Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Tennessee, Class A bigfoot encounter


First hand account from Lawrenceburg TN.


 My husband and I saw a what we believe to be a Sasquatch on the night of June 12, 2021. We were driving home together with our daughter at approximately 9:30 PM when we turned onto our street. Mind you, we live in the deep country side outside of Lawrenceburg Tennessee.

My husband turned the wheel slightly to turn onto our street and there was an animal with fingers touching something on the ground, picking at it with its fingers. When the animal saw our headlights turning, it intentionally averted the headlights and ducked underneath them.

It was only about five feet from the front of our vehicle at one point when we turned toward it. It was fully in the headlights.

The animal bounded across our neighbors yard. It did not run on two feet the way a human would. We thought the animal was a gorilla at first because of its movements but it looked extremely human like. It bounded with its front legs in the same way that a gorilla does except it’s arms were so long and it moved unbelievably fast.

Of course we considered that it could have been a person dressed in a hairy costume but it moved way too fast to be a person. It was definitely not a bear. It was more like a gorilla or person covered with hair. It was covered in dark brown or black hair.

The animal cleared our neighbors 250-300 foot grass lawn in about six seconds and then it disappeared from view. Our daughter who is four did not see the animal as she was playing on her iPad.

When we pulled up to our house a minute later I was absolutely terrified to get out of the vehicle because we had no idea what we had seen, and because it was so fast that it could have turned around and been to our house in about 10 seconds.

I got up the courage to run to my house door and unlocked it and we all ran inside. We were terrified.

We both saw the animal, however it was my husband who saw that it had fingers and it was observing something on the ground. I did not see that part. I just saw the part where it started to run and when it cleared our neighbors lawn.

We had considered that maybe it was a bear but it was too ape like to have been a bear and it was too fast and slim and did not run on all four of its legs exactly the way a bear would have.

Viking Folklore: Margygr


Viking Folklore: Margygr the Norse mermaid.

In Norse mythology, the margygr is a large mermaid like creature that's believed to live off the coast of Greenland.
Unlike later mermaid legends where the mermaid is beautiful,  this creature is described as either unnerving and hideous or strikingly beautiful both and forms always leaves it's witness's in aw/shock.

Like most mermaid sightings the Margygr is a human fish hybrid, most of the time she has the top half of a beautiful  large breasted long haired woman with webbed hands with a fish like appearance from the waist down, though she is much larger then a normal mermaid. 

In other accounts she's described as a giant terrifying and grotesque creature.
 Margygr translates to "Sea Giantess" or "Sea spirit". 

The Vikings considered these being to be more of a force of nature or powerful spirit then an actual creature, some would even pray to it for a safe voyage before they set sail. 
Sightings are rare,but when it is  spotted it's always  before a powerful storm and can be either beneficial and helpful to sailors or harmful and violent.  . 


Friday, February 14, 2025

skogsrå, the Foxy forest nymph


The northern forest's of Scandinavia are cold and dark, they are also home to many mysterious creatures Gnomes, Trolls, Giants, elves ect.

But there's another creatures that haunts these wood, as deadly as she is beautiful...

The skogsrå.

The skogsrå is a swedish version of the huldra.


She most often  appears as a beautiful young woman with  a friendly attitude. 

From the front she looks like a normal woman but  from behind she usually has ether a fox or cow tail sicking out of her skirt/dress and a hollow back (but not always).

More often than not, the men that follow her into the forest are never seen again.

 In some folktales any man  that had sex with her and returned would be like a hollow shell of his former self as his soul remained with her.

 However if the  man is a hunter or someone that was kind to her, he may be rewarded with good luck in the hunt or fishing trip but should he ever be unfaithful to her, he will be struck with extreme bad luck and  accidents. In some cases the bad luck may end if the hunter fires a shot into the woods.

 Nyland, Finland Folklore says firing  silver bullets  can kill a skogsrå

In Norway, the word huldrefolk or huldre (plural)  comes from Old Norse huldr meaning ‘hidden’ it's used for all kinds of supernatural creatures. Hulder, or Huldra in the singular, signifies a female forest spirit, though she may also appear in mountains.

 These forest spirits act alone, instead of in.large group's or families like other supernatural beings, like the vittra. In northern Sweden, the name vittra refers to a group of supernatural beings that lives underground that have many traits in common with fairies from folklore of the British Isles, as well as with the ellefolk in Danish tradition or the huldrefolk /Hilda folk in Norwegian tradition.     

 Finland also has a version of the Huldra/ skogsrå, Some names in the Finnish language, mainly from the west coast, also show a link to the Swedish traditions, metsänpiika ‘forest girl’ or metsänneito ‘forest maid’ are the most often used names for the female forest spirit. However, there are also other localised names such as haapaneitsyt ‘aspen-maid’ or sinipiika ‘blue maid’.          


Her other Swedish names are  skogsrå, skogsrådan, skogsråa ‘forest ruler’, råan, rådande ‘the ruler,/the ruling spirit’, skogsjungfru ‘forest maiden’, skogsfru, skogssnuva ‘forest woman’, skogskäringen ‘the forest hag’, or with a nickname such as Grankotte–Maja ‘Spruce cone-Maja’, Talle-Maja ‘Pine tree-Maja’. She is also known by many different local variants like.. Gonna, Besta, Rånda, Skogela, Lanna-frökna ‘The lady of Lanna’ or Ysäters-Kajsa ‘Kajsa of Ysäter’. On the island of Gotland, there are records of a female troll called Torspjäska that plays the same role and has the same function as forest spirit on the mainland.      Germany has a legend of a long-haired beautiful fores spirits too,.  Called  Holzfräulein ‘the tree lady’, who was dressed in leaves, or as Moosweiblein ‘the moss woman’. 

If you're heading into the woods soon, be weary of any beautiful strangers that may approach you ...... 

 🖤💕Also Happy Valentines Day.💕🖤

Bakeneko Yujo


During the Edo-period it was believed that a strange cat monster haunted the  red-light district it was called the bakeneko yūjo.

A bakeneko is a cat Yokai with one tail, often confused with a Nekomata  a cat Yokai with two tails)...

The bakeneko yūjo is a popular character in kusazōshi and other popular publications, and originated from the association between the mysterious nature of cats and the alluring prostitutes who worked in Edo-period red-light districts.  The woman working these areas would sometime act more cat like to spread the rumer they may in fact be a bakeneko yujo, this would often increase there clients numbers out of curiosity alone.


In Japanese folklore, a bakeneko, or nekomata, is a cat that has gained  supernatural abilities.

 A common folkloric believe is that a cat can become a bakeneko after living to a certain age,  usually longer than 10, 40, or even 100 years depending on which version of the tale you hear.

 Bakeneko are often depicted as neutral creatures who may commit evil acts to satisfy their mischievous nature. Though, some stories say that cats can become friendly bakeneko if their owners treat them well.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Bigfoot Night sighting.


 Eye witness encounter near the Jessie M. Honeyman Memorial State Park. The air was slightly hazy but brightly illuminated by a waning moon between full and third quarter.

The observer Florence and with her German Shepherd had been walking in the beautiful night, very warmly dressed, as was her habit. She had been standing quietly on a high spot with trees in the ridged terrain covered with beach grass and intermittent impenetrable thickets, at about 1 AM, when she observed the silhouette of what she thought was a man approaching in her direction from the north about 400 yards away. This person was walking on an elevated ridge that projected him against the skyline, the north-south ridge oriented running past her to the west. Throughout the entire pacing sequence she could see light through the legs. Not wanting to have an encounter at that hour with anybody, she retreated below the ridgeline and sat down in a concealed and dark hollow with her dog. As the “person” got closer at a brisk pace, the dog bolted towards it, barking and with its running start ran to the top of the ridge about 500’ ahead of the figure. There the dog immediately made several “yaiyeeee - yaiyeee” distress calls and ran back to the observer, huddling close to her and shivering. It should be mentioned here, that the dog had lived in Alaska and had had encounters with moose, bear and other mammals and had never reacted in this manner.

The approaching individual seemingly took no notice of the dog, did not break stride or slow down but kept getting closer with its steady stride. At this stage, it made a left turn and walked directly toward the observer, she observed that the head and shoulders traveled without vertical motion, as if the individual were traveling on cross-country skis. She also observed a distinct “sliding” motion of the feet, which she believes was caused by a peculiar sideways swing of the foot and leg. It came to a stop about 150’ from the observer. It should be added at this juncture that during the entire approach, the creature walked on the anterior half of the foot with a 5’ pace, as ascertained by inspection on the next day.

It stopped in the exact place where the dog had turned around and faced in the direction the dog had run. The hooded observer shielded her face with her gloved hands and hood to be less visible. After several minutes with no motion on either side, the “person” got progressively smaller until only a lump remained visible. The observer contemplated whether the “person” was receding but decided that it was simply hunkering down and watching. After a while, in fact, the figure stood back up and seemed to hold both of its hands beside its head, perhaps cupping its ears to hear better in the prevailing brisk wind from its rear (from the west). It then started walking more slowly toward the observer, taking 3’ steps (as verified later). During this approach it swayed dramatically from side to side. The observer now also noticed that the creature was evidently naked by its silhouetted legs clearly outlined up to its crotch. Its legs turned out in a peculiar manner during each step but each footfall was set exactly in line with the preceding foot, a detail verified later in daylight. At this juncture, she came to the inevitable conclusion that she was observing a non-human individual (Only to be positively confirmed when it subsequently ran). Intermittently, she noticed that the hair on the head and shoulders “bristled” and flared out. She could now estimate that its height was between 8’ and 9’.

During the walking and standing phase, light was always visible between its long legs which were rather slender in front view, but thicker when seen from the side. Upper and lower legs seemed of normal relative proportions, but longer than human proportions in reference to the upper body. In face-on view, the individual had a huge head and masssive shoulders, no visible neck, with a peak to the head and backpack-like hump on the shoulders, long arms with hands hanging clear of the torso to either side almost to the knees and a narrow waist. The hair on the peak of its head occasionally flared up and was additionally ruffled by the wind.

After some time, after the creature had held its hands again to its head (ears), it suddenly dropped low down and then launched itself with a powerful push-off off the side of the ridge, about 10' high, into an instant high-speed run, in which it covered 95’ to concealment in three 30’ steps, with the legs straight out in front and back, giving the impression of a different hip articulation than that of man. [The human record for the corresponding effort, the triple jump, is just over 60’] To this point about 30 minutes had elapsed.

The creature appeared to run at an angle toward the observer rather than away, perhaps to circle to the downwind side. The dog was shivering violently at this time, when the observer decided to show herself on top of the ridge behind her, where she stood for a moment waving her walking stick demonstratively in the air, while the dog pressed against her legs. Then she forced herself to walk, fighting the inclination to run, the half mile or so back to the parking lot and her car, where she and her dog sat with open windows. The dog would intermittently look in one direction or the other and woof slightly. At this point the hidden creature let out two intense, loud and powerful screams, a sound “paralyzing” in its intensity and beyond comparison to anything else. Thereafter, it appeared to be gone and the dog fell asleep.

The next morning the observer surveyed the scene of the previous night and made additional observations. The approach of the creature along the ridge top was shown by half footprints, 8-9” wide, with a step length of about 5’4”, in a straight line without stradle. The width of the foot would indicate a foot length of between 18” and 20”, in turn commensurate with a height above 8’, in congruence with the observer’s estimate. The uniform walking on the front part of the foot suggests that the animal was using a “stealth” walking, undoubtedly having detected the observer early on as she had seen its approach. The footprints were not particularly deeply imprinted, in keeping with the rather slender-waisted and thin-legged appearance observed during the night Cleawox Lake, about half a mile west of the Coast Highway 101 across from the Jessie M. Honeyman Memorial State Park. The air was slightly hazy but brightly illuminated by a waning moon between full and third quarter.

The observer with her German Shepherd dog had been walking in the beautiful night, very warmly dressed, as was her habit. She had been standing quietly on a high spot with trees in the ridged terrain covered with beach grass and intermittent impenetrable thickets, at about 1 AM, when she observed the silhouette of what she thought was a man approaching in her direction from the north about 400 yards away. This person was walking on an elevated ridge that projected him against the skyline, the north-south ridge oriented running past her to the west. Throughout the entire pacing sequence she could see light through the legs. Not wanting to have an encounter at that hour with anybody, she retreated below the ridgeline and sat down in a concealed and dark hollow with her dog. As the “person” got closer at a brisk pace, the dog bolted towards it, barking and with its running start ran to the top of the ridge about 500’ ahead of the figure. There the dog immediately made several “yaiyeeee - yaiyeee” distress calls and ran back to the observer, huddling close to her and shivering. It should be mentioned here, that the dog had lived in Alaska and had had encounters with moose, bear and other mammals and had never reacted in this manne

The approaching individual seemingly took no notice of the dog, did not break stride or slow down but kept getting closer with its steady stride. At this stage, it made a left turn and walked directly toward the observer, she observed that the head and shoulders traveled without vertical motion, as if the individual were traveling on cross-country skis. She also observed a distinct “sliding” motion of the feet, which she believes was caused by a peculiar sideways swing of the foot and leg. It came to a stop about 150’ from the observer. It should be added at this juncture that during the entire approach, the creature walked on the anterior half of the foot with a 5’ pace, as ascertained by inspection on the next da

It stopped in the exact place where the dog had turned around and faced in the direction the dog had run. The hooded observer shielded her face with her gloved hands and hood to be less visible. After several minutes with no motion on either side, the “person” got progressively smaller until only a lump remained visible. The observer contemplated whether the “person” was receding but decided that it was simply hunkering down and watching. After a while, in fact, the figure stood back up and seemed to hold both of its hands beside its head, perhaps cupping its ears to hear better in the prevailing brisk wind from its rear (from the west). It then started walking more slowly toward the observer, taking 3’ steps (as verified later). During this approach it swayed dramatically from side to side. The observer now also noticed that the creature was evidently naked by its silhouetted legs clearly outlined up to its crotch. Its legs turned out in a peculiar manner during each step but each footfall was set exactly in line with the preceding foot, a detail verified later in daylight. At this juncture, she came to the inevitable conclusion that she was observing a non-human individual (Only to be positively confirmed when it subsequently ran). Intermittently, she noticed that the hair on the head and shoulders “bristled” and flared out. She could now estimate that its height was between 8’ and 9

During the walking and standing phase, light was always visible between its long legs which were rather slender in front view, but thicker when seen from the side. Upper and lower legs seemed of normal relative proportions, but longer than human proportions in reference to the upper body. In face-on view, the individual had a huge head and masssive shoulders, no visible neck, with a peak to the head and backpack-like hump on the shoulders, long arms with hands hanging clear of the torso to either side almost to the knees and a narrow waist. The hair on the peak of its head occasionally flared up and was additionally ruffled by the win

After some time, after the creature had held its hands again to its head (ears), it suddenly dropped low down and then launched itself with a powerful push-off off the side of the ridge, about 10' high, into an instant high-speed run, in which it covered 95’ to concealment in three 30’ steps, with the legs straight out in front and back, giving the impression of a different hip articulation than that of man. [The human record for the corresponding effort, the triple jump, is just over 60’] To this point about 30 minutes had elapse

The creature appeared to run at an angle toward the observer rather than away, perhaps to circle to the downwind side. The dog was shivering violently at this time, when the observer decided to show herself on top of the ridge behind her, where she stood for a moment waving her walking stick demonstratively in the air, while the dog pressed against her legs. Then she forced herself to walk, fighting the inclination to run, the half mile or so back to the parking lot and her car, where she and her dog sat with open windows. The dog would intermittently look in one direction or the other and woof slightly. At this point the hidden creature let out two intense, loud and powerful screams, a sound “paralyzing” in its intensity and beyond comparison to anything else. Thereafter, it appeared to be gone and the dog fell aslee

The next morning the observer surveyed the scene of the previous night and made additional observations. The approach of the creature along the ridge top was shown by half footprints, 8-9” wide, with a step length of about 5’4”, in a straight line without stradle. The width of the foot would indicate a foot length of between 18” and 20”, in turn commensurate with a height above 8’, in congruence with the observer’s estimate. The uniform walking on the front part of the foot suggests that the animal was using a “stealth” walking, undoubtedly having detected the observer early on as she had seen its approach. The footprints were not particularly deeply imprinted, in keeping with the rather slender-waisted and thin-legged appearance observed during the nightp.d.d.’.y.r.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Winter Yokai : Yukinba


Yukinba - 雪婆 - Snow hag.

Her story is pretty similar to other winter Yokai  stories, except for the fact that some Yokai like the Yuki Onna can show some degree of kindness. The yukinab has no such warmth, she is just bad, she is constantly on the hunt for kids who she then kidnaps and eats.


Her name combines the kanji雪 (yuki; snow) + 婆 (ba; hag). Though it's slightly different depending on the region. In Yamagata prefecture she's called the Yukinbanba (雪ばんば) with “banba” being a regional dialect for “hag.”

The similar child eating yokai, the Yukifuriba, has a nicer name but is equally as horrible . 雪降り(yukifuri; falling snow) + 婆 (ba; hag, old woman) or The Old Woman of the Falling Snow.

The Yukinba looks like an actual monster she is just a  giant head hopping on one leg, with a lot sharp,  teeth and grasping clawed hands. 

The Yukifuriba just looks like a normal old woman with pale, white skin and dressed in a thin, white kimono who always carries a red rope. She may possibly even be an elderly version of the  Yuki Onna. 

Tthe Yukinba Origins..

"Once in the dead of winter, a man was walking through a snowy wheat field when he heard a woman's voice calling out to him. As he looked, a one-legged crone with wild hair appeared and tried to attack him. He fled desperately, when the snow cleared, Yukiba disappeared..."

Both the Yukinba and the Yukifuriba are well known child eaters. They hide out in the mountains and call out to children in an old woman’s voice, preying on the trusting nature of the young. They lure the children in , capture and eat them. 

Parents in the colder region like Niigata prefecture  warn their children not to play at nights when the Yukinba and Yukifuriba are hunting.

Yokai in the mountains and winter seem to have a preference for eating kids, the Yamauba mountain witch in another one to be wearying off.  In many areas, the Yukifuriba is considered to be a “snow version” of the Yamauba in the same way that the yeti is basically  a snow version of bigfoot.

There are many winter yokai described as having only  one foot.

Similar to the  Ippon Datra another Yokai that is mostly peaceful except for December 20th of each year, on that day it will kill any human it comes across.

Most of these are snow monsters, like the Yuki Nyudo and the Yukibo. The legend comes from an uneven patter of snow melting. When snow melts in pockets, it looks like something with a single, large leg has been hopping around the forest. In the case of the Yukibo, this happens in tree wells.  people saw these track like marks and imagined a one-legged snow monster roaming the mountains.

 the Yukiba was also affiliated with "small fuzzy winged insects" called "yuki-mushi" or "snowbugs" - its been believed that if they appear during the autumn, a yukinba  attack occur soon.

Saturday, January 4, 2025

The Nuckelavee.


The Nuckelavee


This terror of the sea is a Scottish winter monster originating fom the Orkney Islands,.

 This creature is a heartless  demon of destruction.

Fortunately the Nuckelavee is trapped in the sea for most of the year by the Mither o' the Sea, a powerful female sea spirit. But during the winter it manages to break free from it's undersea prison a d heads twords land.

From a distance it's appearance resembles a mounted rider and his hours. 

But when it's closer you see it's a horse like being with the upper body of a man coming out of the middle of its back. The head of the man-like part is three times larger then a normal human head and rolls back and forth and its arms are soo long they drag on the ground. It's legs have fin-like appendages. The horse head has a gaping mouth and a single blood-red eye. The creature has no skin; all that can be seen on its surface is the powerful muscles and pale sinew, with black blood pulsating through yellow veins. The horse mouth breathes a smelly toxic vapor that causes crops to wilt and livestock and people to fall ill, and a drought follows in its wake.

Not something you would ever want to run into...

This monster is so dangerous that, traditionally, its name was hardly ever spoken out loud, instead mentioned in  whispered   tones that were soon  followed up by a prayer.

 If you're ever unfortunate enough too see it in person, it will chase you on sight the only way to escape it is to cross a running body of freshwater. 

As a creature of the sea and of sickness, the Nuckelavee cannot stand freshwater and will not follow you , same applies to the fay, they will not follow you across running water.

Orcadian folklore had a strong Scandinavian influence, and the nuckelavee may be a combination of a water horse from Celtic mythology and a creature imported by the Norsemen. As with similar malevolent entities such as the kelpie, it possibly offered an explanation for incidents that islanders in ancient times could not otherwise understand

Like many superstitions the Nuckelavee was likely created as a way for people to  explain the  plague a bad  harvest and other unfortunate events .