Thursday, October 14, 2021

The Kamchatka Globster, Sea Monster'S....



                                                     The Kamchatka Globster



Kamchatka in Russia's far east is known for its beautiful landscape and dozens of volcanoes even referred to as the land of volcanoes.


But aside from the stunning scenery and giant bears, several paranormal events have taken place in the region throughout the years,  this globster washing up  was just one of the more recent one's.


A globster is any blob-like creatures without obvious eyes and bones, or a visibly distinct head. 

Cryptozoologists most often attribute the term to the British biologist Ivan Terence Sanderson.

He is widely believed to have first coined the term in 1962 to describe a strange Australian blob like-creature.

Globsters can also resemble large octopi and some might even have bones and tentacles, but none of them are usually as completely covered in hair as this  one.

In mid August 2018 a strange  smelly hair covered blob washed ashore on the Kamchatka peninsula in Russia's far east.

This odd find was discovered  and video taped by a local woman, Svetlana Dyadenko.

The “hairy sea monster” that washed up on the shor of the Kamchatka peninsula    is said  to have been more than three times the size of a man and has no distinguishable head or eyes.

It was covered with white and gray hair that Svetlana Dyadenko, the woman who first encountered the beast, says is tubular.

“The most interesting thing to me is that the creature is covered with tubular fur,” Dyadenko said according to The Siberian Times.

                                        Svetlana Dyadenko and the creature.

The tubular hair is hollow and colorless, similar to the type of hair found on polar bears. The animal also appears to have a long tail, or possibly a tentacle.




A marine biologist in Kamchatka Sergei Kornev, believes this is nothing more then a large whale chunk, telling The Siberian Times that the creature is most like a whale “Under the influence of the sea, time, and various animals, from smallest to the largest, a whale often takeson bizarre forms,” Kornev said. “This is only part of a whale, not a whole one.”

2018 was a busy year for globsters washing up, more on the other's in  later posts.

So what do you think, was the smelly hairy creature some as of yet unidentified sea monster or just the decaying remains of a dead whale?


btw  a few episodes of netflix's Stranger Things were also filmed in Kamchatka. so keep an eye out for the new season in 2022 :)


Afew other examples of globsters..


 New posts every friday, all October long..

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