Thursday, December 21, 2023

The Yule Lads, Iceland's 13 Santa's.


Iceland does not have a Santa Clause instead they have Christmas troll's .

The 13 Yule Lads  take turns to visit kids on the 13 nights leading up to Christmas

Instead of a Christmas stocking hung by the fire place children in Iceland keep one of their shoes on the windowsill where the Yule Lad will either leave candy or old  potatoes  depending on whether the kids have been good or bad.

The Yule Lads were originally either some what violent or just normal  pranksters depending on the region or who was telling the story. 

Iceland outlawed frightening children's stories in the 1700s after that the Yule Lads took on a more Santa like roll and are now a type of Christmas Troll's.

 They all have special name, that describes their favorite kind of mischievous behavior. 

Their names are:

Stekkjastaur- Sheep-Cote Clod

Giljagaur - Gully Gawk

Stúfur - Stubby

Þvörusleikir - Spoon Licker

Pottaskefill - Pot Scraper

Askasleikir - Bowl Licker

Hurðaskellir - Door Slammer (he loves waking people up by slamming doors)

Skyrgámur - Skyr Gobbler

Bjúgnakrækir - Sausage Swiper

Gluggagægir - Window Peeper

Gáttaþefur - Doorway Sniffer

Ketkrókur - Meat Hook

Kertasníkir - Candle Beggar

They are the children of  Grýla and Leppalúði

Two trolls you don't want to meet, especially Grýla.  You should also try to avoid their family pet the Yule Cat as it has been known to eat people.. Grýla is also well known for kidnapping and eating kids.

The Yule Lads live I northern Iceland in Myvatn at Dimmuborgir in an natural volcanic cave. They spend most of the summer sleeping there and seldom ever leave until winter.

The name of the cave translates to Dark Cities or Dark Fortress.

It seems at one point in the far past there were around 70 children of Grýla but these 13 are all that's left, or at least the ones most remembered.

Hope you've been good this year, you Really don't want Grýla showing up 👹

Have a great Christmas and New Year


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