Friday, April 26, 2024

Ohio Dogman Sighting.


First hand encounter with the Ohio Dogman.



People need to be made aware of these things, they are as real as it gets and they are dangerous.

“I have always loved nature, I love the woods, I love hiking and camping, fishing.

"On this occasion I was by a lake for 15 minutes when all of the sudden this overwhelming feeling of dread came over me.

“I switched my headlamp on to turn around to start back up the river bank and right behind a big sycamore tree, I saw what looked to be a very large animal kind of kneeling beside it.

“As I locked my eyes on it, I completely froze. I knew I was definitely seeing something there, but my mind couldn’t process it.

What I was looking at didn’t make any fucking sense. I kept saying to myself “animals aren’t supposed to look like that.

Right as I’m thinking this, it’s as if this thing read my mind, stood up and made itself perfectly visible.

You know, the monsters your parents told you weren't real and couldn’t hurt you?

“I’ve heard of the “Dogman” before but never really took it seriously. These things are perfectly adapted killing machines.

The way the arms and legs looked, it looked like it was perfectly adapted to walk on all fours as well as on two legs

“This experience has torn a huge hole in me.

Another who shared their experience in Georgia said he was rafting with friends when he had to answer a call of nature.

When he stopped in a clearing “a genetically mixed entity of man, wolf and primate” suddenly stepped out.

He added: “I spent 21 years in the Army, all over the world and in three different theatres of war and I have barely slept at all since seeing this thing, an enormous canine type creature.

“I can still taste the fear in my throat and my own vomit. I am six foot tall and about 250 solid pounds and this thing dwarfed me.

"At least 7 foot 6 and maybe 350-400 pounds.

“As a former college and semi pro football player and powerlifter, I know about big people and about strength and musculature and this was no normal creature that evolved somehow in that environment.

“I can promise you this is not something anyone would want to encounter twice.

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