Tuesday, May 14, 2019

North American Monster Sightings, Werewolf's.

Do Werewolf's stalk the wood's of rural Kentucky....

For about seventy years a tall biped wolf like creature has been making regular appearances in rural Kentucky.

This creature is known as the Bearilla. The name Bearilla comes from a description given by the first witness to go public with his sighting, in 1972. While being interviewed by the media, he stated the creature looked like a cross between a bear and a gorilla. It was dubbed the Bearilla by the press.
It is most often seen in the Gateway region of the state.

The Gateway is the area located between the flat lands of the Bluegrass region and the mountains of Eastern Kentucky. For this reason it is also referred to as the Gateway Werewolf.

Most witnesses describe it as being basically the same type creature that has been spotted in the Northern states, except the Bearilla is always described as having a white or a silvery grey coat. It is close to the height of an average man, with its arms and legs being similar in proportion to that of a human. The hands, or fore-paws, are said to have long curving, sharp claws. The feet, judging by footprints, are said to be elongated and somewhat human like, but with shorter toes and a configuration more like that of a canine. The most striking feature, according to witness accounts, is the elongated muzzle with large, protruding canine teeth and pointed incisors. This wolf-like creature also has a tendency to be much more aggressive than its Northern cousins.

There have been several instances of aggressive behavior, toward humans. from this creature. Two involved actual attacks; both required treatment at local hospitals.

The first attack and first report of this creature, in Kentucky, occurred in Johnson County in 1944. Here a teenage boy almost had a fight to the death, with the beast, over a string of fish. The boy reported he had been fishing along a small stream and had a considerable number of fish on his stringer. He stated that as he was preparing to leave when a wolf like creature ran up from the creek bank and attempted to take his fish. It was described as being silvery-grey and standing about six feet tall. The boy attempted to keep the fish, but he was overpowered and the creature made of with his catch. The boy stated that as the creature walked off, it turned and smiled at him. The boy was treated at a local hospital for deep lacerations and shock.

The story was never made public, but information of the incident was leaked out by one of the attending medical personnel on duty at the time
The second attack occurred in 1972, along Hinkston Creek in Bourbon County. Here an early morning squirrel hunter was attacked and suffered several deep lacerations across the back and legs. The unfortunate hunter stated he was attacked from the rear and was pushed down on the ground. The hunter did not get a good look at the creature.

 He only saw its hands and a few brief flashes of the rest of the body. He described it as white or silver with hands that were basically like a humans, only with much longer fingernails and they were covered in white hair. The creature then proceeded to basically “bounced” him up and down. The hunter credits his escape from a possible real death, to playing dead. The horrified victim could not think of any possible way he could have provoked the attack. He stated “ It just came out of no where and jumped me”

This werewolf like creature also seems to have an uncanny ability to escape pursuers. After the attack on the hunter, a local group of men formed an old fashioned posse and went in search of the attacker. Around dusk, the group, with assistance from hunting dogs, seemed to have corned the creature in an old barn When the men and dogs attempted to enter the barn, the dogs cowered down and whimpered in fear. The posse then decided to surround the barn and wait for daylight. The next morning the dogs rushed in without showing any fear. To everyone’s surprise the barn was empty.

Whatever frightened the dogs the night before, was now gone. None of the hunters reported seeing anything leave the barn. The only signs anything had been in the barn, were what appeared to be claw marks on the wall of the barn. It appears the creature had climbed to the top of barn and simply vanished,
The last known sightings, in the Gateway Area, occurred in 1999, near Morehead, Ky. A couple observed two of these creatures standing in a clearing near Highway 60. When they attempted to photograph the unusual duo, both creatures bared their fangs and emitted low growls. Needless to say the couple fled the area immediately.

These creatures also seem to inhabit the areas around Ashland, Kentucky. Like their northern counter parts, these entities seem to enjoy hanging out in graveyards. In the 1980’s, the Ashland Cemetery was a hot bed for sightings of a this werewolf like creature.
It was most often seen running between headstones and jumping the wall surrounding the cemetery. The witnesses all commented that the creature had incredible leaping power. It is said to have thad a habit of chasing humans and at one point actually cornered two lawmen, sent to investigate a sighting. The officers stated that the creature came within thirty feet of them and paced back and forth between headstones growling. The creature eventually got bored with harassing the officers and wandered back into the cemetery.

This creatures jumping ability was demonstrated again on a Greenup County back road in 2001. A couple, driving separate cars, encountered this creature running down the road toward them. Instead of going around both cars, it simply leaped over both and continued its journey down the middle of the road.

The last Bearilla sighting occurred in Eastern Kentucky in 2005. A homeowner turned on his porch light, to investigate a strange noise. He was startled to see what he first thought was a child, but after he got a better look, he decide this was no child …. at least not a human one! He described it as being about three feet tall, covered with hair and having a ’dog face”. Whatever it was made a hasty retreat when it realized it had been discovered.

The sighting in 2005 was the last reported werewolf encounter in Kentucky. Did they die, move away or are they still lurking in the woods? Only time will tell!

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