Monday, December 21, 2020

Christmas Mystery: The disappearance of Oliver Lerch.





One more short holiday related paranormal  post for the year.

...A Christmas Disappearance .....

Oliver Morton Lerch, The man who disappeared .


Tragic events and mysterious disappearances can happen anytime of the year and too anyone.

Not even the most cheerful of seasons is immune to tragic or unexplained events.

Those of you that have read David Paulides  the  Missing 411 Series knows how strange some of the
missing person cases can get, Footsteps suddenly ending for no apparent reason, people walking
just sightly ahead of a group and vanishing without a trace and if the people are ever found
it's days or sometimes even months or years later and in areas the had already been searched by
several people with no explanation as to how they got there or why they were never
found during the initial search?......

I highly recommend checking out The Missing 411 series, its a great read and full of fascinating
and down right strange case's!!
David also has a youtube page.

Today we talk about the strange disappearance of Oliver Lerch.

In some versions the events take place on Christmas eve 1889.
others its December 24th 1890

There was also a news article detailing the events published in 1906.


One cold night on December 24th of 1890, the Lyrch family was hosting there annual
Christmas gathering, aside from Mr and Mrs and their sons Jim and  Oliver,  other guest's included Oliver's girlfriend Lilian Hirsh the daughter of a prominent Chicago attorney as well as several other friends, extend family members and even Samuel Mallelieu the local reverend.

The party had continued until long after sunset, and by 10:00pm the large gathering had finished
the house's supply of fresh water.

At this point Oliver was asked by his father Tom Lerch to go and fetch some more from the
outside well.

Oliver made his way outside to get the water taking 2 buckets with him.

But within as little as five minutes after he had left the house, guests were startled by what they
believed to be screaming, and several guest including Hirsh and Mallelieu quickly made
there way outside too see what was going on.

Reverend Mallelieu would later go on to testify that as he ran outside, he could clearly hear Oliver's
voice screaming for help as he was apparently being carried off by whatever had taken him.

Mallelieu stated that he could see Oliver's footprints in the snow heading in a straight line
to the well and then just suddenly stopping just short of the well itself, with one of the buckets lying next to the tracks, but no clear sign of a struggle was visible the foot prints just stopped there.

But as the group gathered around searching of him, suddenly Olivers voice could be heard from
above shouting, "Help, Help it's got Me" followed by a loud scream.

The pleas for help seemed to be coming from the clouds above them, Oliver's cries for help could be
heard for several minutes afterwords, becoming fainter and fainter as whatever had him moved
further away until the crowed could no longer hear him.

The following morning a full search was organized, but no trace of Oliver was found.

The Lerch family was offering a $1,000 reward for information leading to his whereabouts, but
To this day it is unknown what became of him, or what entity carried him off, and the case
remains unsolved.

This will by me last post for 2020!

I am truly thankful for all of you that read and hopefully enjoy my post's and
I hope to add a lot more entry's here in 2021 !

Thank you all, Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!!!

🦇🎄❄️Merry Christmas❄️🎄🦇


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