Thursday, October 1, 2020

Month of Monster Girls; The Yuki-Onna



 Month of Monster Girls; The Yuki-Onna

Its officially autumn now and there's a chill in the air,
So who better to start my month of monster girls post with then a this stone cold beauty --

The Yuki Onna.

The  Yuki onna is one cool yokai, but she dose have a somewhat chilly disposition and she's been known to give people the cold shoulder from time to sorry, .... i'll cool it with the ice jokes . :)

Almighty  on to the info.....
The snow woman was ether a woman that died in the cold from a broken heart, now her hart is cold as ice and she freezes others to death.or She was never human to begin with and was a supernatural being from the star.

the Yuki-onna, being a snow woman is of course associated  with winter, snowstorms and the cold, most people think she is the spirit of someone who died in the cold.

She has snow white skin that's is cold to the touch and is most often seen in snowy mountain areas but can appear any place cold enough.

Some believe this yokai was never human to begin with and is just an evil spirit that can manipulate the cold or possibly even an elemental spirit.

In older story's she was almost always viewed as evil, however in more modern versions she is much kinder.


Myths and legends of the snow woman.

The Yuki Onna Or Snow Woman is a yokai from Japanese mythology.

Like many yokai, she can appear solid or in a more  ghost like form. Sometimes she has visible feet other times she is far more ghost like
with no feet or an almost translucent lower half.

She sometimes wears a white kimono, though other legends say she appears  nude, with only her face and hair standing out against the snow.

                                                           Yuki Onna Fan Art : Nioh


She's most often described as a beautiful young woman, with snow white pale skin, blue lips and  icy blue eyes (sometimes white) that can strike fear into any lost traveling unlucky enough to meet her gaze.

In other descriptions she is said to have long black hair, blue or grayish lips and  inhumanly pale or even slightly transparent skin that makes her blend into the snow around her.

she's also believed to have the ability to transform into a cloud of mist or snow when threatened or when just trying to hide and wait for her target..

In some tales she walks just like you or me, in other versions she is said to float across the top of the snow, in both versions she moves along the top of the snow without leaving any footprints behind her.


=======================yuki onna killing her victims================

There are  some stories where the Yuki-onna will appear to travelers trapped in snowstorms, and uses her icy cold breath to leave them as frost-coated corpses.

She will also lead travelers off the path and into the forest to die of exposure without killing them herself.

She has even been known to appear on a deserted road in front of a traveler holding a child. She will then ask the traveler to hold the baby for a moment however once the unlucky person takes the "child" from her, they are instantly frozen where  they stand.

Parents searching for lost children are especially vulnerable to this trick.



Another odd trait is that she sometimes  seems to be somewhat vampire like, requiring an invitation into a home or cabin etc, before she can enter.

but there are versions that claim she can invade homes at will, with or without permission, she would simply blow in the door with a strong gust of wind to kill  whomever is in there  sleeping.

The reason for her murderous attacks varies from one version of the myth to the next.
Sometimes she just gets satisfaction watching her victim die. Other times, she will drain her victims' blood or "life force." (again vampire like)

But she has also been described as a succubus-like creature preying on weak-willed men to drain their life force or freeze  them during sex or sometimes even just a kiss.

She dose not always kill her victims though, sometimes she will let them go, and from time to time  she even ends up marrying them.

Yuki onna in modern media 




Yuki from interviews with monster girls.



Monet from One Piece



The Pokemon Froslass is based on the Yuki-Onna.

Nara Rise of the demon clan-- Tsurara Oikawa





Rosario + Vampire Mizore 

and there was an episode of the Canadian TV series MythQuest was based on the story of Oyuki and Monokichi.

Hope you all enjoy , i will be adding Monster Girl posts all October long :) Happy Early Halloween everyone :0

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