Sunday, October 2, 2022

The Headless Cabbie.



                                             Hey Arnold ...the headless cabbie
                                                (One of my Favorite episodes )

One night, a mysterious woman stopped the Cabbie asking to help find her lost dog.

She offered the Cabbie a scarf to help keep him warm.

They entered the park, the horses hooves echoing on the old cobble stone path.

As they were going down the road, their surroundings started  getting darker and foggier.
Then the woman heard her dog barking, and told the cabbie to go faster.

The dog ran through a tunnel, There he is, Follow Him! the woman told the cabbie.

They followed the lost dog through the tunnel, and soon after exiting the other side they encountered a crazed man with  a golden hook for an arm,  the large hook lunged out nearly missing the cabbie and his passenger.

However the  man's attack  caused  the Cabbie to var  off the path.

The carrage started moving faster and faster as the horse began to panic.

The woman was becoming frantic even  demonic in her appearance and demeanor .

Her voice getting louder and louder, she ordered the Cabbie to go even faster "We have  to find my doggie" Faster Faster she ordered.

As the carriage speed increased the Cabbie's scarf got caught on a low hanging branch,he had noticed to late.
The scarf twisted and snagged around the branch and tightened around  the Cabbie's neck until he was decapitated, thus transforming him into the Headless Cabbie.

This grim scene was followed by the crazed demonic laughter of the woman.

The legend says that on a dark, foggy night in the fall, the Headless Cabbie still haunts the park.

The sound of the demon dog barking is heard; then comes a beating sound on the cobblestones; finally, the evil laugh of the ghostly woman is heard, and she is
seen being driven by the Headless Cabbie in his carriage.


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