Monday, May 15, 2023

Sekiyō, the stone fairy.



                                               Sekiyo the stone fairy

                                             from the  Shizuoka Prefecture

On a far away mountain there once  lived a group of  stone mason's, One day they we're taking a lunch break after cutting stone suddenly, A woman appeared and offered them a shoulder massage. 


One of the masons accepted the  massage and became so very relaxed,  he fell into sleep. 


Another mason had one as well and he too soon fell asleep. 


Most of the masons fallen asleep  after their massage from this mysterious woman. 


The last mason felt something wrong. He thought to himself this woman is a Yokai, so he quietly ran away.


 The mason met a hunter in the forest and told him about what happened. The hunter agreed to accompany the mason back to the mountain. The woman saw the men and ran away. 


The hunter shot the woman and her body exploded into stone bits. 

All of the  masons that had accepted her massage had scars on their shoulders that resembled  cut's from a sharp or jagged stone edge. 

The masons believed the woman must have been  some kind of stone spirit or  fairy.


 Sekiyō/Gallery | GeGeGe no Kitarō Wiki | Fandom



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