-----Last post for January ....
Cryptids: Cat People..
Have you ever seen the movie Cat People, it's about a woman that can turn into a panther, pure fiction right?
But what if i told you there have been several sightings of WereCat's or at the very least bipedal Cat like creatures...
Have you ever heard of the cat man?
Sightings of strange cat like creatures have been reported for decades, less so then Bigfoot or the dogman but enough to show that people are in fact seeing something beyond just a large cat or misidentifying a random bear.
Everyone knows what a Werewolf is we see them in everything from classic horror movie's and literature to modern movies and paranormal drama's.
It seems history is full of odd creatures, so very different then us, but still so similar,
Werewolfs, Lizardman, Mothman, Owl Man, Kanima, (Not the Teen Wolf reptilian version)
The real legend speaks of a creature of vengeance that is very similar to a jaguar this version is a
type of werecat or at least a humanoid cat .
Although Dogman sightings seem to be far more prevalent, there have been several accounts of Cat-Man or cat like humanoid cryptid's ranging from panther's to Tigers and Lions and they seem to be far more territorial and violent then there canine counterparts.
Mt Tamalpais Catman of 1964
Two campers in Mt Tamalpais in Marin county California clams to have been harassed by at last two cat like entity's during the night somewhere just outside there camp site heading in the darkness they could hear these creatures making a strange chattering sound as the seemingly communicating with one another.
One of the creatures remand in the darkness well the other ventured closer to the camp site.
One witness description stated " It's head was close to it's body and below the shoulders it was very muscular No ears could be seen."
The witnesses did not see a tail and guessed the weight of the creature at around 200 lbs or so, and was bipedal.
1968 Tiger creature
In 1968 Connecticut bus driver traveling down Valley Street in New Haven claimed to see what he describes as a Tiger walking on two leg's crossing the street, police were unable to locate the creature.
Chicago Cat Man...
One night in 1969 a Chicago man driving down a dark road in Niels Michigan claimed to have seen a strange cat like creature standing on two feet on the side of the road. He slowed down to get a better look then suddenly the creature rushed his car and began attacking it, punching his windshield with it's large clawed fists breaking the glass in at least four places as he quickly drove away. The witness calmed the cat like creature made a strange sqealling sound that he found very disturbing.
Mike Busby Encounter ..

Suddenly the headlight's of an oncoming diesel truck light up the creature and he could see it had dark black fur and a long tail, once the light's and hit it the strange cat was seemingly frightened away
Busby-"With heavy foot falls it loped off the highway running on two leg's."
The TV Show "Monsters and Mysteries in America" did a reenactment of this account on an episode titled "Demon Panthers" that aired March 25th 2015.
1980 Canada Cat-man
An eye witness near Toronto Ontario Canada claimed to see a bipedal cat creature.
"Pete"--There were tree of us on a night shift on a gold rush run in a piolet plant,Ontario research foundation just west of Toronto. We were coming in at midnight and up to the industrial door, --- the little peek window you have at eye level was this six foot-ish, black all black creature with it's face right up to the window. So it didn't see us approaching and i guess it heard the car or may bye the lights coughs it's peripheral vision, and it turned and looked at us and the eyes ere gold-ish, reflective and there was something about it's face that was like kind of cat-like and we were startled it was obviously startled. and you know we're looking at each other you know approaching in the car for a couple of seconds in, and it just turned and bolted into the woods.
I want to look this fellow up to see what he remembers of the incident but i'm 100% serious and 100% sure we both saw the exact same thing. Only one other guy- he was in the plant at the time and i guess this creature was peeking in you know just seeing whats going on in there but we both told him what we saw and we were just like i say very startled ourselves about it. But i know what i saw and the thing is it wasn't...There was something about it that wasn't ape-like although it was all black fur, there was something about the head that was kind of like a cat-like creature and the way it ran...two leg's it was like a human figure but it... the speed of the thing when it tore off through the wood's was unbelievable..."
Film maker Dee McCully mentions another Cat like creature being spotted near Black Sturgeon Lake buy Ontario Canada in his 2018 film Northern Lights a UFO Documentary...
"Off highway 1117 on Herken Ontario there is a road leading to the Black Sturgeon Lake, an 80 kilometer ride two men were hired by the forestry sector to build a dock on the lake shore, they had worked all week and were almost finished they would return monday, instead they worked until evening and had decided to finish satuday morning rather then take the long trip back up after the weekend.
It was a good idea and they made camp then about two am the two men
awoke and without a word being uttered they began too break down the camp and loading the truck
in a more and more hurried pace.
It was then that the saw somethings they shone the flashlight, there in the tall jack pine was a tall creature staring them down, described as having both the features of a cat and a human.
the two leaped into the truck and floored it all the way back to the highway in startled silence."
Ray Jones..................
In 1994 a recently retired Kansas man named Ray Jones moved to a new home in the country,
several acres with a garden and a few animals, Mister Jones was looking forward to his quiet new lifestyle and working on his his award winning Wood carvings, though only 4 years into his retirement Jones had a very strange and frightening encounter one nigh in June of 1998 well working late into the night on one of his carvings in his outbuilding that he had converted into his carving studio Jones was suddenly disturbed when he heard his to pet crow's making a fus soon followed by the gases and other animals, gases in particular are very territorial and very load when something come near there area, Jones assuming that a stray dog or fox was heading trowed his hen house but down his tools garbed a stick to chase away the pest and made his way outside with hi old dog Buster.
The night was relatively bright with a full moon hanging overhead, he could hear the chickens going crazy, and headed over there confident that the stick he we carrying would be enough to scar away whatever was causing the disturbance.
In Jones own word's........
"Although it was almost completely dark in the hen house, I felt the hair stand up on the back of my
neck when i saw something dark stand up and growl at me. I'm about five -eleven and it was as tall as i am.
Then it charged me, knocking me flat. placing it's pas on my chest and looking down at me.
I nearly had a heart attack when i found myself staring into the open jaws and pointed fangs of a black panther."
At this point buster came in barking and nipping at the creature, Jones feared for Busters safety saying
Jone's account--"One swipe of it's claws could slice the old dog into hamburger"
Suddenly something seem'ed to startal the cat or it just decided mister Jones wasen't worth the effort anymore and it just claimed off of him, but to Jones amazement the panther stood up on it's to hind legs and walked off.
Jones--" It rolled off me and i swear that it stood upright on it's hind legs"
The panther creature took a look around the area for a moment then dropped down to all fours and bolted into the field eventually out of sight..
Mister Jones though terrified was at lest unharmed , he and his animals made it through this ordeal without injury. But Jones was still frightened and decided he needed to call the police and warn other's in the community that a large cat was in the area..
Unfortunately the police were of no help.
Jones--"At first they thought i had been drinking. Then they told me what i already knew, there were no black panthers in Kansas and that there hadn't been and cougars reported in the stat for decades. A deputy finally did drive out to investigate the scene, but he just chuckled and said that sometimes in the dark a big old tomcat could seem mighty big and vicious and startle a fellow half to death."
But Jones knew what he had seen was not just some big old tomcat, it was a panther capable of walking on two legs a Cat-Man.
After Jones encounter there were no further sightings of the creature....
Jones- "I guess he just jumped back into whatever nightmare he had jumped out of"
Bigfoot, Wendigo, skinwalkers Flying humanoids and Dogman have been spotted by so many people at this point it's foolish to believe that all these sightings and eyewitness accounts are just misidentify known animals or out right hoax's...But at the end of the day it's up to you to decide for yourself whether or not you believe these creatures really exist...
However our world is a strange one and it's getting stranger by the day, the world of cryptoziilogy
and the beings that it encompasses are apparently ever expanding.
With new sightings of strange and peculiar beasts every day, is it really beyond the realm of possibility to think there could be a cat like humanoid stalking the forest as we speak.
Werecats or Cat people in other entertainment and media... Anime and Movies..
Blake Belladonna by Zienu
Blake Comic Cover [@Artgerm
Carole Lefevre from 1999 Big Wolf on Campus...
Werecats / Cat girl in Anime ..
The movies Cat People and the Curse of the cat people...
Werecats have also been featured in several horror related books, anime's and games...