The Lake Worth Monster
What was the Lake Worth Monster a Wolly Bigfoot, a Goat Man, a SheepSquatch or something else internally....
Texas is full of big hog's and gators, and (Possibly Dogman) but did you know there may also be a large fluffy Goat like cryptid stalking the forest around Lake Worth?
Its a satyr-like (Goat Man) creature that terrorized the people of the city of Lake Worth in Texas in on July of 1969.
A young couples that had parked near the lake one night were the first too see the Lake Worth Monster.
That first report set off a series of similar reports and even front page article in the local paper by Reporter Jim Marrs, The headline was, "Fishy Man-Goat Terrifies Couples Parked at Lake Worth."
The couples described it as goat-and man-like with fur and scales.

Only one day after Reichart's incident, reports came in of a creature hurling a tire from a bluff at bystanders.
So what is this goat like creature, Is it a Goat Man, an overly fluffy Sasquatch a Hoax or some completely new creature....
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