Sunday, October 29, 2023

Vampire family of North Carolina




🦇  Vampire family of North Carolina 🦇


Anywhere you go there are going to be other people relatively close by, but beyond the standard Hello
or other random greeting, what do we really know about our neighbors?

This  account takes place in the 1780's and involves a seemingly normal family, a doctor and his wife and son.

In the early Spring of 1788 Dr Alfort and his family moved to the small town of Dillsboro, North Carolina
and soon established his medical practice along with a pharmacy ran out of his home, within
a few months people in towns started showing up more and more for a variety of treatments however one
day a few of his patients that had just recently received treatment suddenly passed away without any explanation.

Some members of the community blamed the doctor and anger was building however the minister was able to claim down the town at least for the moment.

But one night the ministers wife well getting ready for bed, noticed the door to there young daughters room slightly open  after entering she saw a dark figure standing over the bed and began to scream for help, the figure then fled through the open window, sadly as the minister arrived  with his lantern they discovered the girl was dead with two large  puncture wounds in her neck.

During the next few nights the towns people claimed to see a large flying creature overhead, fear griped the small community and soon windows that where previously left open stayed shut and locked, well family's huddled together in one room for safety.

One evening an elderly couple were suddenly awoken by frantic beating on their front door only to find their grandson  frightened and screaming that a monster had attacked his parents.

A posse was soon formed and they left for the child's home, upon arriving they  discovered the bodies of not only the parents but also the two young sisters as well.

They had all died of blood lose resulting from wounds on their mutilated necks.

The town raised money for an extensive investigation of the home and surrounding area, but no culprit was found.

Over the next six months the situation had eased a bit and everyone had began to relax again as there had been no  further killings.

It seemed all was well in Dillsboro.

Until February of 1789, one night two brothers heard terrible screaming coming from their neighbors home, they armed  themselves with farm tools (pitchfork, an  ax etc) then made there way next door.

As they entered the home they saw a dark shape exit through a window leaving behind the lifeless body's of a young couple  that lived there.

Angered the brother's perused the creature on foot and it lead them straight to Doctor Alforts home.

The town angry and living in fear for months soon formed a large group and stood watch outside the home until morning when even more showed up from neighboring settlements to help.

Soon after sunrise nearly  one hundred men swarmed the home armed with anything they could use as a weapon..

The mob began searching the home, they found nicely made beds like no one had even sleep there the previous night.

Not yet satisfied they continued there search, until a trap door was discovered leading into a dark basement, still full of anger and now a bit of fear, they cautiously made their way down into the cellar.

The lanterns light revealed nothing at first besides an empty basement until the shown on three large wooden crates.

They where shocked to find Doctor Alford and his wife asleep in two of these large box's well the third remand empty and their 15 year old some was no where to be found.

The mob pulled the couple out of the box's and an angry Miss Alford began to hiss and scratch at the men.

The doctor remained quiet as he and his wife where brought outside, he refused to answer any questions well his wife continued to hiss and  shriek in anger.

The group soon decided to execute the couple and leave there bodies in the house they had build well it was burned to the ground.

With the deaths of the Alfort the mysterious killings stopped, there where a few reports of a shadowy figure moving through the town at night but these reports soon died down.

The son was never seen again.

The town went back to normal, but it just goes to show, there could be monsters right next door and you would never know until its to late..

                                                         Have  a fun and Safe Halloween 

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