Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Highway Ghost in Arizona 👻

Arizona trucker see's ghost on highway

                🛣️    🚚👻

William Church, a truck driver who reportedly drove down Arizona State Route 87 on Saturday, March 11, noticed a bright glare in his dashcam, and he thinks the flashing figure may  be a ghost

The figure was spotted at around 2:30 a.m. while Church passed the highway’s 200-mile marker, which is located between Phoenix and Payson, Arizona.

the translucent figure looks like a person "just standing in the roadway

This 277 mile stretch of highway was build in 1927 and is considered one of Arizona's most dangerous roads, especially at night and tragically there have been several fatal car accidents through out the nealy one hundred years this old highway has been around, which many locals now believe could be haunted 


A recent fatal car crash happened on Arizona State 87 near milepost 201 in early February, according to FOX 10 Phoenix News.

 Could this figure be the wondering spirit of one of the many unfortunate people that have lost their lives on this stretch if desert road ?

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