Friday, October 7, 2022

Fjorulalli: The Shore Laddie .




                                             .......   ICELAND CRYPTID: The Shore Laddie.....

 Shore Laddie
The Shore Laddie, also known as the Fjorulalli or Beach Walker,
is a ram-sized creature found along the coasts of the Westfjords of Iceland.

It is sometimes said too resemble a large otter, others describe it as sheep/ram like in appearance and very hairy.

The Fjorulalli has brownish-grey fur  with mussels and barnacles growing on it,
a feature which lends it its distinctive scrape or “jingle” when it walks.

If you hear this jingle sound the creature may be near by.

In some reports the Shore Laddie has webbed feet and in other accounts it has hooves,
however which version is the most accurate is anyones guess.

The Shore Laddie is the most commonly sighted cryptid in Iceland.

This cryptid is most active during sheep breeding season and is thought to be responsible for impregnating some ewes and creating deformed lambs.

Fjorulalli has been sighted as far back as the 1700's.

Many believe it to be a  herbivore ( plant eater) although  the cryptid  has also been accused of feeding on sheep and even women, especially pregnant ones.


Alleged enconters.....

“One early winter evening in Bjarnarhöfn by Breidafjordur, six men went out to see whether missing sheep had returned to the farm. They observed something moving by the shed and rushed to grap hold of the sheep and take it inside. When they came closer they realised that this was no sheep. They formed a circle around the creature which then took off towards the sea, pursued by the men, including my narrator. It ran as quickly as a dog and escaped into the ocean. It had a short, round head but otherwise resembled a dog rather than sheep. It had a hump on its back and jumped frequently as it ran.”



The Shore Laddie is is rarely seen and its temperament can be very different with each new sighting, it may be timid and run immediately one time or somewhat aggressive the next.

Keep your eyes peeled on your next beach trip in Iceland you may just spot the Laddie..

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