Tuesday, October 22, 2019

American Cryptids: The Squonk

                               .........The Squonk or Teary Squonk is a sad and lonely creature.......

The  Squonk also know as The Teary Squonk is a mythical creature said  to live in the Hemlock forest of northern Pennsylvania.

The first legends the  Squonk originated sometime in the late nineteenth century, at the height of Pennsylvania's importance in the timber industry

The earliest known written account of Squonks comes from a book by William T. Cox called Fearsome Creatures of the Lumberwoods, With a Few Desert and Mountain Beasts.

The legend say's that the creatures skin is loose or  ill fitting,  covered with warts and that, because it is ashamed of its appearance it hides from plain sight, and spends most of its time crying.

Hunters who have tried to capture a squonk have found out the creature is capable of dissolving completely into a pool of tears and bubbles when cornered.

A man named J.T Wentling is supposed to have coaxed the creature into a bag, of which when he carried it home it suddenly lightened. Upon further inspection he found that all that remained was the liquid remains of the sad animal.

The scientific name of the squonk "Lacrimacorpus dissolvens" comes from the Latin words meaning tear, body, and dissolve.

                                                    Poor baby just need's a hug...

1 comment:

  1. poor cute liltle sqounk the baby just needs some optimsm from a friend
