Wednesday, October 2, 2019

American Cryptids: The Lake Worth Monster

                                                    The Lake Worth Monster

What was the Lake Worth Monster a Wolly Bigfoot, a Goat Man, a SheepSquatch or something else internally....

Texas is full of big hog's and gators, and (Possibly Dogman) but did you know there may also  be a large fluffy Goat like cryptid stalking the forest around Lake Worth?

Its a satyr-like (Goat Man) creature that terrorized the people of the city of Lake Worth in Texas in on July of 1969.

A young couples that had parked near the lake one night were the  first too see  the Lake Worth Monster.

That first report set off a series of similar reports and even front page article in the local paper by  Reporter Jim Marrs, The headline was, "Fishy Man-Goat Terrifies Couples Parked at Lake Worth."

                                 The couples described it as goat-and man-like with fur and scales.

John Reichart's car was supposedly damaged by the Lake Worth Monster after it jumped out of a tree. As proof, he had a foot-and-a-half-long scar on it. The police finally decided to investigate, yet yielded no conclusive results as the this monster being real or fake.

 Only one day after Reichart's incident, reports came in of a creature hurling a tire from a bluff at bystanders.

So what is this goat like creature, Is it a Goat Man, an overly fluffy Sasquatch a Hoax  or some completely new creature....

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