Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Scottish Myth: The Wulver.



                                                          The Wulver.

 This is a form of werewolf that stalks the lands of Shetland but unlike the common myth, this creature was never human. It has the body of a man but the head of a wolf, and is not seen as aggressive if left to his own devices. He will occasionally leave fish on the windowsills of the poor to ensure that people don’t starve to death.



Werewolves come in many forms and Scotland's very own werewolf seems to be a far gentler version  the its European counterpart.


The Wulver lives in the Shetland Islands, however unlike common werewolf,s the wulver was never  human, he is instead a a man with a wolf's head. 


He usually live's in a cave and was covered from head to toe in brown hair; he had a favorite fishing spot on top of a flat stone now  called the Wulver's Stane.

Local legend said the wulver was not aggressive or evil and should be left alone; it was even considered benevolent and would  help the poor with food, lead the lost home and protect the wounded.

 The wulver was a work of fiction by author Jessie Saxby and only dates from the 1930s.

so not an actual cryptid but still a good story.


 The real folklore version of the Wulver is Te Cynocephalus /
Cynocephali or Dog Headed People. More on them in a a future post :)

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