Thursday, October 10, 2019

Salem The Series : S.A.L.E.M. The Secret Archive of Legends, Enchantments and Monsters ..


           :) Kickstarter Active October 15th - November 14th :)
                                        Links below
                   Awesome rewards available to all backers!

---------UPDATE Kickstarter was a success first ep sometime in October 2020..further updates when    available -------------

                             Salem: The Secret Archive of Legends, Enchantments and Monsters

                               Kickstarter -->
                               Salem Trailer --> Anamatic Trailer for Salem the series
                               Follow them on Instagram -->Salem The Series Instagram
                               Salem Creator Sam Sawyer  Salem Creator Sam Sawyer aka sincerely_sami
                              Salem Twitter give'm a follow  Salem Series Twitter

Cryptids from myth and legends to modern media

No matter where you go, there are always going to be stories of monsters
and the unexplained.

The world is full of encounters with strange monsters also known as cryptids, they can be found
in many different forms legend's, myths folklore first hand accounts campfire tales and modern tv and movies.

From Bigfoot in the Six Million Dollar Man too the hit paranormal series Supernatural,

 From The Originals and The Vampire Diaries too Teen Wolf and Sabrina the Teenage Witch and everything in between.

People have always been fascinated with the unexplained and the possibility that there is far more
in the world then what we usually consider  normal.

I 've  always loved reading and watching almost anything regarding the odd or supernatural.

Documentary, Drama's Cartoon's and and more. So when there's a new show about this particular
interest i'm all but guaranteed to check it out.


That brings us to the topic of today's post.

There is a new Paranormal series i have taken an interest in called "Salem The Series" this show is by a creator and artist named Sam Sawyer, the show is about a group of young friends named Oliver Petra and of course Salem.

                         S.A.L.E.M.. The Secret Archive of Legends, Enchantment and Monsters

Oliver in a young photographer with an interest in cryptids and the supernatural, Petra is
the big sister of the group and a psychic/medium and Salem is a cute little cryptid and
 the daughter of  the Boogeyman, One day Salem learns that she is in fact not a Boogeyman.

The show revolves around adventures of Salem and her friends as they journey into the
strange world of cryptid with the hope of discovering exactly what kind of cryptic
Salem really is.

From the anamatics and info i have, this look's like a really cute and fun paranormal based series and i  highly recommend checking it out !!

Created and Written by Sam Sawyer and anamatics by Alyssa Gerwig.

Please check out and follow the links below and if possible consider donating to the Kickstarter and help get the first fully animated ep finished, if you can't donate cash don't fell bad
 just check out the official accounts and Like, Follow and share ... :D


...Links Below....

~~Kickstarter  now active

Salem Trailer-------------- -->    Anamatic Trailer for Salem the series

Follow them on Instagram --> Salem The Series Instagram

Salem Creator Sam Sawyer ->  Salem Creator Sam Sawyer aka sincerely_sami

Salem The Series Official Twitter--> Salem Series Twitter

Salem The Series was created by Sam Sewyer

The Series star's the voice talents of Laura Bailey as Salem Larura Baily Twitter


Rob Paulsen as The Boogeyman  and Salem's magic book official Rob Paulson page- rob paulsen instagram

Also staring Adam Mcarthur as Oliver.Adams Mcarthur Twitter

Petra's VA in the Anamatic's is Emily Yup but i'm not sure if she is the full time va for petra yet

:   Can not wait too see this series animated ! :D

Please Tweet, share and Re-Post the links and help support the Kickstarter anyway possible and let's get this show funded! :) 


 :) Happy Halloween!! :)

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