Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Highway Ghost in Arizona 👻

Arizona trucker see's ghost on highway

                🛣️    🚚👻

William Church, a truck driver who reportedly drove down Arizona State Route 87 on Saturday, March 11, noticed a bright glare in his dashcam, and he thinks the flashing figure may  be a ghost

The figure was spotted at around 2:30 a.m. while Church passed the highway’s 200-mile marker, which is located between Phoenix and Payson, Arizona.

the translucent figure looks like a person "just standing in the roadway

This 277 mile stretch of highway was build in 1927 and is considered one of Arizona's most dangerous roads, especially at night and tragically there have been several fatal car accidents through out the nealy one hundred years this old highway has been around, which many locals now believe could be haunted 


A recent fatal car crash happened on Arizona State 87 near milepost 201 in early February, according to FOX 10 Phoenix News.

 Could this figure be the wondering spirit of one of the many unfortunate people that have lost their lives on this stretch if desert road ?

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Furutsubaki-No-Rei. Tsubaki Tree Yokai.



                        Furutsubaki no Rei - Yokai Series on Behance


Furutsubaki-No-Rei is  a tree spirit yokai . 


When a tsubaki tree reaches an old age, it’s spirit gains the ability to separate itself from its host tree,

The tsubaki is an evergreen tree that drop's its  flowers all at once instead of gradually, petal by petal,  like other trees  

  Tsubaki, Camellia japonica – Botany Boy

As a result, it has  been associated with death and odd occurrences in Japan (and is also taboo to bring as gifts to hospitals or sick people). 


 Furutsubaki-No-Rei legend..

Long ago in Yamagata prefecture, two merchants were walking along a mountain road when they passed a tsubaki tree. Suddenly a beautiful young woman appeared from out of nowhere on the road beside one of the merchants. 

She breathed on him, and instantly he transformed into a bee. 

                          Furutsubaki no Rei - Yokai Series on Behance


 She then disappeared into the tsubaki tree, and the bee followed her and landed on a flower. The fragrance of the tree had turned into poison, however, and as soon as the bee smelled it, it dropped to the ground. The flower soon fell off of the tree too. 

The other merchant picked up both the bee and the flower and rushed to a nearby temple to save his friend. 

The priest recited prayers and read the sutras over the bee, but it sadly did not return to life or to its former human form. Afterwards, the surviving merchant buried the bee and the flower together.



Other Legends....

Long ago In Akita prefecture,  a man heard a sad and lonely voice coming from the tree one night. 

A few days later, a disaster befell the temple. This happened again and again, and soon the priests at the temple realized that the tsubaki would cry a warning every time something bad was going to happen. The tree was dubbed Yonaki Tsubaki, or “night-crying tsubaki,” and still stands today in the temple Kanman-ji, where it has stood for over 700 years.

                                     Furutsubaki no rei | Yokai.com



In Ōgaki, Gifu, there is an ancient burial mound. One year, historians excavated the burial mound and discovered some ancient artifacts, including a mirror and some bones; however, shortly after the man who discovered the artifacts died. The locals blamed it on a curse, and returned the artifacts to the mound, planting a tsubaki on top of it. When the tsubaki grew old, it transformed into a yokai tree. Since then, the glowing figure of a young, beautiful woman has been seen by the roadside near the burial mound at night.


                                       Castle Mound with Dual Tree and Clear Blue Sky on the Top of the Hill in  Oxford, UK Stock Photo - Image of couple, oxford: 162020856


                                            Furutsubaki-No-Rei  Known Locations 

                                                     Yamagata Prefecture,
                                                       Akita Prefecture,
                                                         Gifu Prefecture,
                                                           Kumamoto Prefecture





Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Chīnouya: yokai of Okinawa.

                                                   Chīnouya | Yokai.com

  Chīnouya live in rivers near graveyards where children are buried. They emerge from the water to look after the spirits of dead children, nourishing them in the afterlife with their milk. When they appear on land, they usually haunt a specific tree and only ever appear near it.


 Chīnouya is a type of spirit  originating in the  folklore of Yanbara, the forested, northern part of Okinawa Island. 


Child-rearing spirits like her are found all over Japan and share several similarities. North of Okinawa Prefecture, spirits like ubume and kosodate yūrei are well-known examples. 


Within Okinawa, many islands have their own local variations, such as the chīanmē from Kouri Island. A chīanmē stares, forlorn, towards one direction and foretells the death of a child. It is believed a child will die within one week in whatever village lies in the direction the chīanmē stares.


 Because chīnouya watch over of the spirits of dead children, when a child under six years old dies, it's customary to ask them to look after the spirits of the deceased by leaving multi-tiered boxes of food at the graveyard as an offering.

Despite their kind appearance and motherly nature, chīnouya can be very dangerous. 

Their loving attention  has the opposite effect if the subject is a living child, causing them to weaken and die. When children wander too close to the water where a chīnouya lives, the chīnouya will pull them down into the depths and drown them.

Because mirrors resemble the shiny, reflective water’s surface, on islands where chīnouya are found, young children are kept away from mirrors. 


One  belief is   that children who look at mirrors will be drawn to water, and might wander too close to the water where a chīnouya lives.


 Chīnouya  resemble ghostly human women, with long black hair that hangs down as if just washed, and exceedingly large breasts. Their facial expressions show gentle, motherly kindness.

 They can be found near Graveyards, rivers and streams.

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Strange Werewolf Encounters



                                    (post from my old blog)

  Strange Werewolf Encounters

  Werewolf Sightings🦊🌕🐺


1 - Shapeshifting Werewolf of Texas

Lycanthropy Mrs. Delburt Gregg of Greggton, Texas, told of her encounter with a shapeshifting creature in the 1960 issue of Fate. The other surveyed sightings below are of creature that looked like man-wolves but no one have seen one becoming another. Mrs. Gregg have not seen a man turned into a wolf but she has actually came closer then anyone else in telling a tale that sounds like a chapter from a werewolf novel than a real life experience.
Mrs. Gregg said that one night in 1958 when her husband was on a business trip, she moved her bed close to a screen window hoping to catch some cool breeze from a thunderstorm brewing on the south western horizon. She heard a scratching sound from the window shortly after she fell asleep. In a flash of a lightning, she saw a huge, shaggy, wolf-like creature clawing at the screen and staring at her with baleful, glowing, slitted eyes. She saw its bared white fangs.
The creature fled from the yard into a clump of bushes as she leaped from her bed to grab a flash light. Mrs. Gregg said "I watched for the animal to come out of the bushes, but after a short time, instead of a great shaggy wolf running out, the figure of an extremely tall man suddenly parted the thick foliage and walked hurriedly down the road, disappearing into the darkness."



2 - Wisconsin Werewolf Sighting

Mark Schackelman was driving east of highway 18 near Jefferson, in southeastern Wisconsin on an evening in 1936 when he saw a figure digging in an Indian mound. He saw a hair covered creature that is over six feet tall with both ape-like and dog-like features with pointed ears standing erect. Its hands have shriveled thumb and a forefinger on each and also three fully formed fingers.
Schackelman went back to the sighting the next evening hoping to see the creature again and he did. The creature was making "neo-human" sounds with a three syllable growling. Years later, his son who is a Kenosha newspaper editor, wrote that his "father's first thought was that it must be something satanic." (In southeastern Wisconsin, several decades later, equally enigmatic beast would figure in a host of reports as described below).



3 - Werewolf Creature in Ohio

Between July and October 1972, a number of residents of Ohio allegedly saw a werewolf-like creature. Some people reported encountering a six to eight-foot tall creature that a witness described as "human, with an oversized, wolf-like head, and an elongated nose." Another said it "had huge, hairy feet, fangs, and it ran from side to side, like a caveman in the movies."



4 - Werewolf Attack Reported in New Mexico

Four Gallup, New Mexico, youths allegedly encountered a "werewolf" along the side of a road near Whitewater one day in January 1970. One witness reported "It was about five feet seven, and I was surprised it could go so fast. At first I thought my friends were playing a joke on me, but when I found out they weren't, I was scared! We rolled up the windows real fast and lock the doors of the cars. I started driving faster, about 60, but it was hard because that highway had a lot of sharp turns. Someone finally got a gun out and shot it. I know it got hit and fell down, but there was no blood. I know it couldn't be a person because people cannot move that fast."



5 - Navaho Skin-Walker

Skin-walker is another name for a werewolf that the Navahos of the southwest. In 1936, in Yale Publications in Anthropology, anthropologist William Morgan recounted an interview with a Navaho identified only as Hahago. Hahago said of skin-walker "They go very fast.They can go to Albuquerque in an hour and a half" - a four-hour trip by automobile, according to Morgan.



6 - Red Eyed Werewolves of Pennsylvania

In the fall of 1973 western Pennsylvania played host to dozens of reports of strange apelike creatures, sometimes seen in association with UFOS, said to have (in one witness's words) "fire red eyes that glow in darkness." To be seven to eight feet tall, and gives off a strong unpleasant odor. "Another type of creature" investigator Stan Gordon noted, "was said to be between five and six feet tall. It was described as looking just like an extremely muscular man with a covering of thick dark hair. Again in these reports, the arms were very long and hung down past the knees. This creature appeared to have superior agility exceeding that of a deer. From footprints discovered, the stride of creatures varies between 52 and 57 inches. In these reports there was no indication of odors."



7 - Wisconsin Werewolf Attack

On October 31, 1991 at 8:30pm, a woman drove on Bray Road near Delavan, Wisconsin which is approximately thirty miles south-southeast of Jefferson(site of Schackelman encounter in 1936), felt her right front tire jump off the pavements if it had hit something. The woman stopped her car and looked into the misty darkness and saw a dark hairy creature with a bulked-out chest racing towards her. She went back into her car and tried to speed away when the creature leaped onto her trunk. The creature eventually fell off from the trunk because the trunk was too wet to have a firm grip. Later, the woman returned with a friend and they had a glimpsed of a big form rising from the side of the road.



8 - Wisconsin Werewolf Encounter

Lorianne Endrizzi had a similar encounter as above in the fall of 1989. She was driving on Bray Road, a half a mile away from the above encounter, where she thought it was a person kneeling in a hunched position at the edge of the road. She slowed down and to her surprise, the figure stared at her at no more then six feet across the passenger side of the car. The figure was covered with grayish brown hair, with big fangs and pointed ears. "His face was long and had a snout, like a wolf." She told reporter Scarlett Sankay. The figure's eyes glowed in the darkness and they were a yellowish-gold color. 'The arms were really a kind of strange; jointed like a man or woman would be," she said. "He was holding his hands with his palms upward. The arms were muscular 'like a man who had worked out a little bit." The back legs looked like they were behind him, like a person kneeling." The sighting lasted about 45 seconds and she had no idea what the creature could have been until she saw an illustration at the library of a werewolf.



9 - Werewolf Sighting

Around that same time as above in Elkhorn, near Delevan, a dairy farmer named Scott Bray saw a "strange looking dog" along his pasture on Bray Road. It was bigger and taller than a German shepherd, it had pointed ears and hairy tail, with long, scraggly grayish black hair. It is "built heavy in front - a real strong chest." In the soft soil nearby he found enormous footprints which is four to five inches in diameter


