Thursday, April 8, 2021

Monsters, Cryptids and Yokai: Batsquatch



Sightings of strange humanoid creatures can be found all over the world. The Sasquatch / bigfoot of North America, The Alma of Siberia Lizard Man of Scape Ore Swamp, the Mothman of Point Pleasant  West Virginia  or  the Owlman of Cornwall. And what about the mysterious “bat-woman of Viet Nam”, spotted by three U.S. soldiers during the war in Southeast Asia, The Ahool and the Orang Bati and so on......

Unidentified creatures stalking the woods is a scary thought in and of itself, but Flying Humanoids
have also been sighted hundreds if not thousands of time's at this point and some encounters are
far more terrifying in nature then the random bigfoot sighting.. (Flying Humanoid post coming soon)

So what would you do if you encountered one of these larger then life beings that just so happened to have  the ability to  fly?..



One such encounter took place near Mount St. Helens back in the 1980s.

The creature is now commonly referred to as Batsquatch !   

The eye witness account describes the beast as standing at least 9 feet tall with yellow eyes, a wolf-like
muzzle, blue fur, sharp teeth, bird-like feet and large leathery bat-like wings that span up to at least
fifty feet.

Brian Canfield was the first person to actually have his name associated with a Batsquatch sighting.

He was also the one that first called it “Batsquatch”. 

Brian’s friends and family testified that he was an ordinary and dependable man with no bad habits or traits. Of course, many had a field day with his report and he was smeared as a drunk or a drug addict when investigation revealed neither of those traits.


It all started on On April 1994, when  Brian Canfield was driving in Washington's Pierce County when his truck suddenly died.
Brian believed this creature had the ability to effect cars and had somehow stopped his vehicle.(
(The ability to affect electronics/ motors is also similar the the mothman)

Canfield said a large creature landed in front of him an it was human-like, 9 ft tall with batlike wings and blue fur.




..Other Sightings..
1994 was also the year that a mountain guide and liquor store owner Butch Whittaker reported an encounter with Batsquatch. Whittaker claimed to have been flying a small plane to Mt. Rainier when he saw the devilish humanoid flying close to the plane. Whittaker says he was able to snap pictures of the winged beast but as is typical in paranormal stories, the photos remain unseen. Many take Whittaker’s claims with an extra large grain of salt.


Another possible sighting was reported in 2009 near Mt. Shasta in California.
Several hikers witnessed a  Very Large creature with leathery wings (spanning possibly up to 50 ft.) fly out of a crevice in the mountain.

At first, an eye-witness described the creature as having a head similar to a pterodactyl, however upon reconsideration the witness claimed
it was more like a bat or a fox.


In June 2011 Pheonix Tieraz-(pseudonym) was in his yard walking his dog.

He went to pick up the dog when he saw something in the sky. He said the following-------

 "I saw something flying the the sky.
  It had bat wings, blue fur and had a face similar  to a bats with glowing red eyes.
  It was about 9 feet tall at the least, after I watched, it just flew away. "

On April 14, 2014 at Archbishop Hoban High School in Akron OH, a second period Spanish class spotted a giant black mass zip by the  window of the classroom at incredible speed.

The class claims it was about 9 feet tall with a 20-30 foot wingspan.


So what do you think? is there a large flying bigfoot like creature stalking the sky's of North America, or is this  an  undiscovered giant bat specie's...

keep an eye on the sky... you never know whats flying just out of sight waiting to strick.......



                            Batsquatch is also a beer :)

                                                               Next post coming soon...

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