Tuesday, September 24, 2019

American Cryptids: Oklahoma Octopus

American lakes and river's seems to be full of odd creatures...

From serpent's to aquatic humanoids, but is it possible that there my in fact be an octopus
or at least an octopus like creature stalking it's prey in Oklahoma..

Sounds far fetched i know, but is it really more outlandish then people claiming  that there are sharks
in the Mississippi river or lake Michigan (There actually is)

Bull sharks have been 'know to swim up river from the golf of mexico and some smaller one's have even be caught in Lake Michigan.

When you mention the word Giant octopus most people probably thing of The Kraken, but the Oklahoma octopus is often described as being roughly the size of a horse, that may not exactly be a giant but its still a very large predator.

Its said to have  a thick reddish brown leather like skin.



                                    ----The Legendary Giant octopus.--- The Kraken------


The beast seems to be very reclusive, and is rarely seen, People do go missing in state parks and lake's but keep in mind there are some very large alligators in lakes and rivers in the south that could contribute to at least some of the missing or drown swimmers....

As far as cryptids go the Oklahoma Octopus is not all that remarkable, it's basically just a very large octopus.

Similar to the Lusca or monster of the blue holes in the Caribbean. normally octopus in that area only grow to  around three feet, however in 2011, the body of what appeared  to be a giant octopus was found washed ashore on Grand Bahama Island in the Bahamas.  if fully intact would have been over twenty feet long, many times the average length of a Caribbean octopus.

                                              .... Lusca home the Caribbean Blue Holes....


The Oklahoma Octopus according to legend can be found in these tree lakes....

Lake Tenkiller, Lake Thunderbird, and  Lake Oolagah, which are all fresh water man-made lakes . But  they also seem to have a high number of drawing deaths for some reason....


In 2003 a man named John Mazurek captured a live octopus at the Lake Conway Dam just outside of Mayflower Arkansas.

Well not as large as it's Oklahoma cousin is reported to be, it's at the very least proof that there was a  smaller variations living near the area....


Next time you visit Oklahoma keep a watchful eye on the water alligators may not  be the only thing you have to worry about...

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