Saturday, June 22, 2019

The Loveland Frog....

The Loveland Frog

Do you believe in other dimensions?

There a re a few very interesting accounts of people claiming to be from another world  one of the more well known story's is of the two green children that appeared in England they claimed to be from a subterranean world that was always in twilight and that everyone there was also green..."Full length post on them soon~"

On the  topic of other dimensions..

Disney has a new show  called Amphibia, it's about the adventures of a girl named Anna who steals a strange box and finds herself magically teleported to another world inhabited by sentient bipedal frog people, so if you haven't already seen it go check out Amphibia and join Anne and her new froggy family on their crazy adventures.! :)

It's a pretty good show so far, Also looking forward to The Owl House..

But what if i told you there is a similar real world counterpart to this show.

The Loveland frog ......

There have been several people with alleged encounters/ sightings of a strange bipedal frog cryptid in or near Loveland Ohio.

The Loveland Frog, is  an amphibious frog like humanoid

According to The Weiser Field Guide to Cryptozoology, it all started in 1955 when a story surfaced about a traveling salesman heading down an unnamed road late at night. The legend claims the man saw three figures standing on their hind legs along the side of the road, about 3 to 4 feet tall with leathery skin and frog faces.

As the original legend goes, the salesman claims he saw the figures converse for a while until one of the “frogs” held a wand over its head, causing sparks to fly and the salesman to flee.
Return of the Legend.

Fast forward to March of 1972. peace love and bipedal frog man or maybe just a little too much "Hippie Tea"

It was around this time   when a Loveland police officer claims  to have seen a weird looking animal cross Riverside Drive next to the Little Miami River, matching the previous description of a leathery skinned, frog-like creature.

Two weeks later  another officer would make a similar claims.

The second officer said  he saw the same thing in the same area, except this time, the officer shoots the creature and puts it in his trunk to show others. So what was it, human frog monster alien or something more mundane?

Well, as it turns out the unfortunate creature was a big iguana that may have been someone’s escaped  or abandon pet.

Well there you go just an iguana,  no magic otherworldly frog people here ,...Move along

But wait right as it seemed like the mystery was over. new evidences emerges

The Frogman meets Pokemon Go, not exactly the water type you were expecting...

In August of 2016 a local man made a video that  according to him, shows the creature once and for all.

 Sam Jacobs says he and his girlfriend were playing “Pokemon Go” between Loveland Madeira Road and Lake Isabella when they spotted the purported Frogman/ Loveland Frog

Jacobs said, “We saw a huge frog near the water.  Not in the game (Pokemon Go), this was an actual giant frog. I took a couple of pictures and a video ’cause I’d never seen one that big.  Then the thing stood up and walked on its hind legs”.

Jacobs went on to say he realizes some people will think he’s crazy.  “I swear on my grandmother’s grave that this is the truth”, Jacobs said.  “I’m not sure whether it was a Frogman or just a giant frog.  Either way, I’ve never seen anything like it.”

So was this as of yet unidentified creature, a hoax, strange visitor from another world a Pokemon ash never caught .... who can really say for certain

In the end, we don’t know if the Loveland Frog is real or not. so the next time your driving along the Little Miami River in Loveland at night, we’ll be keeping our eyes out and a pokeball ready.


Further reading check out

The Weiser Field Guide to Cryptozoology


Classic Cryptid; The Legend of The Loveland Frog

and  watch Amphibia on Disney if you like cute action, adventure, fantasy shows :)

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