Friday, January 5, 2024

Bayside Mall Creature 👽


Possible creature in the upper center of the pic by the cop car

Looks like 2024 is off to strange start.

On January 1 2024, something odd occurred in the Bayside Mall in Miami Florida.

As of January 4th the "official" statement is that police were simply responding to a fight between (Many Teens with Some kind of sticks ) and possible fireworks discharge into a crowd.

However if this was truly the case then why such a huge response, there were several dozen  police cars on the scene, black helicopters overhead flights in and out of the airport were temporarily cancelled the police scanners were silenced and power to several city blocks was turned off by the city. 

Does that sound like a typical response to a fight between teens?

According to several eyewitness there were 7-9 foot tall creature's spotted inside the mall, people panicked and started shooting at them.  

One witness described a creature with long arms and almond shaped eyes walking through the mall that he at first mistook for some kind of street performer.

Other  witnesses were reporting 8-10 foot shadow beings were being shot at by people, with others fleeing. Supposedly people went into fight or flight mode. The reason this story is interesting is the description of these 'aliens' seems consistent with what the Las Vegas family reported several months ago.

There has been almost no coverage of this story, and no matter how big of a fight in the mall is why would the airspace be closed off and the power in the area cut off? 

So what do you think was there some kind of alien or mutant sighted in Florida? Or could this be a test run for project blue beam(government funded hologram /fake alien invasion program)?

I will update this as new info becomes available.

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