The cow's mouth had a precise almost surgical cut that removed the hide and left the meat untouched. 

The tongue was completely removed and there was no blood spill. To make matters more suspicious, there were no signs of a struggle, footprints, or tire tracks in the area, and the grass around the cow was undisturbed.

Ranchers told the sheriff's office that no predators or birds tried to scavenge the dead cow, which left it there to decay untouched for several weeks

Madison County officials then discovered five more similar deaths along the TX-OSR in Brazos County and Robertson County.

The sheriff's office said the other five cows were also found lying on one side with a face cut along the jawline and the tongue completely removed. Two of the cows also had similar cuts with their external genitalia removed.

Madison County officials said the cause of death in all six cows remains unknown and that similar incidents have been reported across the United States. The sheriff's office is actively coordinating with other agencies in their investigation.