Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Fairy Lore: The Cu Sith Or Fairy Dog

                                        The cù-sìth or Coin Sith is a type of Fairy Animal/ Soul Harvester...

The Cu Sith is a Fairy Dog from Scottish Mythology...

There is also a similar creature in Irish mythology, the Cu Sidhe is also similar to the Welsh Cwn Annwn, or the Hounds of Annwn in English. 

 It has a  long tail that is either coiled up or plaited (braided). With large paw's  the width of a man's hand, and glowing eyes.

It's usually described as a large dog like creature, who according to legends can be  about the size of a small bull with the psychical appearance of a dog.  (Not to be confused for the Hell Hounds or Black Dogs)

The cù-sìth is said to live  in the clefts or rocks and moors of the Highlands.

 It was seen as a harbinger of death that would arrive to carry away the soul of a person to the afterlife, similar to  the Grim Reaper.

 The Scottish legends the Cù-Sìth is  similar to the Bean sidhe or Banshee,  of  Irish folklore.

According to legend, the creature was capable of hunting silently, but would occasionally let out three terrifying barks, and only three, that could be heard for miles by those listening for it, even far out at sea.

 If You ever  hear the barking of the Cù-Sìth you have to reach safety by the third bark or you will be overcome with absolute  terror to the point of death....(Literally scared to death...)

According to some tails  the barking was a warning to lock up nursing women to prevent them from being abducted by the  fairy's and taken to the fairy  mound to supply milk for the young daoine sith ..

So beware the barks and howls  at night, you never know whats lurking just within the shadow's.

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