Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Tennessee, Class A bigfoot encounter


First hand account from Lawrenceburg TN.


 My husband and I saw a what we believe to be a Sasquatch on the night of June 12, 2021. We were driving home together with our daughter at approximately 9:30 PM when we turned onto our street. Mind you, we live in the deep country side outside of Lawrenceburg Tennessee.

My husband turned the wheel slightly to turn onto our street and there was an animal with fingers touching something on the ground, picking at it with its fingers. When the animal saw our headlights turning, it intentionally averted the headlights and ducked underneath them.

It was only about five feet from the front of our vehicle at one point when we turned toward it. It was fully in the headlights.

The animal bounded across our neighbors yard. It did not run on two feet the way a human would. We thought the animal was a gorilla at first because of its movements but it looked extremely human like. It bounded with its front legs in the same way that a gorilla does except it’s arms were so long and it moved unbelievably fast.

Of course we considered that it could have been a person dressed in a hairy costume but it moved way too fast to be a person. It was definitely not a bear. It was more like a gorilla or person covered with hair. It was covered in dark brown or black hair.

The animal cleared our neighbors 250-300 foot grass lawn in about six seconds and then it disappeared from view. Our daughter who is four did not see the animal as she was playing on her iPad.

When we pulled up to our house a minute later I was absolutely terrified to get out of the vehicle because we had no idea what we had seen, and because it was so fast that it could have turned around and been to our house in about 10 seconds.

I got up the courage to run to my house door and unlocked it and we all ran inside. We were terrified.

We both saw the animal, however it was my husband who saw that it had fingers and it was observing something on the ground. I did not see that part. I just saw the part where it started to run and when it cleared our neighbors lawn.

We had considered that maybe it was a bear but it was too ape like to have been a bear and it was too fast and slim and did not run on all four of its legs exactly the way a bear would have.

Viking Folklore: Margygr


Viking Folklore: Margygr the Norse mermaid.

In Norse mythology, the margygr is a large mermaid like creature that's believed to live off the coast of Greenland.
Unlike later mermaid legends where the mermaid is beautiful,  this creature is described as either unnerving and hideous or strikingly beautiful both and forms always leaves it's witness's in aw/shock.

Like most mermaid sightings the Margygr is a human fish hybrid, most of the time she has the top half of a beautiful  large breasted long haired woman with webbed hands with a fish like appearance from the waist down, though she is much larger then a normal mermaid. 

In other accounts she's described as a giant terrifying and grotesque creature.
 Margygr translates to "Sea Giantess" or "Sea spirit". 

The Vikings considered these being to be more of a force of nature or powerful spirit then an actual creature, some would even pray to it for a safe voyage before they set sail. 
Sightings are rare,but when it is  spotted it's always  before a powerful storm and can be either beneficial and helpful to sailors or harmful and violent.  . 


Friday, February 14, 2025

skogsrå, the Foxy forest nymph


The northern forest's of Scandinavia are cold and dark, they are also home to many mysterious creatures Gnomes, Trolls, Giants, elves ect.

But there's another creatures that haunts these wood, as deadly as she is beautiful...

The skogsrå.

The skogsrå is a swedish version of the huldra.


She most often  appears as a beautiful young woman with  a friendly attitude. 

From the front she looks like a normal woman but  from behind she usually has ether a fox or cow tail sicking out of her skirt/dress and a hollow back (but not always).

More often than not, the men that follow her into the forest are never seen again.

 In some folktales any man  that had sex with her and returned would be like a hollow shell of his former self as his soul remained with her.

 However if the  man is a hunter or someone that was kind to her, he may be rewarded with good luck in the hunt or fishing trip but should he ever be unfaithful to her, he will be struck with extreme bad luck and  accidents. In some cases the bad luck may end if the hunter fires a shot into the woods.

 Nyland, Finland Folklore says firing  silver bullets  can kill a skogsrå

In Norway, the word huldrefolk or huldre (plural)  comes from Old Norse huldr meaning ‘hidden’ it's used for all kinds of supernatural creatures. Hulder, or Huldra in the singular, signifies a female forest spirit, though she may also appear in mountains.

 These forest spirits act alone, instead of in.large group's or families like other supernatural beings, like the vittra. In northern Sweden, the name vittra refers to a group of supernatural beings that lives underground that have many traits in common with fairies from folklore of the British Isles, as well as with the ellefolk in Danish tradition or the huldrefolk /Hilda folk in Norwegian tradition.     

 Finland also has a version of the Huldra/ skogsrå, Some names in the Finnish language, mainly from the west coast, also show a link to the Swedish traditions, metsänpiika ‘forest girl’ or metsänneito ‘forest maid’ are the most often used names for the female forest spirit. However, there are also other localised names such as haapaneitsyt ‘aspen-maid’ or sinipiika ‘blue maid’.          


Her other Swedish names are  skogsrå, skogsrådan, skogsråa ‘forest ruler’, råan, rådande ‘the ruler,/the ruling spirit’, skogsjungfru ‘forest maiden’, skogsfru, skogssnuva ‘forest woman’, skogskäringen ‘the forest hag’, or with a nickname such as Grankotte–Maja ‘Spruce cone-Maja’, Talle-Maja ‘Pine tree-Maja’. She is also known by many different local variants like.. Gonna, Besta, Rånda, Skogela, Lanna-frökna ‘The lady of Lanna’ or Ysäters-Kajsa ‘Kajsa of Ysäter’. On the island of Gotland, there are records of a female troll called Torspjäska that plays the same role and has the same function as forest spirit on the mainland.      Germany has a legend of a long-haired beautiful fores spirits too,.  Called  Holzfräulein ‘the tree lady’, who was dressed in leaves, or as Moosweiblein ‘the moss woman’. 

If you're heading into the woods soon, be weary of any beautiful strangers that may approach you ...... 

 🖤💕Also Happy Valentines Day.💕🖤

Bakeneko Yujo


During the Edo-period it was believed that a strange cat monster haunted the  red-light district it was called the bakeneko yūjo.

A bakeneko is a cat Yokai with one tail, often confused with a Nekomata  a cat Yokai with two tails)...

The bakeneko yūjo is a popular character in kusazōshi and other popular publications, and originated from the association between the mysterious nature of cats and the alluring prostitutes who worked in Edo-period red-light districts.  The woman working these areas would sometime act more cat like to spread the rumer they may in fact be a bakeneko yujo, this would often increase there clients numbers out of curiosity alone.


In Japanese folklore, a bakeneko, or nekomata, is a cat that has gained  supernatural abilities.

 A common folkloric believe is that a cat can become a bakeneko after living to a certain age,  usually longer than 10, 40, or even 100 years depending on which version of the tale you hear.

 Bakeneko are often depicted as neutral creatures who may commit evil acts to satisfy their mischievous nature. Though, some stories say that cats can become friendly bakeneko if their owners treat them well.