Saturday, April 1, 2023

Påskkärringar: The Easter Witch






                                                               Easter Witches

More than 200 innocent women were tortured to death in Sweden during the witch hunts of the 1600's

Because of rampant fear during this time, doors and dampers were locked to guarded against traveling   witches on there way  to Blåkulla to meet the Devil. Any tools the witches could use on their trip were put away. Barn doors were secured to prevent the witches from milking or riding the animals



The last swedish witch was sentenced in 1704 but it was not until 1779 that the death penalty for witchcraft was repealed. 

Now  it's an Easter tradition for children to dress as witches, old women and old men and go door to door for treats similar to the American  trick-or-treating tradition of Halloween on Maundy Thursday or the day before Easter (Holy Saturday).

The children sometimes present hand-made cards and other greetings. Related to warding off witchcraft and at a similar time of year is the Walpurgis Night celebration. 


 House's are decorated with “påskris”, ...birch twigs with colored feathers and small decorations. These are placed on dining tables and in windows and are thought to help the spring arrive after the long winter. 

                                                 Easter in the Nordic Countries. Photo: Nature Travels.

 Painting eggs and the Easter egg hunt is also slightly different in Nordic country's 

Nordic Easter eggs are not made of chocolate but from cardboard. and hand painted.

They are then filled with sweets and chocolate. these “Påskägg” will be kept by the family and reused for years to come.




Traditional Easter food,  will be a smörgåsbord in Sweden or roast lamb in Finland and Norway.

                                                 Smörgåsbord - Wikipedia

Norwegians (Not All) also do a traditional morning sunrise from the mountains 

                                         Introduction to Påske Traditions in Norway | The Nordic Page

Easter witches 

(Swedish: påskkärring, 'easter hag' 'easter witch'

 Finland Swedish: påskhäxa, 'easter witch', Finland Finnish: Trulli, 'Trulli') is an old Swedish legend about witches flying to Blockula (Swedish: Blåkulla, Blå Jungfrun) on brooms on the Thursday before Easter (Maundy Thursday, sv:Skärtorsdagen) or on the night between the Wednesday (Holy Wednesday, sv:Dymmelonsdag) and Thursday before, and returning on Easter.

happy april fools day and i hope everyone has a wonderful Easter.


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