Friday, October 22, 2021

North American cryptid's: The Hidebehind



                                                              The Hidebehind

Today's subject originates from  the myths of the North American lumberjacks.

Most people visit our National Parks without a problem, but for an unlucky few, they just never walk out of the woods again

To date, hundreds of people have simply disappeared in the forest of North America, todays cryptid by many accounts may be responsible for at least some of them.


The Hidebehind is a famous creature from American folklore originating in the thick forests of the  pacific northwest, Oregon and Washington.

The Hidebehind  gets its name from its ability to hide itself seemingly anywhere..

Whenever someone tries to look at it directly, the cryptid will hide behind any nearby object or sometimes even behind the person it's stalking and therefore cannot be directly seen.

It uses this stealth ability to hunt its human prey without being seen and to attack without warning.

According to legend, it's preferred diet is the intestines of its victim and it's said to have  a severe aversion to alcohol, which is considered a good way to ward of this shadowy beast.

Old story's of the hidebehind were often used as a means of explaining the  many strange noises in the forest at night.

despite the fact that no one has supposedly every actually seen one, some of the earliest  accounts of the Hidebehind is usually  described as a very large and powerful beast.

In the early days of logging in the mostly uncharted pacific northwest injuries and even death was a common  occurrence, logging accidents, wild animals ect.

Eventually the disappearances of  lumberjacks that just never returned to camp were blamed on the hidebehind.

This stealthy cryptid is believed to target anyone in the forest, loggers, hiker, campers ect, and drag them off never to be sen again.

So the next time you venture into the woods for a relaxing day in nature, be alert because you never now what may be creeping up on you just out of sight.






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