Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Is there a Werewolf in Virginia...

The Werewolf of Henrico Conty

The year's there have been several Werewolf sightings in and around Virginia, A large number of them seem to be in  one location in particular....

Henrico County Virginia.

These sighting's are  known as the Werewolf of Henrico County.

Though the story is now somewhat of an of urban legend, sightings continue …

Still it’s hard to find real first-hand accounts, every thing said about this creatur is ether  something that a friend said.  or a friend of a friend had a sighting a few day's / weeks ago...

All  accounts of the werewolf sightings seem to describe a similar beast, a large grayish white creature covered in fur that stands upright  on it's hind leg's and has the face of an animal.

The majority of these sightings seem to be  focused in Henrico County Virginia in and around the Confederate Hills Recreation Center.

But it's still unclear how often the werewolf appears or what its appearances coincide with....

A possible explanations for these werewolf sightings could be a hoax by one or more of the locals.

It's not out of the question to assume  a few  local teen's would be able to fake the sighting's  with a well crafted  Halloween costume and  play prank on the local community. Though that would be very stupid to a attempt, as your likely to get shot doing something like that!

There are also those that deny all the sighting's could be nothing more then a prank.

There are a few other explanation's floating around One such explanation to the sightings  have been offered are actually  bigfoot, and since this area is also a huge spot for bigfoot sightings.

If that's true, this would not be the first time a bigfoot has been mistaken for a werewolf. From a distance, both bigfoot and werewolves can look similar. In the darkness, a large bipedal creature covered in fur looking vaguely human like could be mistaken as either.

Unless you have a close-up encounter, it could be very difficult to determine which creature it actually is.

You would think a real werewolves would steer clear of public places and try to stay hidden, in an area like a park the  chances of being spotted and identified are extremely high.


What do you think, is it real of fake?

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