Thursday, September 26, 2024

Jeju City Sky phenomena. ✨


When we look up at night we often expect to see stars, meteor showers or the occasional commit passing by. But every now and then we witness a truly bizarre event occurring right before our eyes.

Strange crafts, (UFOS) or other odd sightings.

This seemed to be the case in South Korea in 2022...

On Halloween night in 2022 a strange phenomenon was spotted over the sky's of Jeju City.

Dozens of glowing pillars of light hanging over the city were photographed by citizens, many took to reddit to describe what they had seen.

One photo even received of 18,000 upvotes

Explanations ranged from UFO's or Ghosts to simply odd weather conditions.


The official explanation..

The lights occur when tiny crystals of ice, averaging about 0.02 mm (0.0008 inch), form in the sky and remain suspended in the atmosphere, close to the Earth's surface.

The suspended ice crystals are great reflectors, beaming city lights back down to your eyes or camera lens," Usually, these are plate-shaped ice crystals, which form at temperatures of 14 to -40 Fahrenheit.

the weather needs to be cold. The ideal conditions for this to occur are on a frigid winter night–often subzero temperatures–with high humidity and little to no wind,

"It is not too common to see light pillars because the weather conditions must be just right."


Whether this was a truly rare natural phenomena or something more supernatural, either way it would be very cool to see in person..

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Russian Folktales:The Two Corpses 🧟🧟‍♂️


🙂Bonus post for this week 🎃

The Two Corpses
A soldier had obtained leave to go home on furlough -- to pray to the holy images, and to bow down before his parents. And as he was going his way, at a time when the sun had long set, and all was dark around, it chanced that he had to pass by a graveyard. Just then he heard that some one was running after him, and crying:

"Stop! You can't escape!"

He looked back and there was a corpse running and gnashing its teeth. The soldier sprang on one side with all his might to get away from it, caught sight of a little chapel, and bolted straight into it.

There wasn't a soul in the chapel, but stretched out on a table there lay another corpse, with tapers burning in front of it. The soldier hid himself in a corner, and remained there hardly knowing whether he was alive or dead, but waiting to see what would happen. Presently up ran the first corpse -- the one that had chased the soldier -- and dashed into the chapel. Thereupon one that was lying on the table jumped up, and cried to it:

"What hast thou come here for?"

"I've chased a soldier in here, so I'm going to eat him."

Come now, brother! He's run into my house. I shall eat him myself."

"No, I shall!"

"No, I shall!"

And they set to work fighting; the dust flew like anything. They'd have gone on fighting ever so much longer, only the cocks (Rooster's) began to crow. Then both the corpses fell lifeless to the ground, and the soldier went on his way homeward in peace, saying:

"Glory be to Thee. O Lord! I am saved from the wizards!"

By W. R. S. Ralston, Russian Folk-Tales (London: Smith, Elder and Co., 1873), p. 312.

New posts every Friday until Halloween 🎃

Friday, September 20, 2024

Pink sky in the Lone Star State.


 On Sunday September 15th several residents of Temple Texas began posting images of an odd pink light in the sky.

The light appeared to be a bright  neon pink cloud shining  above the city.

What was it, alien's, swamp gas or possibly the northern lights?.



 The official explanation,..  it was a lettuce farm..

More specifically the growing lights from the farm   reflecting off the clouds.


What residents perceived as a pink-hued light is likely a combination of blue and red light emanating from the greenhouse at Revol Greens, a lettuce farm in Temple. 

The red and blue lighting are specifically designed to help the company's lettuce thrive, according to Revol Greens. 

The farm recently experienced a malfunction with the facility's blackout shades it uses at night, allowing the light to escape, according to a report from KWTX. "Those blackout shades serve multiple purposes for our team, from keeping the light in, to acting as a thermal blanket that helps our growing team better control the climate," Tom Thompson, Revol Greens CRO, told the reporter. 

It's not the first time the pink sky has been spotted over Temple. Back in March, the light appeared over the city when the blackout blinds at the greenhouse briefly parted. The glow from the facility was also previously seen in November 2023. 


Similar bright pink lights have also been spotted in Vancouver Canada and Yorkshire UK In October and November of 2023. Both also had the same official explanation, Lights from a grow house/farm.


Do you believe it, or are these odd lights something more?

Friday, September 13, 2024

Dogman in the US. 🐺


Dogman Encounters October 5,2016 in Nebraska. 

First hand account.

My brother and I were waiting for our bus, at our usual corner stop. It’s about 3 blocks away from our house and there’s a pretty densely wooded creek nearly 1-2 blocks behind our bus stop. The first thing I noticed that was off was that my brother was standing completely rigid, staring intently down the long road (there are only two street lights and a few automatic porch lights down there). I shook him a little bit and asked what he was looking at. He shushed me almost immediately. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a large, black shape darting on 2 legs across the street, to the line of houses on the other side, before disappearing. Thankfully, our bus arrived soon afterward, so we got out of there...


Encounter number two 

New York, October 2000 - 

First hand account.

It was later in the evening, when i was driving back to my in-laws house, by myself and was going down a dirt road. I saw something in the ditch up ahead and on the right and didn't really know what it was, until I got up far enough so that my head lights could catch it. I didn't know anything about Dogmen, until a couple of years ago. This thing had an outline of a huge dog, but when I got closer, it turned and looked at me. I just floored it. It didn't really bother me, until I noticed it looking at me and I saw that it was actually grasping what it was eating. I got back and didn't say exactly what I saw. I just asked them if there were any big dogs or wolves up where they lived. My father in-law just laughed and said, "No." Then he asked why. I didn't say anything. The thing I will NEVER forget are the reddish, orange eyes, that just kept staring at me!

Encounter number three.

Lehigh Acres, Florida.

First hand account 

"I had my doubts of what it couldve been. Thought it was a bear at first glance. but the aggressive behaviors, and foot prints dont lie. All of the evidence ive found points at dogman.

so the 1st night this all started was a few months ago. I was woke up one morning by something tapping on the window to my bedroom, sounded like a fingernail on the glass. Light tapping, but enough to wake me. I woke up, made some coffee, and grabbed a glass of water and went outside. i sat down and had a smoke, and heard some odd noises. weird like clicking sound, not cicadas or grasshoppers, im use to those. then about 5 minutes later a growling sound. very deep but short. This was around 3am.

coffee was done about 20 minutes later, so i grabbed a cup and went back outside to my porch, i took my first sip and i heard this blood curdling scream about 150ft behind my porch, maybe the next block over.

I finished my coffee and im walking inside, just as i open my glass slider, something attacks my porch door, beat the hell out of it for almost 5 minutes straight. scared the hell out of me. i rushed inside, got another cup of coffee, and waited about 20 minutes looking out the kitchen window to see if anything was there. being that my back yard is completely dark, im not sure what i expected, but i gave up waiting and went back outside. i sit down, and im drinking my coffee and i hear what sounds like my neighbors new aluminum fence getting the crap beat out of it. im looking on my side and nothing, my guess is, it went to the other side of his property, to beat the hell out of the panels. it stopped quickly. and that was that. no noise for the rest of morning.

fast forward 2 months, thanksgiving 2020.

im woken again at 3am, same nails on the window event. my dogs havent barked either time, so im suspiscious. make my way outside, coffee ready, iphone up incase there is something there, and nothing. Im talking on the phone with my trucker buddies about what happened before thanksgiving and they dont have a clue. mind you, we all grew up in these woods, well before the internet was invented. so we naturally played in the woods. about 2 hours goes by, and the sun is up enough that i can kinda make out this shape in the woods behind my house. its about 5'5 and just standing in this position for a good 45 minutes. i managed to get a picture of it, but its poor quality. the rest of the day, and that night, will live with me forever. not 2 hours later, i heard this tree branch snap off and something crash to the ground, something heavy. no mistaking that sound for a tree falling over. turns out, a tree on the edge of my neighbors property, about 25 feet up, a large branch about 5 inches diameter is just twisted off and snapped like a twig. its still hanging there. it doesnt even touch the ground but its about 12 feet long. I did have a look in the woods for abit to see if i could find anything, its its mostly 1 obvious human trail that is used often, 2-3 small animal trails, and a really crappy make shift trail with broken trees littering the outline of the sides of the trail. quite abit of big stuff to climb over, logs piled like ive seen and heard about odd like teepee shape, and several grass beds throughout the woods. 1 was recent. the others didnt look too comfortable. so i get done exploring and go inside for a drink and go out to my garage where i can work on stuff ive been doing for awhile. We recently moved to this house, so stuff isnt quite unpacked yet. As im going through the boxes and stuff i hear this loud ruckus coming from the small .25 acre plot across the street from me. something big is moving the palmetto bushes, and there was a large dead tree knocked down before, but something cracked it open and was eating the grubs, i assume. the sound quickly went away. i heard whatever it was, run north towards the canal which is super close. maybe 90ft from my driveway. fast forward to 10pm, im still in my garage, but the door is closed this time. i accidentally banged on the garage door, and i heard something on the other side bang back, me thinking its my kids being the teenagers they are, i bang again, i heard this really loud growl. i run out of my garage and through the house to the outside part, the trash cans are open, and my thanksgiving turkey carcass, which was in a box, had been taken. but the rancid smell stayed. i followed the smell to my backyard and called a buddy whos seen stuff in the woods, and he tells me to be calm, and move slow."

I turn off my porch light, and im sitting out there smoking a cigarette, i hear my bushes on the corner of the house being brushed loudly, i turn around and i heard something large trample the grass down the side of my yard. the neighbors dog is going crazy barking at it. so im not stupid enough to chase it into the street, wheres it gonna go? i stayed on my porch and waited. this big 6ft+ blackish thing runs by from the other side of my house and runs behind my neighbors house. His security lights kicked on, and it ducked behind their above ground pool. its crouched over and i can see it. twice the width of me, easily 400-500lbs.

the following day i found a foot/paw print in a abandoned ant hill in my yard that i had exterminated weeks prior. the morning dew ruined the foot print the next morning, but i have a picture for size comparison.

What makes me think its a dogman? we have a marsh close by thats about 20x20 square miles in size with no trails or roads in or out. there is a waterway within 100 feet of my house that is 12-15ft deep. i grow alot of my own vegetables and fruits, and some have come up missing. As far as the woods behind my house go, there are several trails, some are obviously human as they are used frequently by neighbors, however there are small animal trails which are obvious, and then there are the trails that dont make any sense. they zigzag through bramble vine areas, they are hard to navigate, the trees surrounding the trails are all mostly broken off or leaning like a bigfoot would do. i havent found any structures yet or any markers, no bones. I have recieved a "gift" a pile of leaves on my doorstep one morning. the leaves are from plants in my backyard and have no possible way of magically appearing there.


Friday, September 6, 2024

Japanese legends, The Oni Kidomaru 👹






Kidomaru is an oni who first appeared  in Kokon chomonju (“A Collection of  Tales Old and New”), a Kamakura Period complication of myths and legends of the Heian Period. He was a member of Shuten doji’s clan,  and is said to be Shuten doji’s son. He is known for his attempts to take revenge on the samurai who defeated his father.


According to myth  he was born after the Minamoto no Yorimitsu (also known as Raiko) after his party of heroes had defeated Shuten doji and freed all of the women captured by his gang of oni. 


The women were grateful to the samurai for rescuing them, and returned home to their villages. One of the women, however, didn’t return to her home. Instead, she traveled to the village of Kumohara, where she gave birth to a baby oni—  Shuten doji’s son!

The boy was named Kidomaru. He was born with a full set of teeth, and an oni’s strength. By the time he was 7 or 8 years old,

he could slay a deer or a boar by throwing a single rock at it. He was apprenticed as a temple servant to Mt. Hiei, just like his father was.And just like his father, he was eventually expelled from the temple for being a wicked individual . 


He fled into the mountains and lived in a cave, and eventually started robbing people to survive. He also  studied magic and honed his powers in his secret hideout.

Many years later, Raiko was visiting his younger brother Yorinobu. Yorinobu had captured the oni bandit Kidomaru and locked him in  his bathroom. Raiko scolded his brother for being so careless and not properly subduing the oni with ropes and chains. Raiko showed Yorinobu how to tie up an oni, and made sure Kidomaru couldn’t escape. Then Raiko spent the night just to make sure nothing bad would happen.

That night, Kidomaru easily broke the bonds that were holding him. He wanted revenge, so he snuck up to Raiko’s room and spied on him.


Raiko noticed the oni spying on him and decided to lay a trap. In a loud voice he told his attendants that the following morning they would ride  to Mount Kurama to make a pilgrimage. Hearing this, Kidomaru ran ahead to Kurama to plan an ambush for Raiko. On the road outside of Ichiharano,
Kidomaru slaughtered a cow and climbed inside of its body to hide and wait.

When Raiko and his companions arrived at Ichiharano, they easily saw through Kidomaru’s disguise. Raiko’s best archer, Watanabe no Tsuna, shot an arrow through the cow’s body, injuring the oni. Kidomaru emerged from the cow’s corpse and charged at Raiko with all of his might.


However, Raiko was too fast: he cut Kidomaru down with a single stroke of his blade.


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