Thursday, August 20, 2020

Psychic Dreams; David Booth

                                                 THE CRASH OF FIGHT 191

What are they?

Perhaps a glimpse into an alternate world? 

or possibly latent precognitive psychic ability's run amuck..

Some would answer: Dreams are your hope's or aspiration's for the future ..something you want
to do or a goal you wish to achieve eventually..

others may say dreams are just a psychological manifestation of your subconscious mind trying to process the events of your day to day life  or even just the manifestation of stress you may be going through..

Both valid responses.....Because even with all our scientific prowess we  still don't have a definitive  answer for what they truly are.

from time to time we have all had a dream/ nightmare that really hits home, something about it that you just can't shake maybe a joyous occasion that has yet to happen or possibly a nightmare waiting just around the corner.

Can some dream really foretell future events, giving us a  warning for what may lay ahead.

No doubt you've all heard of the Titanic, the unsinkable new ship, that met an icy end on her maiden voyage on April 12th, 1912 after colliding with an iceberg.. but would it surprise you to know that writer Morgan Robertson wrote a novel in 1898 about a new unsinkable transatlantic luxury ship
that strikes an iceberg and sinks resulting in a substantial lose of life in the month of April...the name of the ship in his book was The Titan....

could he have subconsciously viewed this future event in a dream, was this a premonition or  nothing more then a lot of very strange coincidences all at once?


How exactly would we explain the stranger aspect of our nocturnal thoughts and what do we make of the more prophetic dream's especially one's that
keeps recurring night after night?

Today we take a trip back to the 70's a time of bell bottoms, Disco fever  and hippie tea....(The secret ingredient was weed .......But you didn't hear  that from me

Ok joking aside today were going to talk about one man's bizarre recurring dreams and the disaster it proceeded...

David Booth..

An otherwise normal man from Cincinnati, Ohio was being haunted by a nightmare that kept replaying night after night..

It all started on May 16th 1979.

David covered in sweat and felling nauseous suddenly awoke from a frightening dream, his wife seeing how distressed he had become  asked him what was wrong.. David then told her of his nightmare, unfortunately for him this was only the beginning.

He recounted that in his dream he was looking out to the horizon on his right, and suddenly there was a jet flying towards him that wasn't making any sound then all of the sudden it banked sharply with the right wing up in the air and was flying inverted for a moment, before diving straight into the ground with a tremendous explosion.

It was at that moment he awoke.

As terrible as it was David believed it to be nothing more then a very bad dream....

Until he had the same dream again the next night and each night following, and every nightmare just as vivid as the last to the point that he would wake up in tears.

This nightmare would repeat over and over again, the same jet  the same crash, this process continued up until May 22.

It was at this point that David began to think this was more then just a horrible dream and that it may in fact happen sometime soon.

So he decided that if the dream accrued again he would try to remember as much detail about the location and the type of jet as he
could in hope's of possibly preventing a tragety. He had a strong filling that the plane was connected to American Airlines, one of the
busiest airplanes in the country at the time.

On the seventh night the dream came again..

After this David contacted The Federal Aviation Administration in Cincinnati, and recounted the event of the dream to Paul Williams the manager of the FAA .

Mr Williams thankfully took David's concerns seriously and ask for as much detail as he could remember, David at the moment unfortunately was only sure it was an American Airlines jet.

Williams proceeded to question David, asking for any detail he could remember, this process would yield more formation as David would go one to state that the jet had a total of 3 jet engines  one on each wing and  one on the tail it was then identified as a DC-10 Jet
but that was all they  could ascertain at the moment..

David would go on to have the same dream 3 more nights, becoming more and more stressed and concerned with each passing day.

It was becoming so bad that he eventually saute  out psychiatric help, believing he was starting to loose his mind.

In the meantime Paul Williams contacted several other airports and relaid Davis information, but the details of the crash and the type of jet and no expected date, time or location they were unable to do anything about it.

The dream came again on the night of  May 25th 1979, however this time when he woke up David had an unsettling filling this would
be the last.

This was a mixed filling though as he felt relief that the nightmare may finally be over, he was also  worried  about the possible accident  waiting to occur.

Later that very same day at Chicago's O'Hare International Airport at 3:05 pm flight 191 a DC-10 jet took off for Los Angeles

All looked well at first the plane took off normally, then suddenly without warning it started to rotate and dive.

The plane was only airborne for a few moments before it started its plummet, sadly the crew was unable  regain control and the jet crashed in a field to the left of O'Hair Airport almost exactly as in Davids dreams.

The crash claimed the  lives of 2 individuals on the ground, the 13 man crew and all of the 258 passengers on board.

It was later discovered that the left wing engine had dislodged mid-flight and hit the rear of the plane severing the electric system and hydraulics in the process. The left wing slats became jammed and caused the right wing to lift tipping the plane and bringing it down.

5 days before Davids dream began this very plane had undergone a basic inspections  on May 11th with no existing problems found.

These records were somehow "lost" during or shortly after the investigation.

After hearing about the crash and subsequent lose of life, and blamed himself for not doing more to prevent it David nearly  suffered a nervous breakdown believing somehow  he could have or should have  done more to save all these people.

Shortly after the crash word got out about Davids dreams and warning's to the FAA, several newspaper's attempted to contact him.

He gave a handful of interviews, and afterwards all but disappeared from the spotlight....

For a long time the DC-10 Jet was viewed by many as structurally unsound, and had many accidents before this crash.

One of which was a 1974, Turkish airlines flight 891 that resulted in the death of 346 individuals.

Soon after the horrific crash of flight 191 the DC-10 Jet line was decommission and eventually phased out of service following
one more fatal crash in  October of the same year.


In another strange turn of events, it would seem that David was not the only one to have a troubling premonition about this flight.

Judy Wax, author and former playboy editor along with her husband unfortunately made there way on to the soon to be doomed jet..

Soon after the crash fans of her literary work noted that in her final book (Starting In The Middle) she wrote a line on page 191 expressing her fear of flying, the same number as the flight that would claim the life of her and her husband .

Another odd account comes from Lindsey Wagner (The Bionic Woman) ..

Lindsey and her mother had tickets for flight 191 heading back to California.
Wagner recounts that just before boarding the plane she  was overcome with nausea which she interpreted as a warning that the plane
was dangerous, she then convinced her mother not to board..

shorty after words they witnessed the tragic crash that claimed the lives of all aboard...

So are dreams nothing more then our nigh time thoughts, or perhaps a gimps into another world or possibly even the future...

Pay close attention to your next dream you never know, it may just come true..

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