derived from a word Kotgahm (곶감), dried persimmon. According to Korean folklore, a woman, in an attempt to soothe her crying child, said "Here comes a tiger to come and get you.
I'll let him in unless you stop crying." Accidentally, a tiger passed by, overheard her and decided to wait for his free meal. Instead of opening the door of the house, to the tiger's disappointment, the mother offered her child a dried persimon saying "Here's a kotgahm." Of course, the child, busy eating, stopped crying.
The tiger, not knowing what a Kotgahm is, ran away thinking "this must be a scary monster for whom even I am no match." (Tigers are revered by Koreans as most powerful and fearsome creatures.) Other variations include mangtae younggam (망태 영감) an oldman (younggam) who carries a mesh sack (mahngtae) to put his kidnapped children in. In some regions, mangtae younggam is replaced by mangtae halmum (망태 할멈), an old woman with a mesh sack.
Japan -the bogeyman is called Namahage he is a type of demons that warns children not to be lazy or cry, during the Namahage Sedo Matsuri, or "Demon Mask Festival", when villagers wear demon masks or (Oni Mask) and pretend to be these spirits.
Denmark and some area's of Norway --
The Boogeyman in Danish is called bussemanden. It hides under the bed and grabs children who will not sleep. It is also a slang term for nasal mucus.
Germany -
in Germany the Boogeyman is known as Der schwarze Mann (the black man), the "Buhmann" or the Butzemann. "Schwarz" does not refer to the color of skin but to his preference for hiding in dark places, like the closet, under the bed of children or in forests at night. There is also a children's game called Wer hat Angst vorm schwarzen Mann? (Who is afraid of the black man?).
Norway* - "nøkken" and in some areas Busemannen , the norwaegian bogeyman is often described as a monster in the lake, he was said to come and take children which did not come in when they were told too.
Netherlands - Boeman, The Dutch Boogeyman is a creature that resembles the a adult male, dressed completely black, with sharp claws and fangs. The Bogeyman takes bad children or those who refuse to sleep and locks them in his basement for a period of time.
Sweden -
The Swedish Boogeyman is most often called the Monstret under sängen which basically means "the monster under the bed".
In France the Bogeyman is le croque-mitaine ("the mitten-biter" or rather "the hand-cruncher"—mitaine means mitt in an informal way)
Another version of a Boogyman like bing from french mythology is called Bonhomme sept heures or (Seven o'clock man) he was said to take children who stayed outside past 7pm. He is described as an old man wearing a hat and cape, and having a cane and a bag full of sand that is uses to throw in the eyes of the children he targets....
Russia, Ukraine and Belarus-
Here the Boogeyman is usually said to be hiding under the bed, babay ("бабай") or babayka ("бабайка") this version of teh story is used to keep children in bed at night or stop them from misbehaving. 'Babay' means 'old man' in Tatar. Children are told that "babay" is an old man with a bag or in some versions a monster, and that it will take them away if they misbehave.
The eastern part of Ukraine has babay as well, possibly due to Russian influence. Slovenia
The Slovenian Bogeyman is called Bavbav. It doesn't have a particular shape or form. often it isn't even defined as a man or anything human. It can be thought of as a kind of sprite or spirit.
Romania -
In Romania the Boogeyman is called a bau-bau (pronounced "bow-bow"). Bau-bau stories are used by parents to scare children who misbehave. The babau (babao or barabao) also appears in Italy.
The Boogeyman can be found in many places world wide so behave yourselves or you just may meet him lol and don't forget to check under your bed...
South Korea,
the bogeyman,
the boogeyman
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Kentucky Blue People...The Fugate's.
Today we talk about The Fugate's. Not cryptids or paranormal but still a very interesting case...
The Fugate's are a family from the hills of Kentucky known as the "Blue Fugates" or the Blue People of Kentucky, They are the carriers of a rare genetic trait that led to the disease, methemoglobinemia this disease causes a blue-tinged to the skin.
Methemoglobin is a nonfunctional blue version of the healthy red hemoglobin protein that carries oxygen. In most Caucasians, the red hemoglobin of the blood in their bodies shows through their skin giving it a pink tint.
For the Fugate family, the excessive amount of blue methemoglobin in their blood turned their skin color blue.
The Fugate's are a family from the hills of Kentucky known as the "Blue Fugates" or the Blue People of Kentucky, They are the carriers of a rare genetic trait that led to the disease, methemoglobinemia this disease causes a blue-tinged to the skin.
Methemoglobin is a nonfunctional blue version of the healthy red hemoglobin protein that carries oxygen. In most Caucasians, the red hemoglobin of the blood in their bodies shows through their skin giving it a pink tint.
For the Fugate family, the excessive amount of blue methemoglobin in their blood turned their skin color blue.
===Blue People of Kentucky ===
He later settled in Troublesome Creek, in the hills of East Kentukey.
He eventually met Elizabeth Smith and was soon engaged..
Martin Fugate and Elizabeth Smith married and settled near Hazard, Kentuky However they were both carriers of the recessive methemoglobinemia (met-H) gene, as was a nearby clan with whom the Fugates descendants intermarried. As a result, many descendants of the Fugates were born with
Descendants with the gene continued to live in the areas around Troublesome Creek and Ball Creek into the 20th century, eventually coming to the attention of the nurse Ruth Pendergrass and the hematologist Madison Cawein III, who made a detailed study of their condition and ancestry.
===1960's Oward...
By the 1960s, some members of the Fugate family had begun to resent their blue skin.
Not only did their skin mark them as different, but by that time, people had already begun to associate their skin color with the family’s history of inbreeding.
It was then that two Fugates approached Madison Cawein, a hematologist at the University of Kentucky’s medical clinic at the time, in search of a cure.
“They were really embarrassed about being blue,” Cawein remembers. “Patrick was all hunched down in the hall. Rachel was leaning against the wall. They wouldn’t come into the waiting room. You could tell how much it bothered them to be blue.”
Using research collected from studies of isolated Alaskan Eskimo populations, Cawein was able to conclude that the Fugates carried a rare hereditary blood disorder that causes excessive levels of methemoglobin in their blood.
Cawein treated the family with methylene blue which seemed to decrees some of their symptoms and reduced the blue coloring of their skin.
He eventually published his research in the Archives of Internal Medicine in 1964.
As travel became easier in the 20th century, and families spread out over wider areas, the prevalence of the recessive gene in the local population reduced, and with it the probability of inheriting the disease.
-----------Fugate Family Tree---------
Benjamin Stacy, born in 1975, is the last known descendant of the Fugates to have been born with blue skin, and lost his blue skin tone as he grew older.
Having this recessive gen on both sides of the family combined with isolation and the fact that many of the Fugates began to marry and have children within their own bloodline led to the bluse ting.
“It was hard to get out, so they intermarried,” says Dennis Stacy, an amateur genealogist, and descendant of the Fugates. “I’m kin to myself.”
Benjy is descended from a line of this family that began when Martin’s son, Zachariah, married his mother’s sister.
Today Benjy and most of the Fugate family descendants have lost their blue coloring and look like anyone eles you would see out n about...
Benjy at age 37
It has been speculated that some other American sufferers of inherited methemoglobinemia may also have had Fugate ancestors, but searches for direct links have so far proved inconclusive.
Wednesday, October 2, 2019
American Cryptids: The Lake Worth Monster
The Lake Worth Monster
What was the Lake Worth Monster a Wolly Bigfoot, a Goat Man, a SheepSquatch or something else internally....
Texas is full of big hog's and gators, and (Possibly Dogman) but did you know there may also be a large fluffy Goat like cryptid stalking the forest around Lake Worth?
Its a satyr-like (Goat Man) creature that terrorized the people of the city of Lake Worth in Texas in on July of 1969.
A young couples that had parked near the lake one night were the first too see the Lake Worth Monster.
That first report set off a series of similar reports and even front page article in the local paper by Reporter Jim Marrs, The headline was, "Fishy Man-Goat Terrifies Couples Parked at Lake Worth."
The couples described it as goat-and man-like with fur and scales.

Only one day after Reichart's incident, reports came in of a creature hurling a tire from a bluff at bystanders.
So what is this goat like creature, Is it a Goat Man, an overly fluffy Sasquatch a Hoax or some completely new creature....
Tuesday, October 1, 2019
American Cryptids: Phantom Kangaroos
Phantom Kangaroos sightings in America
Most of these sightings were probably just escaped zoo kangaroos or wallabies or possibly escaped or released exotic pets, however some sightings do fit the description of an extinct type of giant short-faced kangaroo called Procoptodon.
These animals were herbivores and lived in groups.
There is really no explanation for kangaroos eating police dogs though unless it is a surviving Ekaltadeta, a predatory fanged kangaroo that lived in Australia over 10 million years ago.
But killing the police dogs is possible for a kangaroo they are surprisingly good at fighting even more so if the kangaroo had been infected with rabies or was attempting to defend itself.
Loren Coleman and Mark A. Hall theories that some sightings of phantom kangaroos may actually be sightings of devil monkeys.. (described as a shaggy, canine-faced baboon-like creatures with powerful, almost kangaroo-like leg. post on them soon)
Though kangaroos and wallabies outside of Australia is not unheard of, Isle of Man has been home to hundreds of wild wallabies ever since a pair escaped in the 1970s
Other sightings....
During the tornado of 1899 in Richmond, Wisconsin, a woman saw a kangaroo leaping across her backyard.
In 1934, a giant kangaroo supposedly killed and ate police dogs in Hamburg, Tennessee.
In 1958, Charles Wetzel saw a kangaroo chasing dogs near his cabin home in the Platte River near Grand Island Nebraska.
Leonard Ciagi and Michael Byrne (two policemen) saw a kangaroo in an alley in 1974. The animal escaped by kicking Ciagi in the legs when he tried to handcuff the kangaroo.
In 1978, in Waukesha, Wisconsin, two men took a blurry picture of a kangaroo they saw in a bush.
In 1999, a woman named Lois Eckhardt saw a big animal jump by cows on her farm in Wellman, Iowa.
In 2000, people saw a kangaroo eating leaves in Lewsiham, London
In 2013 a group of hunters in Oklahoma recorded a kangaroo in a field and posted the video to youtube, many people believe that it was an escaped pet, that went missing a year before this sighting.
---Lancashire Police image----
So do you thing these are really some sort of phantom marsupial's roaming Americas wilderness, Just some escaped pet's or what?...
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