Friday, May 31, 2019

Another one of my Old posts .....Nina Kulagina The Russian Psychic..

Nina Kulagina....Ninel Sergeyevna Kulagina.....Nelya Mikhailova.
Born in 1926 lived until 1990

Power,....Telekinesis / Psychokinesis

Nina Kulagina was a Russian psychic, who according to numerous people including some well known scientists, news papers and many eyewitness reports, possessed a wide array of supernatural powers.

Although Nina had many different ability's, she is best known for her (telekinesis/psychokinesis powers )...Telekinesis is the ability to move objects using thought alone,...without having ever made physical contact with the object itself. Nina was filmed demonstrating her powers and the scientist's claimed that her ability's where real. During her childhood Nina grew up in Leningrad.

She would go on to become a senior sergeant in the army, her military career came to an end when she was injured but artillery fire, Luckily she manged to make a full recovery and would go on to get married and have a son.

Nina claims she had always known about her strange ability's.

According to some accounts whenever she met someone ill she was able to discern what ailment they were suffering from, and that she could tell what someone had in there pockets because of an image she would get in her mind. One time when Nina was in a bad mood in her home. She began to walk towards the cabinet, when all of the sudden a cut began to move on its own it then fell to the floor and shattered. Not long after that, other strange things began to happen. Objects began to move by them self, and seemed to be attracted to her. 
The lights in her apartment would go on and off on there own.
Nina would later discover that when she concentrated, she could control this strange occurrence's. n 1964 Nina suffered a nervous breakdown and was hospitalized, well in the hospital she took up sewing. According to a published report Nina's doctors where stunned when they witnessed her reaching into a basket and pulling out any color of thread she wanted, without ever looking into the basket. Local paranormal researchers where notified, and the following year after Nina had mad a complete recovery, she took part in numerous experiment's set up by the researchers in order to test the full extent of her powers. 
According to the tests Nina could indeed see colors with her fingertips as the doctor's had stated the previous year. It was also discovered that she possessed a type of healing ability, she could heal wound on her body just by holding her hand above them. Later when her psychokinesis was tested by Russian scientists the results of those test where so incredible that they made her use a false name. In order to keep her real name secret she was given the name Nelya Mikhailova. However to this day the full results of these tests have never been revealed, and more then likely they never will.

One of the first scientist's to test Nina was a Biologist named Edward Naumov.

Although the details of Edwards test are often sketch at best, According to many accounts his test consisted of spreading numerous matches on a large bench, then he would have Nina approach at which point she would raise her hand over the matches and they would suddenly begin to move to the edge of the bench together and fall to the ground. However this required a lot of concentration her hands would begin to shake, this ability put a lot of strain on her body.

Nina's telekinesis was not an easy feat to preform often times requiring many hours of preparation in order to properly clear her mind of all other thoughts and concentrate on her powers. However Skeptics like to point out the fact that the hours of preparation Nina took could have been used to help fake her powers.

In one of the experiments Nina would be seated at a table and instructed to concentrate on various small objects usually a matchbook loose matches or even a wineglass, and then make them move using her telekinesis.

Fantastic tails of Nina's extraordinaire ability's began to reach the U.S. Through the international wire service.

Later in the spring of 1968 films on Nina demonstrating her ability's, where shown at the First Moscow International Conference on Parapsychology. U.S. scientist's witnessed these films and for a shot time were allowed to meet with and interview some of Russia's other psychics and mediums, afterwords they were aloud to meet with Nina and see her psychokinesis for themselves.

In 1970 a man named William A McGary along with a group of U.S. paranormal investigators researching Russian psychics and mediums described a meeting with Nina in which she was able to move several small objects such as matches, bottle tops, and a wedding ring across a table without ever touching them.

Another one of the U.S. researchers named Gaither Pratt, from the University of Virginia stated that the objects that Nina was able to move all varied in size, shape, weight and material, and that the objects usually moved at a slow steady course, but every now and then the objects would Nina was controlling would move in fits and jerks. According to there accounts there were many measures taken to guaranty Nina was not cheating during the experiments by using any hidden threads or magnets, and all of the filmed experiments seem to prove that no know force could explain how Nina was moving the objects.

Through it is not really known how well Nina was checked before the beginning of the experiments.
A man named Dr. Zdenek Rejdak a Czech scientist with ties to a Prague Military Institute, personally tested Nina and later for some reason or another choose to reporter his findings to a far from scientific paper called Czech Pravda.

His statement is as follows....

"I visited the Kulagina family the evening of February 26, 1968 Mr Blazek, an editor friend was with me, also a physician, Dr. J.S. Zverev, and Dr. Sergeyev. Her husband, an engineer, was also present. Dr. Zverev gave Mrs. Kulagina a very thorough physical examination. Tests with special instruments failed to show any indication whatever of magnets or other concealed objects."
"We checked the table thoroughly and also asked Mrs. Kulagina to frequently change positions at the table. We passed a compass around her body and the chair and table with negative results. I asked her to wash her hands. After concentrating, she turned the compass needle more then ten times, then the entire compass and it's case, a matchbox and some twenty matches at once. I placed a cigarette in front of her. She moved that too, at a glance. I shredded it afterwords and there was nothing inside it. In between each set of tests, she was again physically examined by the doctor."

During one of the filmed experiments conducted by a group of well known physicists , many small non- magnetic objects such as matches and other such objects were placed in a large Plexiglas box. The box was created in order to prevent strings, wires and air from affecting the objects This are some of the methods Nina's skeptics believed she was cheating. But even with the box the objects inside would still movie when Nina concentrated and moved her hands near the box without touching it....During one extraordinary demonstration Nina was filmed levitating a small ping pong ball in mid air for a few seconds. "There may still be a few videos of this demonstration on Youtube unfortunately a lot of the footage is really old and kind of grainy."

According to a well know physicist named Dr. V.F. Shvetz. Nina in addition to being a skilled telekinetic she also possessed an odd ability to make the letter A or O appear on photos she was also able to make an outline of a form she had seen before appear on photos ."This ability is called Thoughtography" Thoughtography is the ability to transfer thoughts onto photographs through intense concentration. Also every once in awhile strange burn marks would suddenly form on Nina's hands there was even some reports that on few occasion's scientist's to there surprise witnessed Nina's cloths unexceptionably catch fire. Later on towards the end of her life Nina appeared on television to demonstrate her powers, causing bright red marks to appear on the arm of one of the journalists.
In one of Nina's oddest filmed experiments, the scientist placed a raw egg suspended in a saline solution roughly 2 meters away from were she was seated. 
Nina was then asked to concentrate on the egg and try to separate the yolk from white she was successful at that task and found that if she concentrated hard enough she could put the two back together again. But by far Nina's most unusual filmed experiment took place in a laboratory in Leningrad on March 19, 1970. At this point the scientists were satisfied with the results of Nina's previous tests on inanimate objects. But they still wanted to see how far Nina's ability's extended and if her powers could have any effect on living organs and tissue. 
Dr. Sergeyev was one of many scientists in attending when they placed a frog in a saline solution and Nina was asked to use her power to try and stop the frogs heart beat and then start it up again. So she began to focus all of her power on the frogs hart beat at first she mad it beat faster then slower and slower finally stopping it. Nina could also effect a human heart beat as one hostile psychiatrist found out first hand after frighting her.

It would seem that Nina's ability's put a large strain on her body the more she used them, At one point after preforming some of her tests with Dr. Rejdek Nina had almost no pulse and was completely exhausted she could barely move and during that 30 minute session she had lost almost four pounds of body-weight. Statements made by Dr. Zverev indicated that her heart beat was irregular, her endocrine system was disturbed and she had high blood sugar all indications of stress. On top of those symptom's she would also suffer from pains in her arms and legs , dizziness, lose of taste and lose of coordination.

This continued to progress until one day in the late 1970's Nina almost died from a heart attack, her doctor's suggested that she refrain from using her powers the way she use to however Nina would continue with some of her lab work until her death in 1990. It is widely believed that these continued experiments lead to physical exhaustion and were a major contributing factor in her death Nina was praised by the Soviet Union as a "Hero of Leningrad" for her brave service in World War 2, as well as her dedicated work in the field of psychic research, and helping to try and achieve a better understanding of the Paranormal.

More Info...........
The New Soviet Psychic Discovery....By Henry Gris and William Dick, 1979

La Befana... The Christmas Witch

La Befana: The Christmas Witch

In Italian folklore, Befana is an old woman who delivers gifts to children throughout Italy on Epiphany Eve (the night of January 5) in a similar way to St Nicholas or Santa Claus.

A popular belief is that her name comes from the Feast of Epiphany or in Italian La Festa dell'Epifania. Epiphania (Epiphany in English) is a Latin word with Greek origins. "Epiphany" means either the "Feast of the Epiphany" (January 6) or "manifestation (of the divinity) Some also suggest that Befana is descended from the Sabine/Roman goddess named Strina.

In popular folklore Befana visits all the children of Italy on the eve of the Feast of the Epiphany to fill their shoes with candy and presents if they are good. Or a lump of coal or dark candy if they are bad. In many poorer parts of Italy and in particular rural Sicily, a stick in a stocking was placed instead of coal. Being a good housekeeper, many say she will sweep the floor before she leaves.

To some the sweeping meant the sweeping away of the problems of the year. The child's family typically leaves a small glass of wine and a plate with a few morsels of food, often regional or local, for the Befana.

She is usually portrayed as an old lady riding a broomstick through the air wearing a black shawl and is covered in soot because she enters the children's houses through the chimney. She is often smiling and carries a bag or hamper filled with candy, gifts, or both.

She is also referred to as the Christmas Witch.

Christian Legends....
Christian legend had it that Befana was approached by the biblical magi, also known as the Three Wise Men (or the three kings) a few days before the birth of the Infant Jesus. They asked for directions to where the Son of God was, as they had seen his star in the sky, but she did not know. She provided them with shelter for a night, as she was considered the best housekeeper in the village, with the most pleasant home. The magi invited her to join them on the journey to find the baby Jesus, but she declined, stating she was too busy with her housework. Later, La Befana had a change of heart, and tried to search out the astrologers and Jesus. That night she was not able to find them, so to this day, La Befana is searching for the little baby.

Like Santa, She leaves all the good children toys and candy chocolate or fruit, while the bad children get coal.

La Befana’s broom is for more than just transportation - she also willclean up a messy house, and sweep the floors before she leaves for her next stop.

This is probably a good thing, since Befana gets a bit sooty from coming down chimneys, and it’s only polite to clean up after oneself. She may wrap up her visit by indulging in the glass of wine or plate of food left by parents as thanks.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

North American Monster Sightings, Werewolf's.

Do Werewolf's stalk the wood's of rural Kentucky....

For about seventy years a tall biped wolf like creature has been making regular appearances in rural Kentucky.

This creature is known as the Bearilla. The name Bearilla comes from a description given by the first witness to go public with his sighting, in 1972. While being interviewed by the media, he stated the creature looked like a cross between a bear and a gorilla. It was dubbed the Bearilla by the press.
It is most often seen in the Gateway region of the state.

The Gateway is the area located between the flat lands of the Bluegrass region and the mountains of Eastern Kentucky. For this reason it is also referred to as the Gateway Werewolf.

Most witnesses describe it as being basically the same type creature that has been spotted in the Northern states, except the Bearilla is always described as having a white or a silvery grey coat. It is close to the height of an average man, with its arms and legs being similar in proportion to that of a human. The hands, or fore-paws, are said to have long curving, sharp claws. The feet, judging by footprints, are said to be elongated and somewhat human like, but with shorter toes and a configuration more like that of a canine. The most striking feature, according to witness accounts, is the elongated muzzle with large, protruding canine teeth and pointed incisors. This wolf-like creature also has a tendency to be much more aggressive than its Northern cousins.

There have been several instances of aggressive behavior, toward humans. from this creature. Two involved actual attacks; both required treatment at local hospitals.

The first attack and first report of this creature, in Kentucky, occurred in Johnson County in 1944. Here a teenage boy almost had a fight to the death, with the beast, over a string of fish. The boy reported he had been fishing along a small stream and had a considerable number of fish on his stringer. He stated that as he was preparing to leave when a wolf like creature ran up from the creek bank and attempted to take his fish. It was described as being silvery-grey and standing about six feet tall. The boy attempted to keep the fish, but he was overpowered and the creature made of with his catch. The boy stated that as the creature walked off, it turned and smiled at him. The boy was treated at a local hospital for deep lacerations and shock.

The story was never made public, but information of the incident was leaked out by one of the attending medical personnel on duty at the time
The second attack occurred in 1972, along Hinkston Creek in Bourbon County. Here an early morning squirrel hunter was attacked and suffered several deep lacerations across the back and legs. The unfortunate hunter stated he was attacked from the rear and was pushed down on the ground. The hunter did not get a good look at the creature.

 He only saw its hands and a few brief flashes of the rest of the body. He described it as white or silver with hands that were basically like a humans, only with much longer fingernails and they were covered in white hair. The creature then proceeded to basically “bounced” him up and down. The hunter credits his escape from a possible real death, to playing dead. The horrified victim could not think of any possible way he could have provoked the attack. He stated “ It just came out of no where and jumped me”

This werewolf like creature also seems to have an uncanny ability to escape pursuers. After the attack on the hunter, a local group of men formed an old fashioned posse and went in search of the attacker. Around dusk, the group, with assistance from hunting dogs, seemed to have corned the creature in an old barn When the men and dogs attempted to enter the barn, the dogs cowered down and whimpered in fear. The posse then decided to surround the barn and wait for daylight. The next morning the dogs rushed in without showing any fear. To everyone’s surprise the barn was empty.

Whatever frightened the dogs the night before, was now gone. None of the hunters reported seeing anything leave the barn. The only signs anything had been in the barn, were what appeared to be claw marks on the wall of the barn. It appears the creature had climbed to the top of barn and simply vanished,
The last known sightings, in the Gateway Area, occurred in 1999, near Morehead, Ky. A couple observed two of these creatures standing in a clearing near Highway 60. When they attempted to photograph the unusual duo, both creatures bared their fangs and emitted low growls. Needless to say the couple fled the area immediately.

These creatures also seem to inhabit the areas around Ashland, Kentucky. Like their northern counter parts, these entities seem to enjoy hanging out in graveyards. In the 1980’s, the Ashland Cemetery was a hot bed for sightings of a this werewolf like creature.
It was most often seen running between headstones and jumping the wall surrounding the cemetery. The witnesses all commented that the creature had incredible leaping power. It is said to have thad a habit of chasing humans and at one point actually cornered two lawmen, sent to investigate a sighting. The officers stated that the creature came within thirty feet of them and paced back and forth between headstones growling. The creature eventually got bored with harassing the officers and wandered back into the cemetery.

This creatures jumping ability was demonstrated again on a Greenup County back road in 2001. A couple, driving separate cars, encountered this creature running down the road toward them. Instead of going around both cars, it simply leaped over both and continued its journey down the middle of the road.

The last Bearilla sighting occurred in Eastern Kentucky in 2005. A homeowner turned on his porch light, to investigate a strange noise. He was startled to see what he first thought was a child, but after he got a better look, he decide this was no child …. at least not a human one! He described it as being about three feet tall, covered with hair and having a ’dog face”. Whatever it was made a hasty retreat when it realized it had been discovered.

The sighting in 2005 was the last reported werewolf encounter in Kentucky. Did they die, move away or are they still lurking in the woods? Only time will tell!

Thursday, May 9, 2019

UFO's Aliens Bases and the mysterious case of Phil Schnieder.

Re-blogging some of my old post's also new one's on the way soon :) 


Phil Schnieder, .....Murder???

This post is a dedication Phil  Schneider !!!

Phil was one of only  three people to survive the 1979 fight between the large Grey Aliens , US intelligence and military at  the Dulce underground base.

Tragically he was found dead in January 1996, due to what was most likely an execution.... in fact that's exactly what it look's like an ( execution  style murder.)

He was found dead in his apartment with a piano wire wrapped around his neck. According to some  sources, it appeared that he  had suffered torture before he was finally killed.  

Seven months prior to his death , Schneider did a lecture on the
forces he had discovered at Dulce.

 IN PHIL'S WORD'S....................................................................

"It is because of the horrendous structure of the Federal Government that I feel directly imperiled not to tell anybody
about this material. However I would like to mention that this talk is going to be broken up into four main topics. Each of
these topics will have some bearing on what you people are involved in, whether you are patriots or not."

"I want you to know that these United States are a beautiful place. I have gone to more than 70 countries and cannot
remember any country that has the beauty, as well as the magnificence of it's people, like these United States."

"To give you an overview of basically what I am, I started off and went through engineering school. Half of my schooling
was in that field and I built up a reputation for being a geological engineer, as well as a structural engineer with both
military and aerospace applications. I have helped build two main bases in the United States that have some significance
as far as what is called the New World Order. The first base is the one at Dulce, New Mexico.

I was involved in 1979 in a fire fight with alien humanoids and I was one of the survivors. I'm probably the only talking
survivor you will ever hear. Two other survivors are under close guard. I am the only one left that knows the detailed files
of the entire operation. Sixty- six secret service agents, FBI, Black Berets and the like, died in that fire fight. I was there."

"Number one, part of what I am going to tell you is going to be very shocking. Part of what I am going to tell you is
probably going to be very unbelievable, though, instead of putting your glasses on, I'm going to ask you to put your â
€˜scepticals' on. But please, feel free to do your own homework. I know the Freedom of Information Act isn't much to
go on, but it's the best we've got. The local law library is a good place to look for Congressional Records. So, if one
continues to do their homework, then one can be standing vigilant in regard to their country."
Deep Underground Military Bases
"I love the country I am living in more than I love my life, but I would not be standing before you now, risking my life, if I
did not believe it so. The first part of this talk is going to concern deep underground military basses and the black budget.
The Black Budget is a secretive budget that garners 25% of the gross national product of the United States. The Black
Budget currently consumes $1,25 trillion per year. At least this amount is used in black programmes, like those
concerned with deep underground military bases. Presently, there are 129 deep underground military bases in the United

"They have been building these 129 bases day and night, unceasingly, since the early 1940's. Some of them were built
even earlier than that. These bases are basically large cities underground connected by high-speed magneto-leviton trains
that have speeds up to Mach 2. Several books have been written about this activity. Al Bielek has my only copy of one
of them.

Richard Souder, a Ph-D architect, has risked his life by talking about this. He worked with a number of government
agencies on deep underground military bases. In around where you live in Idaho, there are 11 of them." "The average
depth of these bases is over a mile and they again are basically whole cities underground. They are all between 2.66 and
4.25 cubic miles in size. They have laser drilling machines that can drill a tunnel seven miles long in one day. The Black
Projects sidestep the authority of Congress, which as we know is illegal. Right now, the New World Order is depending
on these bases. If I had known at the time I was working on them, that the NWO was involved, I would not have done
it. I was lied to rather extensively."
Development of Military Technology, Implied German Interest in Hyperspacial Technology, and More
"Basically, as far as technology is concerned, for every calendar year that transpires, military technology increases about
44.5 years. This is why it is easy to understand that back in 1943 they were able to create, through the use of vacuum
tube technology, a ship that could literally disappear from one place and appear in another place. My Father, Otto Oscar
Schneider, fought on both sides of the war. He was originally a U-boat captain, was captured and repatriated in the
United States. He was involved with different kinds of concerns, such as the Abomb, the H-bomb and the Philadelphia
Experiment. He invented a high-speed camera that took pictures of the first atomic tests at Bikini Island on July 12,
1946. I have original photos of that test, the photos show UFO's fleeing the bomb site at a high rate of speed. Bikini
Island at the time was infested with them. Especially under the water and the natives had problems with their animals
being mutilated. At that time, General MacArthur felt that the ext war would be with aliens from other worlds." "Anyway,
my father laid the groundwork with theoreticians about the Philadelphia experiment, as well as other experiments. What
does that have to do with me?

Nothing, other than the fact that he was my father. I don't agree with what he did on the other side, but I think that he had
a lot of guts coming here. He was hated in Germany. There was a $1 million reward, payable in gold, to anyone who
killed him. obviously, they didn't succeed. Anyway back to our topic - deep underground bases."
The Fire Fight at Dulce Base
"Back in 1954, under the Eisenhower administration, the Federal government decided to circumvent the Constitution of
the United States and form a treaty with alien entities. It was called the 1954 Greada treaty, which basically made the
agreement that the aliens involved could take a few cows and test their implanting techniques on a few human beings, but
that they had to give details about the people involved. Slowly, the aliens altered the bargain until they decided they
wouldn't abide by it at all. Back in 1979, this was the reality and the fire fight at Dulce occurred quite by accident. I was
involved in building an addition to the deep underground military base at Dulce, which is probably the deepest base. It
goes down seven levels and over 2.5 miles deep.

At that particular time, we had drilled four distinct holes in the desert and we were going to link them together and blow
out large sections at a time. My job was to go down the holes and check the rock samples, then recommend the
explosive to deal with a particular rock. As I was headed down there , we found ourselves amidst a large cavern that
was full of outer-space aliens, otherwise known as large Greys. I shot two of them. At that time, there were 30 people
down there.

About 40 more came down after this got started and all of them got killed. We had surprised a whole underground base
of existing aliens. Later, we found out that they had been living on our planet for a long time, perhaps a million years. This
could explain a lot of what is behind the theory of ancient astronauts."

"Anyway I got shot in the chest with one of their weapons, which was a box on their body, that blew a hole in me and
gave me a nasty dose of cobalt radiation. I have had cancer because of that."

"I didn't get really interested in UFO technology until I started work at Area 51, north of Las Vegas. After about two
years recuperating after the 1979 incident, I went back to work for Morrison and Knudson, EG&G and other
companies. At Area 51, they were testing all kinds of spacecraft. How many people here are familiar with Bob Lazar's
story? He was a physicist working at Area 51 trying to decipher the propulsion factor in some of these craft".
Schneider' s Worries About Government Factions, Railroad Cars and  Shackle Contracts
"Now, I am very worried about the activity of the Federal Government. They have lied to the public stonewalled senators
and have refused to tell the truth in regard to alien matters. I can go on and on. I can tell you that I am rather disgruntled.
Recently, I knew someone who lived near where I live in Portland, Oregon. He worked at Gunderson Steel Fabrication,
where they make railroad cars. Now, I knew this fellow for the best part of 30 years and he was a quiet type. He came
in to see me on it, one day, excited, he told me "they're building prisoner cars.'

He was nervous. Gunderson.. he said had a contract with the federal Government to build 107,200 full length railroad,
each with 143 pairs of shackles. There are 11 sub-contractors in this giant project. Supposedly, Gunderson got over 2
billion dollars for the contract.

Bethlehem Steel and other steel outfits are involved. He showed me one of the cars in the rail yards in North Portland.
He was right. If you multiply 107,200 times 143 times 11, you come up with about 15, 000, 000. This is probably the
number of people who disagree with the Federal Government. No more can you vote these people out of office. Our
present structure of government is "technocracy''- not democracy, it is a form of feudalism. It has nothing to do with the
republic of the United States. These people are godless and have legislated out prayer in public schools. You can get
fined up to $100.000 and two years in prison for praying in school. I believe we can do better. also believe that the
Federal Government is running the gambit of enslaving the people of the United States. I am not a very good speaker,
but I'll keep shooting my mouth off until somebody puts a bullet in me, because it;s worth it to talk to a group like this
about these atrocities".
Americas Black Programme Contractors
"There are other problems. I have some interesting 1993 figures. There are 29 prototype stealth aircraft presently. The
budget from the US Congress five-year plan for these is $245.6 million.

You couldn't buy the spare parts for these black programmes for that amount So, we've been lied to. The black budget
is roughly $1.3 trillion every two years. A trillion is a thousand billion. A trillion dollars weighs 11 tons. The US Congress
never sees the books involved with this clandestine pot of gold. Contractors of stealth programmes: EG&G,
Westinghouse, McDonnell Douglas, Morrison-Knudson, Wackenhut Security Systems, Boeing Aerospace, Lorimar
Aerospace, Aerospacial in France, Mitsubishi Industries, Ryder Trucks, Bechtel, I G Farben, plus a host of hundreds
more. Is this what we are supposed to be living up to as a freedom-loving people? I don't believe so."
Star Wars and Apparent Alien Threat
"Still, 68% of the military budget is directly or indirectly affected by the black budget. Star Wars relies heavily upon
stealth weaponry. By the way, none of the stealth programme would have been available if we had not taken apart
crashed alien disks. None- of it. Some of you might ask what the "space shuttle" is "shuttling." Large ingots of special
metals that are milled in space and cannot be produced on the surface of the earth. They need the near vacuum of outer
space to produce them. We are not even being told anything close to the truth. I believe our government officials have
sold us down the drain lock , stock and barrel.

Up until several weeks ago, I was employed by the US government with a Ryolite-38 clearance factor - one of the
highest in the world. I believe the Star Wars programme is there to solely to act as a buffer to prevent an alien attack - It
has nothing to do with the "cold war", which was only a toy to garner money from all the people - for what? The whole
lie was planned and executed for the last 75 years."
Stealth Aircraft Technology Use by US Agencies and the United Nations
"Here's another piece of information for you folks. The Drug Enforcement Administration and the ATF rely on stealth
tactical weaponry for as much as 40% of their operations budget. This is in 1993, the figures have gone up considerably
since. The United Nations used American stealth aircraft for over 20% of it's collective world-wide operations from
1990 to 1992, according to the Centre for Strategic Studies and UN Report 3092.11
The Guardians of Stealth and Delta Force Origins of the Bosnia Conflict
"The guardians of Stealth: There are at least three distinct classifications of police that guard our most well-kept secrets.
Number one, the Military Joint Tactical Force(MJTF), sometimes called the Delta Force or Black Berets, is a multi-
national tactical force primarily used to guard the various stealth aircraft worldwide. By the way, there were 172 stealth
aircraft built. Ten crashed, so there were at last count about 162. Bill Clinton signed them away about six weeks ago to
the United Nations. There have been indications that the Delta Force was sent over to Bosnia during the last days of the
Bush administration as a covert sniper force and that they started taking pot shots at each side of the controversy, in
order to actually start the Bosnia conflict that would be used by succeeding administrations for political purposes."
Thoughts on the Bombings in the United States
"I was hired not too long ago to do a report on the World Trade Centre bombing. I was hired because the 90 some -
odd varieties of chemical explosives. I looked at the pictures taken right after the blast. The concrete was puddled and
melted. The steel and the rebar was extruded up to six feet longer than it's original length. There is only one weapon that
can do that - a small nuclear weapon. That's a construction-type device. obviously, when they say that it was a nitrate
explosive that did the damage, they're lying 100% folks. The people that they have in custody probably didn't do the
crime. As a matter of fact, I have reason to believe that the same group held in custody did do other crimes, such as
killing a Jewish rabbi in New York. However, I want to further that with the last explosion in Oklahoma City, they are
saying that it was a nitrate or fertilizer bomb that did it."

"First they came out and said it was a 1,000 pound fertiliser bomb. Then it was 1,500. Then 2,000 pounds. Now it's
20,000. You can't put 20,000 pounds of fertiliser in a Ryder Truck. Now, I've never mixed explosives, per se. I know
the chemical structure and application of construction explosives. My reputation was based on it. I helped hollow out
more than 13 deep underground military bases in the United States.

I worked on the Malta project, in West Germany, in Spain and in Italy. I can tell you from experience that a nitrate
explosion would not have hardly shattered the windows of the federal building in Oaklahoma City.

It would have killed a few people and knocked part of the facing off the building, but it would never have done that kind
of damage. I believe that I have been lied to and I am not taking it any longer, so I'm telling you that you've been lied to."
The Truth Behind the Republican Contract with America
"I don't perceive at this time that we have too much more than six months of life left in this country, at the present. We are
the laughing stock of the world, because we are being hoodwinked by so many evil people that are running this country. I
think we can do better. I think the people over 45 are seriously worried about their future. I'm going to run some scary
scenarios by you. The Contract with America. It contains the same terminology that Adolph Hitler used to subvert
Germany in 1931. I believe that we can do better. The Contract with America is a last ditch effort by our federal
government to tear away the Constitution and the Bill of Rights."
Some Statistics on the Black Helicopter Presence
"The black helicopters. There are over 64,000 black helicopters in the United states. For every hour that goes by, there
is one more being built. Is this the proper use of our money? What does the federal government need 64,000 tactical
helicopters for, if they are not trying to enslave us? I doubt if the entire military needs 64,000 worldwide. I doubt if all the
world needs that many. There are 157 F-117A stealth aircraft loaded with LIDAR and computer-enhanced imaging

They can see you walking from room to room when they f ly over your house. They see objects in the house from the air
with a variation limit of 1 inch to 30,000 miles. That's how accurate it is. Now, I worked in the federal government for a
long time and I know exactly how they handle their business."

Government Earthquake Device, AIDS as a Bioweapon Based on Alien Excretions.
"The federal government has now invented an earthquake device. I am a geologist and I know what I am talking about.
With the Kobe earthquake in Japan, there was no pulse-wave as in a normal earthquake. None. In 1989, there was an
earthquake in San Francisco. There was no pulse-wave with that one either. It is a Tesla device that is being used for evil
purposes. The black budget programmes have subverted science as we know it. Look at AIDS, invented by the
National Ordinance Laboratory in Chicago, Illinois in 1972. It was a biological weapon to be used against the people of
the United States. The reason that I know that is that I have seen the documentation by the Office of Strategic Services,
which is by the way still in operation to this day, through the CDC in Atlanta.

They used the glandular excretions of animals humans and alien humanoids to create the virus. These alien humanoids that
the government is hobnobbing with are the worst news. There is absolutely no defence against their germs -none. They
are a biological weapon of terrible consequence. Every alien on the planet needs to be isolated."

"Saddam Hussein killed 3.5 million Kurdish people with a similar biological weapon. Do we, the people of this planet,
deserve this? No, we don't, but we are not doing anything about it. Every moment we waste, we are doing other people
on the planet a disservice."

"Right now I am dying of cancer that I contracted because of my work for the federal government. I might live six
months. I might not. I will tell you one thing. If I keep speaking out like I am, maybe God will give me the life to talk my
head off. Eleven of my best friends in the last 22 years have been murdered. Eight of the murders were called "suicides."
Before I went to talk in Las Vegas, I drove a friend down to Joshua Tree, near 29 Palms. I drove into the mountains in
order to get to Needles, California and was followed by two government E-350 vans with G-14 plates, each with a
couple of occupants, one of which had an Uzi. I knew exactly who they were. I have spoken 19 times and have
probably reached 45,000 people. Well,, I got ahead of them and came to a stop in the middle of the road. They both
went on either side of me and plummeted into a ravine. Is this what it is going to take? I cut up my security card and sent
it back to the government and told them if I was threatened, I have been,that I was going to upload 140,000 pages of
documentation to the Internet about government structure and the whole plan. I have already begun that task. Thank you
very much."
Phil Schneider May 1995

Phil Schneider never got the chance. Dead 7 months later.

Testimony from Phil's Ex-Wife, Cynthia Schneider Drayer on Phil's death

Introduction by Cynthia Drayer

                    My name is Cynthia Drayer, I live in Portland, Oregon, and I am the
 ex-wife of Philip Schneider. Philip and I met in 1986, were married in
 Carson City, Nevada, and had a daughter, Marie, in 1987. We were
 divorced in 1990 and lived in separate residences. Philip lived in an

 apartment complex in Wilsonville, Oregon. On 1/17/1996 I received a
 call that Philip was dead in his apartment and apparently had died up

 to a week before his body was discovered. At the time of the removal
 of his body, his cause of death was by a stroke. When I went to the
 funeral home I had feelings of discomfort about his death. I asked to

 view the body, but due to decomposition, the funeral director
 suggested otherwise. I wanted to be sure, in my own mind,. that Philip
 had not died under "unnatural causes". For the last two years of his
 life, Philip had been on the "lecture tour" throughout the United
 States, talking out about government coverups. You name it, he was
 talking about it: Aliens (treaties and abductions), UFO's, the One
 World Government, Black Budgets, Underground Mountain Bases, CIA
 involvement in civilian murders and drugs, Stealth technology, the
 Philadelphia Experiment, Operation Crossroads (Bikini Island A-bomb
 experiments), Dulce Fire Fight, the Oklahoma bombing, the World Trade

 Center bombing, missing children, Gunderson Freight Cars, the opening
 of concentration camps and Marshal Law/UN involvement, man-made
 viruses and earthquakes, etc.etc.

 A day later, I received a call from the Clackamas County Detectives,
 that the funeral director had found "something" around Philip's neck.

 An autopsy was performed at the Multnomah County Medical Examiner's
 office (in Portland, Oregon) by Dr. Gunson, and she determined that
 Philip had committed suicide by wrapping a rubber cathater hose three
 times around his neck, and half-knotting it in front. There are
 several reasons why I believe that Philip did not commit suicide, but
 was murdered:
 1. There was no suicide note.
   2. Philip always told his friends and relatives, that if he ever
      "committed suicide" you would know that he had been murdered.
   3. From a number of sources, including his taped lectures (video and
      audio), and statements to his friends, and the borrowing of a 9mm
      gun, Philip felt that he and his family were being threatened and
      were in danger because of his lecutres.
   4. All of his lecture materials, alien metals, higher math books,
      photographs of UFO's coming out of the Operation Crossroad
      A-Bomb, notes for his book on the alien agenda, were missing.
      (Everything else in the apartment was still there, including gold
      coins, wallet with hundreds of dollars, jewelry, mineral
      specimens, etc.)
   5. No coroner ever came out to his apartment after his body was
      found (against Oregon Law) - and a police investigation never
      took under consideration that items were missing from his
      apartment - it was considered a suicide, plain and simple
   6. The medical examiner took blood and urine samples at the autopsy

      but REFUSED to analyze them, saying that the county would not
      "waste their money on a suicide". Although I was assured that
      the samples would be kept for 12 months, when I asked for these
      samples to be sent to an independent lab 11 months later they
      were "missing" and presumed "destroyed".
   7. Philip had missing fingers on his left hand, and limited motion
      in his shoulders. I believe that it was physically impossible for
      Philip to have held the rubber hose in his left hand with missing
      fingers and then wrap the hose three times with shoulders that
      had limited motion. In order to end up where his body was, he had
      to sit on the edge of his bed, wrap the hose around his neck,
      slowly and painfully strangle to death, and fallen head first
      into a wheel chair.
   8. Philip was an expert in chemicals and his own medical needs. He
      had multiple pills at hand that could have ended his life quickly
      and painlessly. He also had a 9mm gun that he had borrowed to
      protect himself. Why strangle himself in such an unusual manner?

   9. Philip was very religious, and did not believe in suicide. He had
      intense chronic pain all of the time I knew him. At the time of
      his death, he was on disability, had a housekeeper, and had
      cancer. The operation to help him with his back pain did not
      alleviate the pain and he had brittle bone syndrome
      (osteoperosis). He struggled every day, not to die, but to live.

      He felt that these lectures he gave was making a difference, and
      was looking forward to giving more. In fact he was scheduled for
      another lecture tour that started 1/16/96 in Tampa, Florida. He
      had just found a friend who was going to help him write a book
      about the New World Order, and he was enjoying his time with his
  10. Philip was undergoing "injections" of "Beta Serone" every week in
      an experiment to stop his multiple sclerosis. After his death I
      contacted the only agency that conducted these experiments to
      obtain his medical record (OHSU). They had never heard of him,
      and he was not a part of their experiments. This would suggest
      people unknown were injecting him on a weekly basis with an
      unknown substance. He often times called me after these "shots"
      to tell me that he was too sick for his daughter to come and
      visit. I believe that the shots that Philip thought were being
      given to him to help him back to health, were actually being
      given to him to make him sick.
  11. Philip was seen with an "unknown blonde haired woman" for several
      months before his death. Several times this same individual was
      seen or talked about and her mysterious presence only leads one
      to wonder if she had anything to do with his "suicide".
  12. Several people with psychic abilities have indicated that Philip
      did not commit suicide, but was murdered (some say by 5 people: 4
      men and 1 woman, 4 directly and one by taking out a "contract".

 It is perhaps important to know WHY Philip began lecturing.
 Firstly: His background was as a Structural Engineer. He was an expert
 on explosives and their effects on geologic structures. He worked
 under two social security numbers. Most of his early work in
 underground mountain bases with Morrison-Knudsen was done using the
 wrong social security number. I was later able to prove that he had
 two numbers through the social security office when I applied for his
 daughter's death benefits. He worked for the Army Corps of Engineers
 and U.S. Navy with the same wrong number. Only after he obtained SSI
 in 1981 did his "real" number come into play. He always told me that
 he had a Rhyolitic Clearance and that his father had a Cosmic
 Clearance from his work with NATO. And that is the second reason why
 Philip began lecturing.

 Secondly: On top of his first hand knowledge about underground
 mountain bases and government black budgets, and the alien agend as (he
 was one of the survivors of the Dulce Fire Fight with aliens in New
 Mexico) his father was also involved in government black projects.
 When Philip's father, Captain Oscar Schneider, Medical Doctor, United

 States Navy, died in 1993, Philip discovered documents and photographs
 in his father's basement which proved that Oscar had been involved in
 both the Philadelphia Experiment and Operation Crossroads. Philip now
 had letters written in the 1940's and 1950's showing that Oscar helped
 to isolate the crewmembers of the Philadelphia Experiment and that
 Oscar later autopsied them as they died. He also had photographs of
 UFO's fleeing through mushroom clouds after the A-bomb was dropped
 above the lagoon at Bikini Atoll. This was "Operation Crossroads" and

 Oscar was involved in medical examinations of the animals and humans
 exposed to radiation after the bomb was dropped.

 Thirdly: I believe the main reason why Philip began to lecture was due
 to the "murder" of his friend Ron Rummel. Ron was found in a park in
 Portland in Sept. 1993. The police believed that he had committed
 suicide by shooting himself in the mouth. However, if you read the
 detectives report, there is blow-back blood on Ron's hand, but NO
 BLOW-BACK BLOOD ON THE GUN. The only way this could happen is if Ron
 had wiped the gun off AFTER he had shot himself in the mouth. Ron,
 Philip, and 5 other people had been collaborating on a little magazine
 called "The Alien Digest". It was starting to get a fairly wide
 circulation, when Ron was found in the park. Philip felt that his
 friend had been murdered, and decided that it was time to get
 everything out into the open, so he began "spilling the beans", and
 ripped up his security clearance card.

 Pufori, through Jeroen Wierda, is one of several agencies and
 individuals that have taken up the call for justice in Philip's death.

 My hopes are:

   1. That Philip's death certificate will eventually be amended with
      the true cause of his death: murder.
   2. That the world will come to know the truth about aliens, UFO's,
      the government cover-ups, black budgets, etc. and how they are
      affecting us.
   3. That assets that belong to his only heir, Marie, can be located
      and turned over to her.
   4. That Philip's true work quarters can be proven by people coming
      forward with information about knowing him before 1981, and that
      his daughter can eventually obtain the death benefits she
   5. That no more "murders by suicide" ever occur to another

Do your research and stay informed, the government will Lie, Discredit or Kill anyone that opposes them, or attempts to impede the plane's  that  furtherance of there destructive agenda ......

RIP Phill Schnieder...

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Is there a Werewolf in Virginia...

The Werewolf of Henrico Conty

The year's there have been several Werewolf sightings in and around Virginia, A large number of them seem to be in  one location in particular....

Henrico County Virginia.

These sighting's are  known as the Werewolf of Henrico County.

Though the story is now somewhat of an of urban legend, sightings continue …

Still it’s hard to find real first-hand accounts, every thing said about this creatur is ether  something that a friend said.  or a friend of a friend had a sighting a few day's / weeks ago...

All  accounts of the werewolf sightings seem to describe a similar beast, a large grayish white creature covered in fur that stands upright  on it's hind leg's and has the face of an animal.

The majority of these sightings seem to be  focused in Henrico County Virginia in and around the Confederate Hills Recreation Center.

But it's still unclear how often the werewolf appears or what its appearances coincide with....

A possible explanations for these werewolf sightings could be a hoax by one or more of the locals.

It's not out of the question to assume  a few  local teen's would be able to fake the sighting's  with a well crafted  Halloween costume and  play prank on the local community. Though that would be very stupid to a attempt, as your likely to get shot doing something like that!

There are also those that deny all the sighting's could be nothing more then a prank.

There are a few other explanation's floating around One such explanation to the sightings  have been offered are actually  bigfoot, and since this area is also a huge spot for bigfoot sightings.

If that's true, this would not be the first time a bigfoot has been mistaken for a werewolf. From a distance, both bigfoot and werewolves can look similar. In the darkness, a large bipedal creature covered in fur looking vaguely human like could be mistaken as either.

Unless you have a close-up encounter, it could be very difficult to determine which creature it actually is.

You would think a real werewolves would steer clear of public places and try to stay hidden, in an area like a park the  chances of being spotted and identified are extremely high.


What do you think, is it real of fake?

Australia Floklore The Bunyip..

Cryptid's of Australia. The Bunyip

Today we visit the land down under a vast continent full of dangerous creatures some of myth and legend others very much real...

From Snake's and Croc's to The Yowie and the Bunyip there are many interesting  things too talk about when discussing Australia, however this post will be focused primarily on the legend of the bunyip one of Australia's most well know and feared cryptids.

When you mention Australia most people immediately think of The iconic Sydney Opera House or the vast area of land that make up the Australian Outback but this country has so much more to see from pristine National Parks to rain forests and even Opel Mines...however like most thing's in life it also has a darker side beneath the beautiful  landscape and city's there may be monster's just around the corner waiting to pounce...

Most myths and legend's have a real life inspiration somewhere in the distant past at least to some extent,and i like to believe the same holds true for most cryptids as well. For instance Dracula by Bram Stoker was inspired in part by  Vlad Tempest AKA Vlad the impaler Or Vlad Dracula ..a fierce 15th century Romanian king that fought of the invading Turkish army or Bigfoot the mythical forest giant that has been seen by thousands of people from all over the world but can be linked back 
to gigantopithecus the largest know now "extinct" member of the great ape's.

The Bunyip is a carnivorous semi-aquatic cryptid that has been spotted in river's lakes and even creeks all over Australia  the word bunyip means devil or evil spirit according to the  aboriginal tribes

The modern Bunyip legend seems to have originated in south eastern Australian in  New South Wales (then just a colony) in 1818  when a group of explorers discover unusual skeletal remains on the shore of Lake Bathurst two members of the group James Meehan and Hamilton Hume described the remains as a hippopotamus or possibly a manatee but that there as something very different about them The PESA (Philosophy of Education Society of Australia) offered to  pay for a small expedition with the hope of returning  with a bunyip specimen for further study. Unfortunately mister hume was unable to find the location again and the bones were never recovered.

There are many different descriptions of the bunyip's appearance, the overall body is said too resemble a strange combination of a hippo, seal and dinosaur , others say it is covered in fur with a head like a dog, some say it has smooth  reptilian like skin and there are even some sightings describing the creature with a more avian appearance I.E  covered in feathers

In his book Bunyip's Australia's folklore of fear author Robert Holden describes 9 different aboriginal variants  of this criptid each differing slightly from one region to the next.

According to aboriginal lore the bunyip is said to have a loud bellowing scream/roar and is very formidable in a fight this combined with it's short tempered nature and propensity for hunting in or near water sources make this creature truly terrifying

As European settlements spread across the continent bunyip sightings increased, allegedly in 1845 bunyip fossils were discovered and later reported in  the Geelong Advertiser that same article recounted other run ins  with the bunyip one unfortunate case was of woman being killed another was of  a man that was allegedly attacked still baring scars from the bunyips claws, the man described the bunyip as having  a head like an emu and a long bill with stingray like protrusions on ether side of the bill and a body resembling  that of an alligator but with thick back legs and somewhat longer front legs each having long claws at the end.

Aside from Biting, Clawing or Drowning it's prey the bunyip has also been said to "hug" it's victims to death with it's longer front legs similar to a python suffocating it's prey..

In some variations the bunyip is smaller in stature in other's it is around 10 to 13 feet in height/length and semi aquatint swimming like a large frog in the water and  bipedal well on land.

A escaped convict by the  named of William Buckley claimed to have encountered the bunyip on several occasions well living among the Wathaurong people an aboriginal tribe in the outback for many years, he said the animal was covered in grey feathers and could be found in inland lakes and even had supernatural powers capable of causing sickness or famine if angered.

One day in January 1846 a strange skull was found near the Murrumbidgee River that same year a bunyip or possibly a giant platypus was spotted on the banks of the Uriarra River.

The Murrumbidgee Skull is supposedly nothing more then the deformed skull of a calf, but many still argue in favor of it's authenticity and proof of the bunyip.

1851 A bunyip allegedly burst out of the water and killed a man in  passing bout on the Challicum Staion creek near  Ararat Victoria the bunyip in turn was killed by another man on the boat and its  body was outlined on the shore the outline was retraced every year at least as late as 1867 when the site was visited by a man from Moonambel a  Mr R.E. John The clerk of petty sessions, who made a messurment and sketch of the outline butting the size of the creature at 21 feet  for the main body and 28ft in overall length. He also made a map of the location. the area was eventually turned into grazing land for sheep farmers and the outline is now  unfortunately lost to history.

In 1857 Edwin Stockqueler a British artist sketched what he said has a bunyip, stating that the animal was mostly submerged in the water with only it's neck back and shoulders visible.

Sighting still persist to this day, could the bunyip be a supernatural creature haunting the outback or possible  a of pre-ice age or even prehistoric animal long since thought to be extinct..

Keep in mind that the Coelacanth a pre historic specials of fish was classified as extinct until a fisherman off the of south Africa caught on in 1938, and other animals like the platypus and silver-back gorilla were thought to be nothing more then local folklore until a live specimen was captured/ observed.

There are undauntedly many new species out there that we have yet to discover, and sadly thousands that have already gone extinct before discovery, and with the rate of human expansion into once untouched land's i think the odds of discovering a creature once thought to be nothing more the  myth, still alive and well are pretty high.

So... what are your thought's are these creatures real or imagined? Are there really monsters in the shadows or are  cryptids just a manifestation of human fears given form through mythology and legends?

Thank you for reading..

Also you can pick up a copy or Robert Holden the bunyip Australia's folklore of fear on Amazon. though it is very expensive! $200 +

Other reading scores....
The Journal of Cryptozoology Volume 1 -4 ..