Monday, August 16, 2021

Japanese Legends: Ibaraki doji ...Oni Woman..





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 Ibaraki Doji is also know as the “thorn tree child”

She  is one of the most well known as well as one of the most feared demons in Japanese folklore.

She was the chief deputy to Shuten doji, the Oni King. Not very much is known about Ibaraki doji’s
life; Most stories depict Ibaraki doji as a kijo, or a female oni; yet there are other stories which refer to Shuten doji’s  deputy as a male so its really anybodys gyuess at this point(Im going to go with the female version of the story). 

Ibaraki doji was a cruel and   terrifying monster, bent of wreaking as much havoc in the human world as she could.

Some visions claim she was not only Shuten Dojis second in command but also his lover

Ibaraki doji’s most famous story takes place at Rashomon, the southern gate of old Kyotos city walls. Rashomon was built in 789, but after  the Heian period it fell into serious disrepair and became known as an unsavory place. It was overgrown and unkempt. Thieves and bandits hung out near it.

 It even served as a dumping point for unwanted babies, and a spot to dispose of murder victims. But the scariest part of its haunted reputation was the

                                                         Rashomon Gate replica


legend of Rashomon no oni — the demon of Rashomon.


After his celebrated victory over Shuten doji, the hero Minamoto no Yorimitsu returned triumphant to Kyoto. He was celebrating at his home with his  deputies — Sakata no Kintoki, Urabe no Suetake, Usui Sadamitsu, and Watanabe no Tsuna — when Fujiwara no Yasumasa, a noble, informed them that an oni was seen haunting Rashomon gate. Watanabe no Tsuna, having just returned from a great battle with Shuten doji’s clan, could not believe that there were any oni left, and single-handedly went out to investigate. He mounted his horse and went south.

                                           Watanabe Tsuna fighting the demon  at the Rashomon

When Tsuna arrived at the gate, a great howling wind broke out and his horse could travel no further. He dismounted and went on foot. Approaching the gate in the fierce gale, he noticed an enormous hand suddenly reach out of the dark to grab his helmet. Tsuna wasted no time, and swung his great katana around, severing the arm of an enormous demon: it was Ibaraki doji, coming to avenge the murder of Shuten doji. 

The injured demon ran away, leaving her arm behind, and Rashomon was no longer haunted.

Ibaraki doji later returned to Rashomon, looking for her arm. 

She disguised herself as Watanabe no Tsuna’s wetnurse, and was able to steal back her severed arm and escape, After that, her whereabouts were unknown. though for many years after, occasionally in some town or another, villagers would claim that they had seen Ibaraki doji from time to time



Rashomon Gate was destroyed in the mid 1900's 


There is now a monument in its place too commemorate it...


More Oni post's coming soon

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