Friday, May 19, 2023

When tomorrow starts without me. By David M Romono


When tomorrow starts without me
And I’m not here to see
If the sun should rise and find your eyes
All filled with tears for me

I wish you wouldn’t cry
The Way you did today
While thinking of the many things
We did not get to say

I know how much you love me
As much as I love you
Each time that you think of me
I know you will miss me too

When tomorrow starts with out me
Please try to understand
That an angel came and called my name
And took me by the hand

The angel said my place was ready
In heaven far above
And That I would have to leave behind
All those I Dearly Love

But When I walked through Heaven’s Gates
I felt so much at home
When GOD looked down and smiled at me
From his golden throne

He said This Is Eternity
And All I promised you
Today for life on earth is done
But Here it starts a new

I promise no tomorrow
For today will always last
And Since each day’s the exact same way
There is no longing for the past

So When Tomorrow starts without me
Do not think we’re apart
For every time you think of me
Remember I’m right here in your heart

Author: David M Romano

Monday, May 15, 2023

Sekiyō, the stone fairy.



                                               Sekiyo the stone fairy

                                             from the  Shizuoka Prefecture

On a far away mountain there once  lived a group of  stone mason's, One day they we're taking a lunch break after cutting stone suddenly, A woman appeared and offered them a shoulder massage. 


One of the masons accepted the  massage and became so very relaxed,  he fell into sleep. 


Another mason had one as well and he too soon fell asleep. 


Most of the masons fallen asleep  after their massage from this mysterious woman. 


The last mason felt something wrong. He thought to himself this woman is a Yokai, so he quietly ran away.


 The mason met a hunter in the forest and told him about what happened. The hunter agreed to accompany the mason back to the mountain. The woman saw the men and ran away. 


The hunter shot the woman and her body exploded into stone bits. 

All of the  masons that had accepted her massage had scars on their shoulders that resembled  cut's from a sharp or jagged stone edge. 

The masons believed the woman must have been  some kind of stone spirit or  fairy.


 Sekiyō/Gallery | GeGeGe no Kitarō Wiki | Fandom



Saturday, May 13, 2023

Selma the Norwegian lake monster 🐉





 Selma is a legendary sea serpent said to live in the 13-kilometre-long (8-mile) Lake Seljord (Seljordsvatnet) in Seljord, Vestfold og Telemark, Norway



The sea serpent Selma has been depicted in the coat of arms of Seljord since 1989. 

 Designed by sculpturer, Trygve Magnus Barstad, the arms show Selma in a gold-color on a red background.



The oldest written account of the creature dates from 1750, when it was said to have rounded a rowboat belonging to a man from Bø rowing across from Ulvenes to Nes.




One early documented sighting of  Selma dates back to 1880 when a man named Bjorn Bjorge, and his mother Gunhild, were superpose to have cut an attacking serpent in half. 


According to this report the lower portion of the creature squirmed back into the lake while the front half was left to rot on the shore. 



Early one morning in the summer of 1918, Karl Karlsson walked down to the bridge at Sandnes to do a little fishing . Suddenly he saw a strange animal in the water closing in fast. It came so close and Karl was so scared that he threw down his fishing rod and ran. He described the animals head as that of a horse. It was held about three feet out of the water. When the animal came within 150 feet of the bridge it stopped, sank straight down and disappeared.

That summer Torgil Bjorge found large meat-like chunks, like from a serpent like creature, floating on Lake Seljordsvatnet close to Sandnes. On another occasion he saw an animal on the beach resembling a crocodile, which quickly vanished into a pile of stones. Two years later, Eivind Fjodstuft went out on Sinnesodden to fish. It was an unusually warm, calm day with an unbroken surface. When he came to the point he saw a strange animal on its way out of the lake and onto the cliffs. It turned back when Eivind came towards it and slipped down into the water.

He described the animal as 15-20 meters long, narrowing and with a head resembling the head of a crocodile. 

The animal was black in color and had finlike feet at the front part, right below its neck. He saw no eyes or mouth, but the animal turned its head from side to side and seemed to scout and listen. When it discovered Eivind it quickly went back into the water again. 



In 1996, two men were fishing around dusk on Lake Seljordsvatnet when the silence was broken by a sudden commotion in the water. A horse like head attached to a ten foot long neck rose from the water, the creature starred at the two fisherman from about 8 inches away before slowly submerging back into the water. 



Early one morning in July, 2001, a father and son from Oslo, who wished to remain nameless, decided to take a quick walk down to the lake for a refreshing swim. When they were about 100 yards away they noticed something strange on the beach but assumed that it was either a fallen log or pile of old car tires that had washed ashore over night. The two stopped about 30 feet from the beach as they witnessed what they could only describe as a giant snake just at the waters edge.

Its head towards the water unaware of their presence but as they watched the son stumbled, making a noise, and the beast turned its long neck around and stared at directly at them . According to these two witnesses, who are reported to be respected members of their communities, the creature's head was as large as a calves. The encounter lasted roughly 10 seconds before the beast swung its head back towards the lake and glided into the lake. The two described it as having an enormous body, which was at least 30 feet long, and was as thick as a car tire. 




Since 1977, Jan Ove Sundberg, president and founder of GUST, the Global Underwater Search Team, has been on the front lines of the search for Selma and many of Norway's other so called Lake Monsters. Collecting first hand accounts of the creature as well as leading his team to the lake in attempts to located Selma using sonar and hydrophones.

In August of 2000, Sundberg led a team comprised of international researchers, along with two Norwegian molecular biologists, on a mission to capture a live specimen of the creature known as Selma. The team planned to use the COMET, Co-Operative Monster Eel Trap, a specially designed monster trap professionally made by InnFsik AS at Homnes outside Kristiansand on the coast of southern Norway. The trap was named as such to get around the fact that Selma, and creatures like her, are protected and illegal to catch, or so the Norwegian authorities claim.

The COMET was 18 feet long, 15 feet in circumference and has a cone like opening where the designers expected the catch to enter, attracted by the live fish that were used as bait. The creature would never actually reach the fish however, as they are sectioned by themselves and when any creature who enters tries to escape the trap its construction would not allow it to. The idea to use such a trap originally came from limnologist Dr. Atle Hindar at The Norwegian Institute of Water Research.

The plan was to use COMET to capture a juvenile serpent, between 3 and 15 feet in length, take DNA and other samples, then tag the creature and release it back into the wild. Molecular biologists at a Norwegian university, who where standing by, would then analyze the data in order to categorize the creature and determine its genus. Unfortunately the team and their trap came up empty, but they did get some interesting sonar readings during this trip.

Speculations as to what the creature really is have ranged from giant catfish, giant eels, prehistoric relics and giant anacondas. Although reptiles are not thought to be capable of surviving in waters as cold as Lake Seljordsvatnet, some have suggested that a form of reptile may have evolved to survive in such a harsh environment. With GUST leading expeditions to the lake almost every year, and their team of experts growing larger every day, it is only a matter of time before this prestigious crew of explorers brings the identity of Selma to light in an international spotlight, proving the existence of the Lake Monsters to the world.


 Have fun in teh lake but swim with caution, you never know whats lurking just below the waves.

Sunday, May 7, 2023

MIB: Men In Black.





Men In Black

Dose alien life exist?  are we really  alone, in this vast universe? What was that strange light in the sky?  and Is there really a clandestine para- military group monitoring or even communicating with ET's here on earth?

Well chance's are if you've seen something you weren't suppose to, you just may receive a visit from The MIB....

The term Men in Black (MIB),  is used in UFO conspiracy theories to describe men dressed in all  black suits, sometimes with glowing eyes or other strange or sometimes even monstrous features, claiming to be government agents who attempt to harass or threaten UFO witnesses into silence. "Though all MIB are not necessarily dressed in dark suits," writes American writer Jerome Clark. "The term is a generic one, used to refer to any unusual, threatening or strangely behaving individual whose appearance on the scene can be linked in some form or another with a recent UFO sighting.

Though in the much more interesting real-world myth, the MIB usually are the scum of the universe. That is, they're the bad guys, menacing heavies from another world of shifty fixers dispatched by the cover-up-obsessed government.

(It's somewhat  interesting, and even a bit unsettling,  that in Hollywood's version of  the MIB they are portrayed as the "good guys"  even though they're all members of an elite para-military style, secret police organization ....

In the more recent accounts, the MIB are usually connected in one  way or another to UFO activity. 

The most common scenario has them suddenly appearing on the scene after a UFO encounter in order to intimidate witnesses with extremely odd and often threatening behavior. Dressed in ill fitting or out of style black suits, the classic MIB tend to travel in two's or three's (but on some occasions they also travel  alone). Their modes of transport vary. Though they seem to prefer to cruise around in black limousines, but they have also  been known to pilot the occasional van and, in a few recent accounts, have traded up to that popular all purpose conspiracy vehicle, the black helicopter. Yet despite their outré mien, the MIB most often seem to "buy American," usually vintage 1950s Cadillac (nice choice lol) that, oddly enough, often smell brand new......

Witnesses who report MIB sightings often describe "foreign looking" men with exotic features; it's as if they're "from elsewhere." They look "Oriental" or "Indian" and have "deeply tanned" skin, although sometimes their complexions are also  extremely pale. The eyes of the MIB or usually described as slanted or "bulging," as if from a thyroid condition. Their noses and chins are often "point," and their cheekbones are set high on their faces. Though some are tall and thin, with naturally long fingers, others are short or stout. They may or may not have fingernails. 

Stranger still is their reputed behavior, which tends to be disturbingly erratic or downright weird, In one account a MIB who seems to be suffering overexposure to West Virginia's oxygen-rich atmosphere is offered some Jell-O, which he attempts to drink like a beverage. Another MIB is initially perplexed when shown the strange terrestrial implement we know as the ballpoint pen, but then becomes gleefully spastic as he absconds into the street with the prize.

MIBs frequently speak tortured English with outlandish accents; in some accounts they don't move their lips when they communicate, suggesting a telepathy ability, while in other encounters they speak like "machines." When it comes to the MIB, the subtext is always "We're not from around here."

Separating the truly inexplicable MIB encounters from the sundry hoaxes and hearsay is no mean feat. So many of the MIB tales, which first arose during the UFO flaps of the 1950s, apparently began as pranks or visits by officious government agents investigating the hullabaloo over "flying saucers." 

The book that introduced the world to the modern idea of  MIB was a book called... They Knew Too Much About Flying Saucers. Penned in 1957 by theatrical booking agent and saucer buff Gray Barker, the book was a minor masterpiece in the basement-hobbyist genre of UFOlogy. Barker, a kind of do it yourself Fox Mulder lol, had been investigating reports of flying saucers and backwoods monsters in his home state of West Virginia when he met Albert K. Bender, a eccentric Connecticut man who had recently formed a group ambitiously called the International Flying Saucer Bureau (IFSB). Bender asked Barker to organize a West Virginia chapter and act as the IFSB's "chief investigator." 

But Bender's initial enthusiasm for investigating flying saucers quickly chilled after he was paid a visit by three "men in black suits." At first, Bender hinted that the men were government agents who had threatened him because "I had stumbled upon something that I was not supposed to know."   Later, Bender began to insinuate that the men might have been extraterrestrial in origin. Chronicler Barker, who knew how to promotes the hell out of the horror flicks he booked in local bijous, escalated the suspense like voltage darting up a Jacob's ladder. The balance of They Knew Too Much About Flying Saucers was devoted to speculating on the sinister, yet all too opaque, provenance of these dark-suited enforcers.

According to Barker, UFO investigators in Australia and New Zealand had been similarly "shushed up" by intimidating visitors in black suits. One researcher claimed to have received a call from a machinelike voice that stated, "I warn you to stop interfering in matters that do not concern you," and then apparently to make sure the other party had not missed the significance of the robotic elocution, signed off with "I am . . . from another planet." According to Barker, the strange phenomena down under soon escalated to include poltergeist activity and visitations from "invisible entities" lounging in very visible moccasin slippers. 

As Barker was quick to note, Bender and his Commonwealth counterparts hadn't been the first to encounter UFO-connected MIBs. In 1947 a harbor patrolman named Harold A. Dahl had reported one of the earliest modern saucer sightings, near Maury Island, Washington. Dahl and his fifteen-year-old son saw six doughnut-shaped, metallic objects a hundred feet in diameter hovering over Puget Sound. One of the objects, which seemed to be experiencing mechanical difficulty, discharged a load of liquid, metallic slag. The hot debris fell toward Dahl's boat, injuring his son and killing his dog, after which the objects flew away. 

The aftermath of the "Maury Island Affair," as it came to be known, is what interested Barker. According to Dahl, the next morning, a man in a black suit confronted him at a local restaurant, offering an exact account of the previous day'' incident. Then the man threatened Dahl, telling him that harm would befall him and his family if he told anyone about the incident. But Dahl was undeterred, and his story got out. From there, the case becomes even murkier, with Dahl later confessing that the whole scenario had been a hoax and then, naturally, recanting the mea culpa, generally escalating the confusion. 


Eventually, Barker persuaded Bender to go public with the full story of his "shushing." The result was a 1962 book, Flying Saucers and the Three Men, ostensibly authored by Bender but heavily edited by Barker. Unfortunately, after the giddy buildup of Barker's prequel, Bender's tell-all came as a major letdown. Reading more like fan-boy sci-fi than the interplanetary expose it purported to be, Flying Saucers and the Three Men was brimming with all the pulpy cliches of the day, from teleportation to underground saucer bases to mid-atlantic alien dialogue like "Please be advised to discontinue delving into the mysteries of the universe." 

After contacting the saucer men telepathically from his bedroom (by mentally projecting a message of "utmost friendship" into the cosmos), Bender eventually meets three MIBs face-to-face. They are "dressed in black clothes… like clergymen" but wearing "hats similar to Homburg style." Per Bender, "The eyes of all three figures suddenly lit up like flashlight bulbs…. They seemed to burn into my very soul." To make a long story short, the MIBs announce that they are visitors from the planet "Kazik" on a secret mission to steal earth seawater. With what can only be the deadpan irony of an advanced extraterrestrial race, they explain that they will confide in Bender because "one day you will write about this, and we are certain nobody will believe you, but you will be much wiser than anyone else on your planet." 

It is, of course, possible that a kernel of truth lies at the heart of Bender's tale: As head of the impressive sounding International Flying Saucer Bureau, Bender may indeed have been paid a visit by government types curious about then ubiquitous reports of flying saucers; and from there the impressionable Bender may have let his imagination run wild. Barker would eventually suggest as much. 

But the real trouble with the MIB legend is that Barker himself is so acutely tangled in its origins. Barker died in 1985, but in recent years his friends have confirmed that he was an inveterate hoaxer. 

Indeed, he may turn out to be one of the great pranksters of the twentieth century. According to his friend and fellow MIB chronicler John Keel (more on Keel in a moment), Barker "left behind a rich heritage of practical jokes and UFO hoaxes which… are now an integral part of flying saucer literature. He paved the way for the myriad of hoaxes of the 1980s." 

In the afterward of his book The Mothman Prophesies, Keel claims that it was Barker who invented the tale of Hanger 18, the supposedly top-secret air-force repository of crashed alien saucers and ET corpses at Wright-Patterson Field in Ohio. And Keel maintains that Barker also fabricated the "Edwards Air Force Base fairy tale (in which he names several of his personal friends as witnesses, along with President Eisenhower).

(according to Keel) " This served as the framework for the MJ-12 and Roswell, New Mexico, 'crashed saucer' hoaxes that absorbed the attention of many UFO buffs throughout the 1980s." (And well into the 1990s,) whether or not you accept the MJ-12 and Roswell as true or false is entirely up to you...

Another man named, Lonzo Dove, told conspiracy chronicler Jim Keith that Bender's three mysterious men were none other than Barker and two pals in disguise. According to Dove, it was all a just a "cruel joke" at Bender's expense. 

Another friend of Barker's, UFO researcher Jim Moseley, told Keith that Barker "did take Bender seriously, at the beginning. Then, when he realized the Bender was either not sane or not truthful… when he lost faith in Bender, which was within the first couple of years, in '55 or '56, after that [Barker] was just enjoying himself and making money." 

Which brings me to the next major wave in MIB encounters. Over the course of a year in 1966 and 1967, the town of Point Pleasant, West Virginia, was plagued by a series of extremely bizarre and often frighting paranormal events centering around sightings of a large humanoid, winged creature that would later be known as "the Mothman." Interestingly, West Virginian Gray Barker would surface more than once on the periphery of events in Point Pleasant that year, which gives us ample reason to suspect the hand of a merry hoaxer at work. But the sheer scope of the weirdness suggests the involvement of other agencies as well, paranormal or otherwise. 

John Keel chronicles that hysteria in his book The Mothman Prophecies. Hapless citizens who came face to face with the red-eyed birdman or who witnessed odd  glowing aerial lights that haunted Point Pleasant that year were often paid visits by the MIB

In November 1966, not far from where the Mothman would soon make its first appearances, appliance salesman Woodrow Derenberger encountered a UFO "shaped like an old-fashioned kerosene lamp chimney, flaring at both ends." The unlikely craft landed on the highway in front of Derenberger, forcing him to hit the brakes. A five-foot-ten-inch-tall man with dark skin exited the strange vehicle and approached Derenberger's car. Grinning, the visitor addressed Derenberger without moving his lips, ostensibly through telepathy. His name was "Indrid Cold," and he said he hailed from "a country much less powerful" than the United States. 


After a brief exchange, Cold returned to his craft, which took off into the night sky. Soon Derenberger began receiving threatening phone calls, warning him to keep quiet about the encounter, plus calls featuring spooky electronic whoops and lulus (another staple of MIB harassment). According to Derenberger, the spaceman continued to contact him telepathically and in person. Cold came from the planet Lanulos "in the galaxy of Ganymede." Derenberger became a bit of a local celebrity, and his story fleshed itself out as time went on: The appliance salesman was eventually whisked to Brazil and then to planet Lanulos. 

At about the same time, Derenberger was having his first confabs with Indrid Cold and others in the Point Pleasant region were running into mysterious, foreign men in suits. There were MIBs and black sedans around every corner.

After witnessing a UFO fly over her backyard, Mary Hyre, a newspaper reporter in Point Pleasant, had a succession of oddball visitors in thick-soled shoes. A large black car often followed her, peeling away when she noticed it and once screeching to a halt and disgorging a man with a flash camera.
At one point, two short men wearing black overcoats called on Hyre at the newspaper office. According to Hyre, they looked almost like twins, with dark complexions and "Oriental" features. One of them blurted out, "What would you do if someone did order you to stop writing about flying saucers?" Later that same day, another small, Asian-looking man in black visited her office. He had abnormally long fingers and an unfamiliar accent. He introduced himself as "Jack Brown," a UFO researcher, and then stuttered, "What - would - what would you do - if someone ordered - ordered you to stop? To stop printing UFO stories." He denied knowing the other two men but claimed to be a friend of Gray Barker's.

Apparently, it was the same Jack Brown who visited several other Point Pleasant residents that day, including a woman who had seen the Mothman. Again, he mentioned Gray Barker and added that he also was a friend of Mary Hyre and John Keel. He fumbled with a large reel-to-reel tape recorder that he apparently did not know how to operate.

After observing a spherical UFO with four landing gears and a bottom-mounted propeller, Tad Jones reported the incident to the police. The next morning, someone had slipped a note, hand-printed in block letters, under his door. It read: "We know what you have seen, and we know that you have talked. You'd better keep your mouth shut." Several days later, a second note arrived via the same means. It was printed on a piece of cardboard that had been singed around the edges, and read: "…there want [sic] be another warning."

A week later, Jones saw a man standing at the site of the earlier UFO encounter. "He was very tanned," Jones said, "or his face was very flushed. He looked normal and was wearing a blue coat and a blue cap with a visor… something like a uniform, I guess. I noted he was holding a box in his hand. Some kind of instrument. It had a large dial on it, like a clock, and a wire ran from it to his other hand."

Other UFO and Mothman witnesses received the peculiar phone calls with either electronic noises on the other end or voices described as "metallic" or "machine like," often speaking in a foreign language.

The MIB began harassing eighteen-year-old Connie Carpenter soon after she crossed paths with the Mothman when she was driving home from church. "Jack Brown" showed up at her house, doing his usual shtick, including the Bray Barker and Mary Hyre references. While Connie was walking to school, a black 1949 Buick sidled up alongside her. The driver, a young, well-dressed man in his twenties reached out and grabbed her, trying to pull her into the car. Connie escaped, but the next morning someone slipped a penciled not under her door: "Be careful girl," it read. "I can get you yet."



  A Long Island woman named "Jane" received from the MIBs a forewarning of that disaster. After a close encounter with a piercing beam of light during a drive through the woods, Jane received a phone call from a machine like voice that instructed her to locate a specific book at the local library. As Keel tells it, Jane found the book and read page 42, as instructed. As she looked at the page, "the print became smaller and smaller, then larger and larger." Then it "changed into a message" informing her she would be given a series of predictions. 

The forecasts were delivered in the person of a grinning "Hawaiian" with Asian eyes who wore a gray suit and rode in the passenger section of a shiny new black Cadillac. He called himself Apol. Keel, whom Jane had contacted, was kept informed about each new prediction. Per Keel, many of Apol's predictions of plane crashed took place on schedule. But Apol's augury that "the Pope would be knifed to death in a bloody manner" and that "the Antichrist will rise up out of Israel" were among the misses. When Keel hypnotized Jane, she allegedly remembered several more boffo predictions that Apol had made, including Robert F. Kennedy's assassination and a December 15 disaster in Point Pleasant. On that day, the town's seven-hundred-foot Silver Bridge collapsed, killing forty-six people. 

Whatever was really going on in Point Pleasant, it sure made for a damn good read. (A major Hollywood studio currently has plans to adapt the story into a feature film.) That Gray Barker was on the scene, ostensibly chronicling the events but perhaps tweaking them along, is the kind of thing that sets our paranoid antennae twitching .  attention peeked

In an interview with Jum Keith, Keel admitted that Barker was behind some of the Point Pleasant incidents,  "He did a lot of the phone nonsense, and I tracked him down on it." Keith points out: "Was it simply an accident that the Mothman encounters, the most incredible of paranoid flaps, took place in Gray Barker's home state of West Virginia?" 

It's possible that Barker may have had a hand in some form or another in the paranormal activity But the sheer scope of the supernatural events and sightings suggests that there were other agendas at play.  In his thoroughgoing volume Casebook on the Men in Black, author Jim Keith hypothesizes that Point Pleasant may have been a testing ground for a government experiment in mass hysteria. After all, the CIA illegally conducted mind-control tests on unsuspecting U.S. citizens as part of its notorious MK-ULTRA project, and thanks to the Agency's subsequent disposal of most MK-ULTRA records, we'll never know the full scope of those events. Perhaps the government did use Point Pleasant residents as guinea pigs in a psychological-warfare experiment.  who knows??  But it's definitely possible!

Though it's just as impossible to dismiss all of the Mothman sightings as practical jokes, or psywar operations, so, too, is it impossible to dismiss all MIB accounts as hoaxes. The UFO literature is rich with inexplicable encounters with MIBs. In fact, UFOlogists have found similar accounts of preternatural, prankish, and often menacing beings in black throughout folklore. Jacques Vallee and others have painstakingly cataloged the cosmology that behave uncannily like modern UFO pilots. Whether those MIB motifs are merely images stored in human-kind's collective unconscious or evidence of something more literal is open to debate. 

On extreme vanguard of literal patrol, conspiracy author William Bramley posits in his book The Gods of Eden that extraterrestrial MIBs were behind the plague. He cites a summary written in 1682: "In Brandenburg there appeared in 1559 horrible men, of whom at first fifteen and later on twelve were seen. The foremost had beside their posteriors little heads, the others fearful faces and long scythes, with which they cut at the oats, so that the swish could be heard at a great distance…." Immediately after the MIBish visit to the oat fields, the plague broke out in Brandenburg, leading Bramley to wonder: "What were the long scythe-like instruments they held that emitted a loud swishing sound? It appears that the 'scythes' may have been long instruments designed to spray poison or germ-laden gas."

Weather or not you actually believe in UFO's or MIB's , the fact that the universe is constantly expanding and there are literally hundreds of trillions of stars and planets, it's just absurd to believe that we are the only intelligent life in this vast universe!!!!!!!!!!

and lets not forget the governments official policy of Deny Everything!!!!!

They want to to forget what you've  seen... Or to be exact what the Government doesn't want you to see!!! 

and if you don't you may just drop off the map, never to be heard from again.....



Friday, May 5, 2023

Aliens in Vegas 🏜️🛸👽


During the morning of May 1st a family claimed to have witnessed a UFO along with two eight foot tall Alien's in their back yard.

In the 911 call audio released, the caller says he, his father and his brother were in their large backyard working on their truck when they heard a loud crash and could fill the impact through the ground.

911 call....

"We just see in the corner of our eye something fall down from the sky, and it was with lights, and when it hit down there was like a big impact, and we felt like an energy? Green and blue sparks  

And then we hear like a lot of footsteps near us. And then - we have, like, big- a big equipment, and we see there's a, there's like an eight-foot person beside it and another one's inside, and it has big eyes and it's looking at us," the caller tells the 911 dispatcher. "They're very large. They're like eight foot, nine foot, 10 foot."

And they're not human. One-hundred percent, they're not human," ..

Local law enforcement had received a few calls earlier that night about a UFO or at least strange lights in the sky before the Call came in regarding the Alien sighting.


Officers conducted a preliminary investigation but were unable to find anything. The case was closed as "unfounded," officials said. However the family claims that police, a Sargent and a few investigator's showed up a few days later to check out the site and set up camera's. Las Vegas police department denied this claim... 

UPDATE  Metro (Las Vegas Metropolitan police) have recently now admitted to installing a camera on the property days after the 911 call..

The family also claims to have videos of the creatures but none has been made public yet, they have   now gone quite.

This could very well be related to people and the media showing up at thire home or quit possibly more nefariuos visitors that would prefer to keep things quiet ..

So what do you think, was there a crash? Aliens on the ground?  Did they visit the casinos we'll they we're there?


Also sorry for the lack of updates recently, there will be new posts  soon  thank you to everyone that reads and hopefully enjoys these posts. 


Monday, May 1, 2023

Walpurgisnacht, Night of the Witch's


Walpurgis Night, also known as 'Walpurgisnacht or Hexennacht  english Night of the Witches', is a Germanic pagan festival celebrated each year on 30 April. The celebration includes lighting bonfires at sunset and singing, it signifies  the arrival of spring.

Walpurgis Night originated in ancient  pagan festivities that celebrated the coming of spring. It always falls on April 30th the eve of May 1st exactly six months before Halloween.

Halloween and Walpurgisnacht both have their origins in pagan celebrations ( Samhain and Beltane) they marked the changing of the seasons. They are also believed to be when the veil between the spirit worlds and ours was at its thinnest.

.Saint Walpurga.

During the christianization of Europe and the forced conversion of formerly pagan worshipers the celebration like many other's  at the time became blended, a combination of old world beliefs and the newly emerging christian church

According to legend of an English nun named Walpurga came to Germany in the late eighth century with the mission of Christianizing the Saxons. She later became an abbess at the Heidenheim monastery.

Saint Walpurga was known for ridding "pest, rabies and whooping cough”, Walpurga was also celebrateed for  putting an end to pagan sorcery. After her canonisation, Christians would pray via Walpurga to God, to protect them from witchcraft.

Walpurga is traditionally associated with May 1 because of a medieval account of her being canonised on that date in 870 AD. The date’s overlap with the pagan celebration is believed to   coincidental, but by entwining the two customs, pagans could continue celebrating their spring festival without fear of reprisal from the church.

on April 30 thousands of Germans  make pilgrimages to Saint Walpurga’s tomb in Eichstätt, to collect a vial of her healing oil, serving as a reminder of the curious dual history of this unusual celebration.

pagan beliefs  like herbalism and old rituals, continued into the 16th century and were prevalent in the more remote parts of Germany, like the Harz Mountains, until the widespread witch hysteria began to take hold throughout Europe. 

Pagan practices that  until then had been more or less accepted were suddenly deemed “evil” and “superstitious” and those practicing them were often tortured and later condemned to death. Medieval Germany had some of the largest and most gruesome witch hunts in history. Walpurgisnacht is even sometimes referred to as the Hexenbrunnen (the burning of the witches) due to its bloody past.

This mass hysteria coalesced around the belief that Mount Brocken - the highest peak of the Harz Mountains - was the scene of Witches’ Sabbaths. These were said to be wild and orgiastic gatherings at which witches would meet with Satan to plot trouble, mischief and evil for the coming year. This was commonly believed to take place on April 30 - the date that Pagan legend claims, the devil Wotan married his beloved Freya on the peak of the Brocken.

To keep away “evil spirits”, people would make loud noises, light huge bonfires and burn straw men and old belongings for good luck on April 30, many of these traditions are still done today.

Modern-day celebrations of Walpurgisnacht in Germany  includes dressing up in costumes, hanging blessed sprigs of foliage from houses and leaving offerings of Ankenschnitt (bread with butter and honey) for phantom hounds.

There is also plenty of beer and traditional German food its become a sort of second Halloween.

Local variants of Walpurgis Night are observed throughout Northern and Central Europe in the Netherlands, Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Lithuania, Latvia, Finland, and Estonia. In Finland, Denmark and Norway, the tradition with bonfires to ward off the witches is observed as Saint John's Eve, which commemorates the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist.

In Finland Walpurgis Night and May Day are effectively merged into a single celebration that is usually referred to as Vappu and that is among the country’s most important holidays. Initially, Walpurgis Night was celebrated by the Finnish upper class. Then, in the late 19th century, students (most notably engineering students) took up its celebration. Today merrymaking begins on the evening of April 30, often augmented with the drinking of alcoholic beverages, particularly sparkling wine. The carnival-like festivities carry over to the next day, frequently taking on a family dimension, as friends and relatives picnic in parks among balloons and consume sima, a homemade low-alcohol (and sometimes not so alcohol)mead

In Finland the celebration begins in the afternoon and in Helsinki it officially starts with the capping of the Havis Amanda statue at the Market Square (similar ceremonies take place in other cities as well). People toast with champagne and wish each other ‘Glada Vappen’ (Finland Swedish) or Hauskaa Vappua (Finnish).
The celebration goes on all night and continues until the morning of May 1st where the parks are filled with people having champagne picnics. During the day the city is filled with flowers, balloons, whistles and parades and other events are held around town.  Walpurgis, Valborg (short for Valborgsmässoafton), or the last of April is a traditional spring celebration in Sweden. For students, it's a foretaste of summer. At dusk, bonfires are lit and people gather to listen to speeches and songs welcoming spring and a brighter future.
Had this scheduled to post last night, not sure why it didn't but anyway Happy Beltane /May Day